The Windows Server RemoteApp service is a web page that allows secure access to specialty ILR applications from offsite locations. How do I use it? Open Internet Explorer v.8 or higher (Firefox may also be used but is not documented here) Go to https://ilr-citrix-r1.ilr.cornell.edu/ Read and Accept the Remote Access agreement
Full Answer
How do I access the library from outside the Weill Cornell network?
When accessing the Library's website from outside the Weill Cornell network, users will see the message "You are connected from outside the Weill Cornell Medical College network" below the search panel on the library's homepage. Authorized users will need to authenticate using EZproxy to access library resouces.
Can I link to library licensed resources off-campus?
Please note that off-campus access to the Library's licensed resources is restricted to current students, employees, and faculty with NetIDs. Patrons with GuestIDs will not have access off-campus. This should be the only major restriction to linking directly to licensed resources.
Are the library spaces open to students?
The library spaces are closed to students and visitors. Others please check building hours. Teaching? We can help. Learning? We can help. Doing Research? We can help.

How do I access Cornell Library?
Contact. Any person may visit the libraries and use materials, databases and resources on-site. Visitors and alumni who wish to borrow materials should contact the Library Public Services Office, 116 Olin Library, (607) 255-5069.
Is Cornell library open to visitors?
Cornell University Library welcomes Cornellians and visitors. Please follow Cornell's public health requirements for students, employees, and visitors.
How many libraries are at Cornell?
The sheer number of libraries are another testament to their importance at Cornell. The Cornell library system consists of twenty libraries, at least five of them big enough to be the central libraries of smaller schools.
Where is Cornell University Library located?
IthacaHoused in PRI's Museum of the Earth in Ithaca, our library of over 60,000 volumes focuses on paleontology, geology, and natural history.
What is the main library at Cornell?
One of Cornell's primary libraries is Mann Library, which serves the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Human Ecology.
How big is the Cornell Library?
Cornell University Library's collections encompass a rich and varied universe of printed volumes, digital resources, maps, media and archival materials. The Library holds over 8 million volumes and over a million ebooks.
How many libraries does Harvard have?
Harvard has over 70 libraries that together comprise the Harvard Library, the largest academic research collection in the world and that offers unparalleled print and digital collections. Student residents of Cambridge and Boston can also tap the extensive public library system.
How many books are in the Olin Library?
Olin Library Olin's collection of tangible materials, nearly 2,000,000 print volumes, 2,000,000 microforms, and 650,000 maps, comprises the University's largest information resource. Students and scholars praise this collection for its depth and breadth, its completeness, its physical condition and its accessibility.
Where can I study Cornell campus?
Now the Cornell University Library is one of the 10 largest academic research libraries in the U.S. and a great study spot for Cornell students.
Where to find the URL for a link?
To find the correct URL for linking, find the resource in the online catalog, or the “Articles & Full Text,” “Databases,” E-Journal,” and “Images” searches. Any links you obtain from the Cornell University Library catalogs, will usually have the correct URL prefix already in place.
What is the view terms of use button?
It is important to note that the information in the “View Terms of Use” button is for all titles from the supplier of the electronic copy. Individual journals or articles may have more restrictive or more generous policies; many publishers also have a “Terms and Conditions” link on their websites.
Why is it not obvious that a permanent URL exists?
Even if a permanent URL does exist, it may not be obvious what it is because different journals have different methods for constructing permanent links. On journal Web sites, some providers include permanent links to specific articles, sometimes identified as OpenURLs or DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers).
What to do if database does not provide permanent link?
If the database does not provide a permanent link, try using the link provided in the browser, but please be aware that this link may not always work.
Can you link to an article on Blackboard?
Although, in most cases, you may link directly to an article, you might not be able to provide copies of articles by printing them out or putting PDFs or other electronic documents on a Blackboard site for download. The Library’s E-Journals Titles listing includes a "View Terms of Use" link.
Can instructors use a library database?
Instructors usually may assume that if the Library has a database or journal available in electronic format, they can point to it or its articles for a class. See instructions for linking to articles and databases, below. The Library always tries to secure the rights to use materials in the classroom when negotiating licenses.
Can you access the library off campus?
Please note that off-campus access to the Library's licensed resources is restricted to current students, employees, and faculty with NetIDs. Patrons with GuestIDs will not have access off-campus. This should be the only major restriction to linking directly to licensed resources.
Cornell has shifted to a remote teaching format for the Spring 2020 term. During this time, Cornell Library will continue to offer a wide range of digital resources to provide academic support to students, faculty, and staff.
The library is offering temporary online access to about half of our print collections.
How long is Cornell VPN good for?
Activating or renewing a license for Windows or any version of Microsoft Office except Office 365 (Your computer will prompt you when this needs to be done; once activated or renewed, licenses are good for 180 days.) In addition, some department systems may require Cornell VPN when you're off campus.
Who can use CU VPN?
CU VPN can be used by students, faculty, trustees, staff, those with sponsored NetIDs, and selected affiliates. It is not available for alumni and retirees.
What is CU VPN?
CU VPN provides an added layer of security for accessing services hosted on Cornell's campus networks. For security reasons, a CU VPN session is limited to 10 hours, after which you will need to reconnect and re-authenticate. Encrypts network traffic between your computer and the Cornell IT resources hosted on campus to protect against electronic ...
Does Cornell have a VPN?
Cornell's VPN service provides an added layer of security when you're connecting from off campus to university IT resources hosted on campus. (It's required to connect to some services.)
Does CU use VPN?
Cloud-based services and other internet services (not hosted on campus) do not use the CU VPN tunnel.
Does Cornell require VPN?
Administrator-level access to systems and databases. In addition, some department systems may require Cornell VPN when you're off campus. Your department's IT or computer support staff can tell you if any systems have that requirement.

Use of Online Library Resources For Course Reserves
Cornell-Restricted Databases and E-Journals
- You can bookmark or link to databases and e-journals, but your links need to be prefaced with: https://login.proxy.library.cornell.edu/login?url= This URL prefix kicks in the authentication process necessary to access restricted resources; it allows you to identify yourself as a Cornell user from a computer outside the Cornell network, To find the ...
Individual Articles in A Licensed Journal
- Articles can be difficult to bookmark or link, since not all publishers offer permanent URLs. Even if a permanent URL does exist, it may not be obvious what it is because different journals have different methods for constructing permanent links. On journal Web sites, some providers include permanent links to specific articles, sometimes identified as OpenURLs or DOIs (Digital Object I…
OpenURL Links
- If you are using a service outside of Cornell’s regularly licensed resources that asks for the library’s OpenURL resolver to link to articles (such as some social bookmarking services), you can use the following: http://resolver.library.cornell.edu/net/openurl/?. If you are not sure what a particular service needs, please e-mail LIBGATEWAY-L@cornell.eduso that our IT department ca…