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When should remote options be considered?
If you are required to stay home or are sent home, and it is practical, remote options should be considered until you are able to return to in-person activities, keeping your health and wellbeing at the forefront.
What does it mean when a student has documentation realted to a reasonable accommodation thorugh the Office of?
A student has documentation realted to a reasonable accommodation thorugh the Office of Disability Services. When facial coverings are not being worn, keep the covering readily available for use in the instance of unplanned contact with another person.
What to do if you are in between classes?
If you are in-between classes and begin to experience symptoms, leave College-controlled property immediately, and complete the Covid Student Support Form as soon as you are able. A representative from the College’s COVID Student Support Team will contact you and help you navigate the next steps. If you feel like you are not able to leave on your own, or if a College employee deems it necessary, an ambulance will be called on your behalf.
What to do if you are not instructed to proceed to class-related activity?
if you are instructed not to proceed to class-related activity, you should stay away from College operations until you are contacted by a representative of the COVID Support Team with further instructions. If you have questions, please contact the COVID Support Team at covidcare@cscc.edu or 614-287-2728.
How long does it take to get close contact with a patient?
Close contact is when a person was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative 15 minutes within a 24- hour window, starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to specimen collection) until the time that the infected patient has been isolated. Representatives from the COVID Support team will work closely with students to determine if there has been close contact.