Remote-access Guide

configure apache to allow remote access

by Prof. Grayson Labadie Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Go to your router settings and configure it so that it forwards the packets it receives on port 80 to your machine. Assuming your router has a valid IP itself (say x.x.x.x) you can access your Apache server on: http://x.x.x.x/. You can use any other port instead of 80 and access your Apache through http://x.x.x.x:PORT/ of course.

Follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings.
  2. Right click “Inbound Rules” on the left pane.
  3. Choose “New Rule”.
  4. Choose “Port”.
  5. Choose “TCP”, and under “Specific ports” enter your port number (80).
Feb 8, 2014

Full Answer

How do I configure Apache to allow access to the server-status page?

Apache Application Monitor retrieves statistics from the built-in Apache server-status web page using Perl scripts. This article shows how to configure Apache to allow access to the server-status page. Log on to your Apache server using an SSH or telnet client. Grant yourself root permissions (su root).

How do I connect to Apache from localhost?

Log on to your Apache server using an SSH or telnet client. Grant yourself root permissions (su root). Append the following lines to your httpd. conf Apache configuration file, substituting the IP address or host name of your Apache server for localhost. Use localhost only if the Apache server services the loopback interface.

How do I enable htaccess in Apache?

By default, the . htaccess file is not enabled. 1. Open the default host configuration file by entering the following command in the terminal: 2. Locate the section labeled <Directory /var/www>. Save the file and exit. 3. Next, restart the Apache service:

How do I change the default host for my Apache server?

Open the default host configuration file by entering the following command in the terminal: 2. Locate the section labeled <Directory /var/www>. Save the file and exit. 3. Next, restart the Apache service:


How do I access Apache remotely?

First you have to change your apache configurations ((httpd. conf file). Change the server name to the IP address of your host computer. You may change the port to 8080.

How do I enable WebDAV on Apache?

This technote shows how to enable WebDAV in Apache server in Windows....Configuration Steps:Load WebDav module in Apache Server configuration. WebDAV module is installed with Apache server 2.4.x by default. ... Create User & Password for WebDAV. ... Configure WebDAV folder. ... Restart Apache Server. ... Follow same steps as KB45435 > 3.

How do I restrict access to Apache by IP?

Apache Restrict Access by IPOpen Apache Configuration File. Apache configuration file is located at one of the following locations, depending on your Linux distribution. ... Restrict Access by IP. Once you have opened the appropriate configuration file, look for tag. ... Restart Apache web server.

What is the syntax in Apache to restrict access to a web site and only grant access from a specified list?

If you wish to restrict access to portions of your site based on the host address of your visitors, this is most easily done using mod_authz_host . The Require provides a variety of different ways to allow or deny access to resources.

How do I setup a WebDAV server?

Double-click WebDAV Authoring. Click Enable WebDAV. Click WebDAV Settings....ProcedureClick Server Manager > Roles > Web Server (IIS).In the Role Services section, select Add Role Services.Under Web Server > Common HTTP Features, select WebDAV Publishing.Click Next, and then click Install.

What is WebDAV server used for?

Briefly: WebDAV stands for "Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning". It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers.

How do I make my Apache server accessible from outside?

2 AnswersInstall the app: sudo apt install ufw.Setup the default policy to deny all incoming traffic and allow all outgoing: sudo ufw default deny incoming sudo ufw default allow outgoing.Allow the incoming traffic on certain ports. ... Enable the firewall: sudo ufw enable.

How do I allow only certain IP addresses?

Restricting website access to specific IP addressesMake sure that the IP and Domain Restrictions feature is installed for Internet Information Services (IIS).Go to Sites > EssWebConsole.Open IP and Domain Restrictions.Select Add Allow Entry.Enter the IP address or IP range. ... Click OK.Select Edit feature settings.More items...

How do I restrict access to HTTP?

To restrict access to web pages, you must place a . htaccess file in the directory to which you want to restrict access.In most cases, you will be working on a website with other people. ... Change to the directory in which you want to create a restricted directory.Create the directory you want to restrict.Create your .More items...

What is allow from in Apache?

allow from env=variablename ... Directory, .htaccess. The allow from env directive controls access by the existence of a named environment variable. For instance: BrowserMatch ^KnockKnock/2.0 let_me_in order deny,allow deny from all allow from env=let_me_in

How do I restrict access to Apache directory?

Here are the steps to restrict access to URL, files & directories in Apache.Open Apache Configuration File. Apache configuration file is located at one of the following locations, depending on your Linux distribution. ... Restrict Access by IP. Let us assume you want to limit access to /product. ... Restart Apache web server.

How do I enable basic authentication in Apache?

Introduction.Prerequisites.Install the Apache Utilities Package.Create the Password File.Configure Apache Password Authentication.Configuring Access Control within the Virtual Host Definition.Configuring Access Control with .htaccess Files.Confirm the Password Authentication.More items...•

How do I enable WebDAV in Linux?

You enable the WebDAV module for Apache using the a2enmod utility. The following two commands will enable the WebDAV modules: sudo a2enmod dav. sudo a2enmod dav_fs.

How do I mount a WebDAV in Linux?

How to mount WebDAV shareInstall required software. Install davfs2 package to mount WebDAV resource as regular file system. ... Mount WebDAV share using command-line. Create the mountpoint directory. ... Mount WebDAV share using fstab. Create fstab entry to allow the specified user to mount the filesystem. ... Additional notes.

What is WebDAV in xampp?

Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) allow users to read and write server folders and files via HTTP.

How do I connect to WebDAV Linux?

Right click anywhere in the empty space on your desktop, or on the Linux menu select "Places". Then click "Connect to Server." In the "Connect to Server" dialog box, change the service type to WebDAV(HTTP), put in the server entry box, and enter /vis/ under folders. Click "Connect".

Where is httpd.conf?

Open up httpd.conf, found in the conf folder of your Apache installation directory.

How to allow port 80?

Follow these steps: Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings. Right click “Inbound Rules” on the left pane. Choose “New Rule”.

What is access control?

Access control refers to any means of controlling access to any resource. This is separate from authentication and authorization.

Can you see

Visitors coming from that address ( 10. 252.46.165 ) will not be able to see the content covered by this directive. If, instead, you have a machine name, rather than an IP address, you can use that.

Is access control by user agent reliable?

Access control by User-Agent is an unreliable technique, since the User-Agent header can be set to anything at all, at the whim of the end user.

Can you allow or deny access based on arbitrary environment variables?

Using the <If> , you can allow or deny access based on arbitrary environment variables or request header values. For example, to deny access based on user-agent (the browser type) you might do the following:

How does Apache work?

Like most Linux software packages, Apache functions on configuration files. The .htaccess file is one of these. It works by specifying a setting along with a value.

How to manage IP addresses?

There are many ways you can manage IP addresses: 1 Allow only specific IPs. 2 Block specific IP addresses. 3 Block visitors by the referrer.

What is htaccess file?

The .htaccess file in Apache is a tool that allows configurations at the directory and subdirectory level. Using . htaccess enables you to configure website permissions without altering server configuration files.

Can you save a Htaccess file?

Note: You can save your .htaccess file after each operation listed below. If you’re done making changes, just reload your Apache service before testing. Also, when editing the file, it's helpful to make comments. Use the # sign to mark a line as a comment, which will let you make notes that the system won’t read as commands.

What is Apache2?

apache2 - Allowing access to an Apache virtual host from the local network only - Webmasters Stack Exchange

How to change IP address from public to private?

Assuming that you have a similar standard network setup, you would change your computer IP address from a public IP address to a private IP address. Your network may have DHCP setup where your computer can request an available IP address. This means that instead of specifying an IP address, you select to use DHCP and an IP address will be assigned. If DHCP is not available, then you would have to check some other computers for a private IP address space that may be used and select an IP address within the space that is not used. You can specify this unused IP address in your network setup. This should keep your system from being seen on the Internet.

What happens if DHCP is not available?

If DHCP is not available, then you would have to check some other computers for a private IP address space that may be used and select an IP address within the space that is not used. You can specify this unused IP address in your network setup. This should keep your system from being seen on the Internet. Share.



Configuring Apache

  • Apache needs to be configured to listen to our port from all IP Address, not just our localhost. Open up httpd.conf, found in the conf folder of your Apache installation directory. Look for the following lines, making sure that Listen 80is specified. Save the file and restart Apache.
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Enabling Port Forwarding

  • Login to your default gateway ( and navigate to Port Forwarding. You will need to port forward 80 (the default port for Apache) to the local IP address of your computer. If you are using MySQL, you will also need to port forward 3306 (the default port for MySQL).
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Configuring Windows Firewall

  • Finally, if you have your firewall turned on, you will need to add a rule to the firewall to allow connections being made to port 80. Follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings. 2. Right click “Inbound Rules” on the left pane. 3. Choose “New Rule”. 4. Choose “Port”. 5. Choose “TCP”, and under “Specific ports” enter …
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  • To verify that you can now access your web server using your external IP from a different network, visit specify to check port 80.
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