Where is Cowbridge Comprehensive School?
Cowbridge Comprehensive School is an English-medium 11 to 18 school in the Vale of Glamorgan. There are 1,521 pupils on roll including 335 pupils in the sixth form, compared with 1,448 at the time of the last inspection. The school is situated on the outskirts of Cowbridge town where, along with the surrounding villages, most pupils come from. Around 4% of pupils are eligible for free school meals which is considerably lower than the national average of 16.4% for secondary schools in Wales. Around 4% of pupils live in the 20% most deprived areas in Wales. Around 1% of pupils have statements of special educational needs compared with 2.5% for Wales as a whole. Close to 8% of pupils have a special educational need, which is lower than the national average of 19.2%. Most pupils are from a white British background. Around 2% of pupils speak English as an additional language. A very few pupils speak Welsh at home. The headteacher has been in post since April 2012. The current leadership team is made up of the headteacher, a deputy headteacher, three assistant headteachers, three associate assistant headteachers and the business manager. Further information is available from the Welsh Government My Local School website at the link below. http://mylocalschool.wales.gov.uk/Schools/SchoolSearch?lang=en 1 A report on Cowbridge Comprehensive School April 2019 Summary Strong, assured leadership, careful curriculum planning and consistently effective teaching to educate and inspire young people have been successful in securing exceptionally high levels of pupil attainment and wellbeing at Cowbridge Comprehensive School. Nearly all pupils display highly positive attitudes to their learning. They are enthusiastic, resourceful and independent learners. Most show resilience in their learning and remain purposeful when faced with new challenges. Nearly all behave maturely and respectfully in lessons and around the school. They are polite towards their teachers, peers and visitors and possess a strong sense of responsibility and citizenship. The proactive school council has an outstanding impact on school life playing a key role in helping pupils to develop as confident, mature citizens. Leadership arrangements are characterised by high levels of accountability and support, particularly through the carefully planned and highly effective programme of professional learning. A strong culture of evaluation and improvement is central to the school’s work. Inspection area Judgement Standards Excellent Wellbeing and attitudes to learning Excellent Teaching and learning experiences Excellent Care, support and guidance Excellent Leadership and management Excellent 2 A report on Cowbridge Comprehensive School April 2019 Recommendations The school should continue on its improvement journey. There are no specific recommendations following this inspection. Less
How many pupils in Wales get free school meals?
Around 4% of pupils are eligible for free school meals which is considerably lower than the national average of 16.4% for secondary schools in Wales. Around 4% of pupils live in the 20% most deprived areas in Wales. Around 1% of pupils have statements of special educational needs compared with 2.5% for Wales as a whole.
Is a heat map the same as a catchment area map?
For some schools, the heat map may be a useful indicator of the catchment area but our heat maps are not the same as catchment area maps. Catchment area maps, published by the school or local authority, are based on geographical admissions criteria and show actual cut-off distances and pre-defined catchment areas for a single admission year.
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As the companies IT & CAD Design Manager, I am dedicated to providing high quality Computer Aided Design Drawings for all aspects of Traffic Management in accordance to Chapter 8. My role now incorporates the responsibilities as outlined below in my previous role as the companies IT & Web Officer alongside the additional responsibilities as listed in the phasing below: Consultation with new or existing clients in relation to designing the Traffic Management Plan (TMP)/ CAD….
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