Remote-access Guide

considerations when using remote access to a network

by Brielle Weimann Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

Is remote networking right for You?

But remote networking is a great way to plant the seeds of your network and gain confidence reaching out to strangers as you improve your social skills. Conferences can be a powerful way to grow your network, but they’re usually expensive. There’s the cost of the ticket, and you’ll likely need to pay for transportation and lodging as well.

What are the advantages of remote access?

What is remote computer access? 1 The ability to troubleshoot quickly. 2 Easy monitoring and control of devices connected to the same network. 3 Efficient file-sharing. 4 The ability of your device to mirror the original device, including files and applications.

How can care improve the security of remote access?

With care, it is possible to provide effective, secure network access to remote access deployments, enabling new service models and increasing customer capabilities. Errett Kroeter is director of corporate & channel marketing for Lantronix in Irvine, CA. .

Should you allow remote working access to your workplace?

In normal circumstances this is fine, because on a normal working day most of the data traffic is entering the office rather than leaving it. Adding remote working access to an office IT system turns this on its head and stresses the weaker outgoing data capacity.


What do you need to consider when determining your remote access needs?

You should consider these security factors when making your decision: Prompt, automated security updates and patches. Multi-level authentication and authorization steps each time users log in on any device. End-to-end encryption of all connections.

What should a remote access policy consider?

A remote access policy should cover everything—from the types of users who can be given network access from outside the office to device types that can be used when connecting to the network. Once written, employees must sign a remote access policy acceptance form.

What are the risks of remote access?

Many remote access security risks abound, but below is a list of the ones that jump out.Lack of information. ... Password sharing. ... Software. ... Personal devices. ... Patching. ... Vulnerable backups. ... Device hygiene. ... Phishing attacks.

What are security considerations for remote users examples?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

Is IT safe to allow remote access?

Remote access solutions could leave you vulnerable. If you don't have proper security solutions in place, remote connections could act as a gateway for cybercriminals to access your devices and data. Hackers could use remote desktop protocol (RDP) to remotely access Windows computers in particular.

Which of the following is a method of controlling remote access?

VPNs use the Internet to connect remote sites and users and use encryption and tunneling techniques to access a company's network. This option is ideal for smaller organizations.

What are some of the security vulnerabilities with network sharing?

7 Most Common Network Vulnerabilities for BusinessesThere are several types of malware, including: ... Outdated or Unpatched Software Applications. ... Weak Passwords. ... Single Factor Authentication. ... Poor Firewall Configuration. ... Mobile Device Vulnerabilities. ... Lack of Data Backup. ... Unsecure Email.

What is risk in networking?

In a nutshell, risk is the potential for loss, damage or destruction of assets or data caused by a cyber threat.

What is remote threat?

A remote attack is a malicious action that targets one or a network of computers. The remote attack does not affect the computer the attacker is using. Instead, the attacker will find vulnerable points in a computer or network's security software to access the machine or system.

What are the security considerations?

The Security Considerations Assessment (SCA) process ensures security-related vulnerabilities are considered across a range of activities and processes within an organisation. This includes physical, personnel, cyber and cross-cutting security measures.

What practices allow you to be at your best when working remotely?

7 Best Practices for Working Remotely to Follow in 2022Make communication your top priority.Push yourself to experiment and find ways to be more productive.Be ready to work at different times of the day.Schedule in-person meetings every once in a while.Socialize and put efforts to strengthen your bond with the team.More items...

How do you protect and secure data while working remotely?

How to promote data security while working remotelyConnect to a hotspot or use a VPN. ... Use strong passwords and a password manager. ... Keep work and personal separate. ... Stay alert for phishing or other attacks. ... Participate in routine cybersecurity training.

What does a network policy include?

Network policies are sets of conditions, constraints, and settings that allow you to designate who is authorized to connect to the network and the circumstances under which they can or cannot connect.

What is the purpose of a privileged access policy?

Privileged access (root, superuser, or administrator) – Gives the user full and unrestricted access rights on the workstation/server. This includes installing any hardware or software, editing the registry, managing the default access accounts, and changing file-level permissions.

What is access policy?

An AccessPolicy defines the permissions and duration of access to an Asset. This topic gives an overview of the AccessPolicy entity and also demonstrates how to execute various operations with the Media Services REST API.

Where are the implementation instructions defined in a remote access policy definition?

Where are the implementation instructions defined in a remote access policy definition? Does this section describe how to support the two different remote access users and requirements as described in this lab's XYZ Health Care Provider scenario? · The implementation instructions are defined in Remote Access Domain.

Why is remote access important?

Remote access software is helpful when you’re in a meeting at another office with your laptop — or telecommuting — and need an important file that’s on your office computer. Remote computer access can help you assist someone in your personal life who might be far away.

How to protect your network from remote access?

You should set up firewalls to restrict access using software or hardware or both.

What is remote computer access?

Many people take their laptops with them to do things like finish a business presentation while waiting for a flight at the airport. But a lot of those laptops may not have bigger, important files on them. You might leave those files at work or at home on your desktop computer.

How to protect remote desktop from hackers?

Use a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN). If you set up a VPN, your remote desktop server won’t be connected directly to the internet. It will only be exposed on your local network, which could leave it less vulnerable to hackers.

What is remote access software?

Remote computer access software lets you access networks and computers remotely. It can enable file sharing. It’s like having a remote control for a computer or system that isn’t near you. You’ll be able to remotely download files and applications from your desktop or another person’s computer onto your laptop or your cell phone. Remote access also gives you control over that remote device

Why is it important to limit the number of users who can log in?

Remote computer access can help businesses, individuals, and families in a variety of ways. But it’s important to make remote access secure .

How to protect your computer when using remote access?

Here are some steps you can take to help protect your computer and data while relying on remote access. Maintain strong passwords.

What are the security considerations when deploying a remote access solution?

Security considerations are always a major issue when deploying a remote access solution, and the difficulties are compounded when solutions must include support for embedded systems. Successful implementations must provide effective authentication and access control, and care must also be taken to ensure that data is secured during transport over the network.

What is additional consideration when target devices are hosted as guests on remote networks administered by others?

In such cases particular care must be taken to ensure that your systems do not open the hosting network to outside threats.

What is machine to machine remote management?

One commercial offering that addresses these challenges is a machine-to-machine remote management device capable of providing easy yet secure remote Internet access to IP-enabled equipment– even when such equipment is located behind remote firewalls or a VPN. Readily adaptable to a wide range of management tasks, such devices are suited for accessing and managing embedded systems located on remote customer networks. They are also appropriate where support staff do not have administrator privileges on the remote network.

What is network based access control?

Network-based access controls are used to ensure that only authorized hosts are allowed to establish connections to your networked devices. Such access control usually takes the form of Firewalls that may work at Layer 2 (also referred to as the data link layer in the OSI Seven Layer Networking Model) or Layer 3 (the network layer).

What is a VPN?

The networking industry’s initial response to the growing remote access challenge was the virtual private network (VPN). As its name implies, a VPN replaces dedicated leased lines, cellular links or other costly physical connections with a secure mechanism over which traffic from a remote device can be tunneled to the target network using an existing network connection.

Does firewall technology help with external threats?

The success of firewall technology in addressing external network threats did not come without a price – universal deployment of firewalls has greatly aggravated the difficulty of providing remote access to network devices.

Is network security based on technology?

Effective network security is not based on any one technology or component; it is most successful when it is built up using a layered approach, following the OSI Seven Layer Networking Model, with multiple defenses contributing to the overall solution. Here we review some common technologies for developing secure remote access solutions, along with some of the real-world challenges faced. We will also examine one commercial offering that addresses these challenges in an innovative and cost-effect way.

Why do machine builders use remote access?

Machine builders use remote access solutions to perform troubleshooting, monitoring, maintenance, and diagnostics. Remote access to machines and equipment is typically not required on a continuous basis and hence can be used on an as-needed basis to minimize security issues and reduce costs, especially in cases where remote connectivity is based on a volume-dependent pricing option, such as with cellular technology. Furthermore, machine#N#operators want to be able to take measures to prevent machine builders from remotely accessing all applications on their local network by limiting the scope of remote access to only applications that machine builders need to access, thereby eliminating the risk of interference with plant operations.#N#Cloud-based remote access provides machine operators with the ability to initiate or accept remote connections. Furthermore, machine operators can create rules as to which services and applications, such as HTTPS or Telnet, machine builders are authorized to use remotely. They can also control who has the authority to use them, for example, by restricting access to a specific set of service engineers.

What are security parameters in remote access?

In a cloud-based remote access solution, security parameters—such as hash functions, encryption/decryption algorithms, etc.—are configured automatically. Machine builders do not need to configure these parameters; they just need to click on a button to establish a remote connection.

What is cloud based remote access?

Cloud-based remote access is a new type of remote access solution that enables flexible remote access to field machines. The network topology of a cloud-based remote access solution is composed of three components: a remote gateway, a cloud server, and client software. Remote gateways are connected to field equipment in order to remotely access and control them. Client software is installed on the engineer’s PC or desktop. The cloud server can be installed on a cloud-based platform such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. The remote gateway and client software will both initiate outbound secure connection requests to the cloud server.

What is VPN connection?

VPN connections between machine builders and machine operators are usually site-to-site connections, which typically provide machine builders with remote access to all local devices in a plant’s network. Plant operators want to restrict the network access of machine builders so that only a selected set of machines are accessible. For example, plant operators need ways to restrict access by plant equipment and specify the applications that can be accessed remotely to prevent unauthorized access to production information and unauthorized or accidental operation of plant equipment. The only way to mitigate this risk is for IT departments to create separate end-to-end connections using VPN technology, which as previously noted, is complex and expensive, thereby drastically increasing setup and maintenance costs.

How to achieve higher level of security?

One way to achieve a higher-level of security is to have different pre-shared keys or X.509 certificates for each VPN tunnel. When the number of VPN tunnels/connections required are few, it is easy to manage the keys or certificates for these connections. However, as the number of VPN tunnels grows, it becomes very hard to manage these keys and certificates. When VPN servers or client systems are changed, certificates have to be regenerated. When a certificate expires, a new certificate has to be assigned and reloaded to the system, which further complicates maintenance.

How has IIoT revolutionized the way business owners view their production environment?

The IIoT has revolutionized the way business owners view their production environment by providing the capability to acquire real-time data from machines and devices in the field so that business owners can efficiently monitor and control production processes. OEE and zero equipment downtime are no longer just buzzwords because they are the key to a successful business. In order to increase production efficiency and cut operation costs, business operators are adopting new technologies and tools to help them gain more insight into their processes and systems. This new trend is compelling machine builders to provide tools and services that support the goals of zero downtime and high OEE for business owners’ machines and equipment. Remote access technology is key to helping machine builders achieve these goals. Data collected from experienced support engineers indicate that an estimated 60% to 70% of operational problems in machines simply require a software upgrade or some parameter changes to fix the problem, and tellingly, these can be done remotely! By adopting remote access solutions, machine builders can avoid time-consuming and expensive on-site work for troubleshooting such problems in the field. Furthermore, with remote access technology, machine builders can acquire real-time data from machines installed at field sites. And, based on the actual condition of the equipment, machine builders can predict machine failures before they occur. This ability gives business owners the opportunity to schedule machine maintenance services in advance, thus enabling them to improve the availability of their machines, in addition to improving production quality and speed. Such predictive maintenance services provided by machine builders can dramatically improve the overall equipment effectiveness of plant machines and equipment.

What are the parameters of an authentication?

Multiple parameters, including IP address, domain name, key ID, authentication mode, a suitable encryption algorithm, and an efficient hash function, all need to be configured to properly establish connectivity with remote machines and to be able to exchange the necessary authentication keys and data. This process is complex, time consuming, and requires extensive IT knowledge, which a majority of automation engineers may not be familiar with.

Why do companies need remote working?

Right now, there is an urgent need for many companies to setup remote working for their staff so that they can continue their day-to-day business operations in the face of calls for medical isolation and advice to restrict movement of people around the country.

What changes are needed to accommodate remote working?

Some big changes have to be made to the company’s operating procedures to accommodate remote working. New rules have to be quickly drafted and approved by the organisation’s management team. And in this rush, many safeguards are likely to be missed, overlooked or downplayed. If the organisation is inexperienced with IT systems then the management team needs to be aware of the significant and new risks that remote working opens up.

Why is extra care needed when using personal computers?

If the decision is made to use personal computers, then extra care needs to be taken, because there is a real chance of delivering ransomware into the office network and allowing company data to leak out.

What are the risks of remote working?

The first of the major headline risks of Remote-Working is an increased risk of data leakage.

What happens when an employee works remotely?

When employees works remotely they are stepping outside of the normal day-to-day office environment, which itself prevents a lot of risky IT behaviour. In the office, employees are going to be observed doing something unwise, such as bringing in an external USB drive and connecting it to an office computer, or adding another printer to the office network and printing off a lot of company documents.

Can authorised employees gain access to a remote work site?

Inevitably, any openings that we make to let authorised employees to gain access can sometimes be exploited by bad operators. If these remote working access routes are unmonitored or not well protected then the risk of a cyber-security break-in is significant.

Is it safe to do something quick without consideration?

Doing something quick without the proper amount of consideration is risky and not advisable.

What are the best practices for remote agile teams?

7 best practices for remote agile teams (InfoWorld) 1. Determine what endpoint protection you will require for home users. While you may have consoles and the ability to manage all the workstations at your physical office, you do not have the same level of control for home computers.

Can you add 2FA to a remote access solution?

When adding more remote access solutions, consider adding 2FA to remote access solutions. You can easily add 2FA solutions such as to existing on-premises remote access solutions. can add 2FA to RDGateway and Remote Web Access solutions. While your firm may need to move quickly to allow your staff to work remotely, you can still ensure that only those admins and users are allowed in and not any attackers as well.

Can a remote worker use endpoint protection?

Any remote worker that has a Macintosh should not be exempt from using endpoint protection software. One in ten Mac users have been attacked by the Shlayer Trojan.

Why is remote networking important?

But remote networking is a great way to plant the seeds of your network and gain confidence reaching out to strangers as you improve your social skills.

Why is online community important?

This makes online communities a powerful place for networking, especially if you’re in a niche field.

Why is it important to look up phrases when communicating online?

When communicating online, in contrast, you can look up phrases or words you don’t understand, take more time to compose your messages, and avoid the challenge of spoken language altogether . This enables all kinds of collaboration and communication that might be impossible in person.

Can you talk to someone on the internet?

When you’re networking online, however, you can talk to anyone who has an internet connection. So even if you’re in an obscure field or attempting to meet someone who lives on the other side of the world, it’s still possible to make a connection.

Can you network from home?

You Can Network from Home. Even if you’re stuck at home, networking is still possible. Indeed, remote networking can open you up to people and opportunities you would never encounter in person. When thinking about how to use these techniques, remember that you can and should combine them.

Is remote networking free?

If you’re lucky, you can get your company or school to cover these expenses, but there’s no guarantee. Remote networking, meanwhile, is basically free. As long as you have internet access, you’re set.

Is it hard to meet people in a small town?

But what if you live in a small town or rural area? In these cases, it’s much more difficult to meet people who do the work you do or want to do.

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