Remote-access Guide

configuring wordpress wp-admin file for remote access

by Joany Prosacco Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Configure the initial remote database settings. Navigate to the directory to which WordPress was extracted, copy the sample configuration and set it to use the remote database: cd /var/www/html/ sudo cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php

Full Answer

How to allow full remote access to a WordPress database?

Allow Full Remote Access to a WordPress Database. In the below example we will create a MySQL user wpuser with password Pa55w0rd! and allow the user full access to the MySQL database wpdb from the IP address Login to your phpMyAdmin web interface and select the WordPress database. Click on Privileges tab and click Add User.

What is the wp-content directory in WordPress?

From wp-admin that stores administrative files to the wp-content directory where themes and plugins are kept – these keep your pages up and running. Aside from the core directories, WordPress also comes with the .htaccess file. In short, it is a configuration file that controls how your server is running.

How do I get back to wp admin?

Thankfully there are fast methods of regaining access by modifying a few database records or a few files via FTP. As long as you have some access to the underlying server resources, you’ll be back in WP admin in no time. For the methods in this guide to work you need just one of the following things: Help! I can’t log in!

How to install WordPress on cPanel using htaccess?

Log into your cPanel account. Locate the Files section and click File Manager. Access the public_html directory. Click on your WordPress folder. In this case, it’s labeled as wp. Then, look for the .htaccess file.


How do I access my WordPress database remotely?

Just use the domain name/IP of your site as the host, and pull the user/pass/db name from the config file. Show activity on this post. You can do this by using command line . GRANT ALL ON wpdb.

How do I access WP-config file?

The wp-config. php file is usually located in the root folder of your website with other folders like /wp-content/. Once you have downloaded the wp-config. php file, you can make the appropriate changes then re-upload it to your web server.

How do I add a config file to WordPress?

Here's the example:create empty file yourDirName/wp-settings.php.use this code to connect wp-config.php. define ('ABSPATH','yourDirName/'); require_once "../wp-config.php";

How do I change permissions on a WordPress file?

You can change WordPress file and directory permission either through cPanel, FTP, or SSH. Using either cPanel or FTP, navigate to the file in question, right-click, and set the permissions desired. If you are using SSH, you can use the chmod command to set the permissions.

Where is WP config file in cPanel?

Go to cPanel > File Manager. In the root folder of your WordPress installation, locate wp-config.

What is WP config php file?

The wp-config. php file is a WordPress core file that contains the necessary information to make your WordPress website operate, including: Your WordPress database MySQL connection settings. WordPress salts & keys. WordPress database table prefix.

How do I configure WordPress?

Step 1: Download WordPress.Step 2: Upload WordPress to hosting account.Step 3: Create MySQL database and user.Step 4: Configure wp-config. php.Step 5: Run the installation.Step 6: Complete the installation.

How do I install WP config php?

TopicsStep 1: Download and Extract.Step 2: Create the Database and a User. Using phpMyAdmin.Step 3: Set up wp-config.php.Step 4: Upload the files. In the Root Directory. In a Subdirectory.Step 5: Run the Install Script. Setup configuration file. Finishing installation. ... Common Installation Problems.

Which WP CLI command would you use?

WP-CLI CommandsCommandDescriptionwp cliReviews current WP-CLI info, checks for updates, or views defined aliases.wp commentCreates, updates, deletes, and moderates comments.wp configGenerates and reads the wp-config.php file.wp coreDownloads, installs, updates, and manages a WordPress installation.40 more rows

How do I fix file and folder permissions in WordPress?

Fix File and Folder Permissions in WordPress Using FTP Once connected go to the root folder of your WordPress site. After that select all folders in root directory and then right click to select 'File Permissions'. This will bring up the file permissions dialog box. Now you need to enter 755 in the numeric value field.

What permissions should WP-config have?

In general, the WordPress directory permissions should be 755, and WordPress file permissions should be 644. Some crucial exceptions include your site's wp-config.

How do I change permissions on a file?

If you are not the owner of the file or directory, become superuser or assume an equivalent role. Only the current owner or superuser can use the chmod command to change file permissions on a file or directory. Change permissions in absolute mode by using the chmod command.

How do I open a config file?

How to Open a CFG File on Windows 10 ComputerTo open the CFG file via Notepad or Notepad++, launch the File Explorer.Look for the CFG file you want to open.Right-click on the filename.Click Open With.Select either Notepad or Notepad++. If you cannot find it in the option, click More Apps.Click the OK button.

How do I manually create WP-config php?

Database Collate MySQL database collate type. Database Table Prefix MySQL database table prefix. Custom User Table Change default 'wp_user' table....UsageFill in the user-friendly form.Click the “Update Code” button.Copy the code to your wp-config. php file.Or save it as a snippet and share with the community.

What is name of configuration file in WordPress?

The configuration file is called wp-config. php and it is stored under your root application folder.

How do I add a php file to WordPress?

How to Add PHP Code to WordPress Post or Page Using a PluginFrom your WordPress dashboard, navigate to XYZ PHP Code -> PHPCode Snippets.In the PHP Code Snippets page, click Add New PHP Code Snippet. ... If the process is successful, a confirmation message and the new function will appear on the screen.More items...•

When granting remote access to a WordPress database, it is important to use very strong credentials?

When granting remote access to a WordPress or any other MySQL database it is important to use very strong credentials, i.e. username and password. It is also very important to only grant the required privileges. A common mistake many administrators do when granting remote access to a MySQL database, and because “it always works” is ...

What is the mistake when granting remote access to a MySQL database?

A common mistake many administrators do when granting remote access to a MySQL database, and because “it always works” is to grant full access, i.e. read, write and modify to the data and also to the database structure. You should avoid granting full privileges they are really required.

Can I access WordPress from a remote computer?

There might be cases where you need to allow remote access to the WordPress database, i.e. grant access to a process or user running on a remote computer. For example if you would like to extract the WordPress Security Alerts generated by WP Activity Log plugin to a centralized logging system you have to allow the remote system to extract the alerts from the WordPress database. In such case you need to create a new user and grant the user access to the database and allow it to connect from a remote location.

What does wp user command do?

The wp user command will give you more than enough tools to fix an account or create a new one.

What is WP reset?

WP Reset is an amazing tool intended to make your resetting, debugging, and testing tasks easier. It comes with a ton of features including, multiple resetting options, and of course, the Emergency Recovery Script.

How does a WP account work?

For a WP account to work, a few things have to be properly aligned. WP looks up the username and the hashed password in the users table and if it finds one row it’ll continue to search for additional rows in the usermeta table. It needs them to figure out your account privileges. If any of the things mentioned above fail you won’t be able to log in or you will but not with the right privileges. Due to WordPress’es filters and actions, any number of plugins and themes can alter this process and make debugging much harder. That’s why I already advised disabling them all.

What to do if you don't mess with WordPress?

If you didn’t mess at all with WordPress or your account and you’re quite confident the issue is just with the wrong username or password then take the MySQL route. Changing the password in the database is all it takes to regain access.

Why can't I log in to WordPress?

There is an unlimited number of reasons why you can’t log in. Wrong username or password is the simplest explanation, but I don’t recommend relying on that premise. Especially if you know you messed around with WordPress and the login does not work as a result of that. The first step to fixing the problem – disable the theme and all plugins. For that, we don’t need admin access, and the action won’t “destroy” anything. It’s completely reversible.

How to rename a folder in FTP?

If you have FTP access rename /wp-content/plugins/ and /wp-content/themes/ folders. Any new name will do; just add an “x” in front of the name.

Why is my wp-login.php not opening?

A common “small thing” that causes problems for some people is not opening wp-login.php on the right URL. Either using “www” when it’s not set as the site address or vice-versa. Or not using the right protocol – HTTPS instead of HTTP and vice-versa. While the page might load that does not mean you’re on the right URL so double check it.

What is the IP address of a host machine?

The ip address of host machine is So I used another machine to access the host machine.

Can you use localhostanymore on WAMPServer?

Read this post on the WP Codexto work out what you need to so to amend the urls in the database. OF course this means you wont be able to use localhostanymore on the WAMPServer machine either.

How to see hidden files in FTP?

If you are using an FTP client, you can view the hidden files by going to Server > Force showing hidden files .

How to edit htaccess file?

If you can’t find it, enable the hidden files as described above. To edit the file, right-click on it and choose the edit option. Then the file will open in a web-based text editor. You can make all the customizations from there.

Can you modify a file from there and save it to the server?

You can modify the file from there and save it to the server. For example, we are going to disable the directory browsing through .htaccess. The code to do it is the following:

Can you see htaccess files in WordPress?

Usually, the .htaccess file is hidden so when you look for it on your WordPress installation directory, you can’t see it. But by enabling the hidden file visibility through cPanel or FileZilla, you can find it, save it, or modify it.

What happens when you install WordPress on your hosting account?

When you install WordPress on your hosting account, the software adds a list of directories to your web server. From wp-admin that stores administrative files to the wp-content directory where themes and plugins are kept – these keep your pages up and running.

What files do WordPress plugins use?

Many WordPress plugins also use .htaccess files to operate, including most security plugins and caching plugins. These plugins modify and rewrite the .htaccess files to perform their functions.

Why is my WordPress site not showing htaccess?

Alternatively, a broken plugin might corrupt this server configuration file and disrupt your site. In these cases, you will need to create a new file from your hosting control panel manually.

How to access public_html?

Access the public_html directory. Click on your WordPress folder. In this case, it’s labeled as wp. Then, look for the .htaccess file.

What is password protected directory?

Password-protect directories – command every directory to require a valid user by setting up a password and creating a .htpasswd file.

Where is the new file button in hPanel?

hPanel users will locate the New File button on the upper-right corner of your File Manager page.

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