Remote-access Guide

cpanel allow mysql remote access

by Reginald Cartwright Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Allow Remote Connections

  1. Log in to cPanel using Username & Password . i.e; ( or
  2. Navigate to Databases → Remote MySQL®.
  3. Provide the following necessary details, Host: Enter your static network IP. If you don’t have one, you need to allow...
  4. To save the configuration → Click the “ Add Host ” button.

Allow Remote Connections
  1. Log in to cPanel using Username & Password. ...
  2. Navigate to Databases → Remote MySQL®.
  3. Host: Enter your static network IP. ...
  4. Comment(optional): To remember the entry, you can write the statement.
  5. To save the configuration → Click the “Add Host” button.
Aug 20, 2021

Full Answer

How do I add a remote MySQL database to cPanel?

Log in to your cPanel. Scroll down to the Databases section. Click on the Remote MySQL icon. Click the Add Host button. Warning! Using the wildcard % to allow access to all IP-s is not secure

How do I remove access to a MySQL database from cPanel?

To remove host access, follow these steps: In the Databases section of the cPanel home screen, click Remote MySQL. Under Access Hosts, locate the host that you want to delete, and then click the red X icon. Click Remove Access Host to confirm the deletion.

How do I allow remote hosts to access a MySQL database?

To allow remote hosts to access MySQL databases, navigate to Additional MySQL Access Hosts in the SQL Services section of the sidebar menu. Enter the domain names or IP addresses of remote hosts that should be allowed to connect to the server’s databases and click save.

How to allow all connections to connect to my MySQL server?

To allow all connections to connect to your MySQL server you can use the wildcard % in the Remote MySQL. Log in to your cPanel. Scroll down to the Databases section. Click on the Remote MySQL icon. Click the Add Host button. Warning! Using the wildcard % to allow access to all IP-s is not secure


How do I access MySQL database in cPanel?

In the account Dashboard, click cPanel Admin. In the cPanel Home page, in the Databases section, click Remote MySQL. Under Add Access Host, in the Host field, enter the IP address from which you want to access your databases. Click Add Host.

What is remote MySQL in cPanel?

Advertisements. This feature of cPanel allows remote servers or web application to access a database hosted on your account. If a server or web application tries to access the database on your account, which is not provided access to, then cPanel will not allow this host to access your database.

How do I grant privileges to user in MySQL cPanel?

How To Assign a User to a MySQL Database in cPanelLog into cPanel.Click the MySQL Databases icon under the Databases section.Under Add User To Database, select the user you want to add and the database to which you want the user added. ... Select the privileges you want to grant the user.More items...•

How do I connect to a remote MySQL database?

Create the remote connectionOn your database server, as a user with root privileges, open your MySQL configuration file. To locate it, enter the following command: ... Search the configuration file for bind-address . ... Save your changes to the configuration file and exit the text editor.Restart the MySQL service:

Is remote MySQL free?

Welcome to Remote MySQL Get a free MySQL database to use. Setup is instant and use phpMyAdmin for administration. We provide you a username and password and a database and you can connect to our MySQL servers remotely for free. And with no limits on the number of queries or bandwidth.

How do I access my cPanel database from localhost?

Log in to cPanel on the server with the MySQL instance you would like to grant access to. Select the Remote MySQL® tool from the main page menu. In the Add Access Host form, enter the domain name or IP address of the server that hosts the web application.

How do I change database privileges in cPanel?

Click MySQL Databases under Databases in cPanel. Under Current Databases, locate the user for which you want to modify privileges, and then click on the username to open the Manage User Privileges interface. On the Manage User Privileges interface, select (or unselect) the privileges you wish to grant the user.

Why flush privileges is used in mysql?

FLUSH PRIVILEGES is really needed if we modify the grant tables directly using such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, the changes have no effect on privileges checking until we either restart the server or tell it to reload the tables.

How do I add a user to a database?

Expand the database in which to create the new database user. Right-click the Security folder, point to New, and select User.... In the Database User - New dialog box, on the General page, select one of the following user types from the User type list: SQL user with login.

How do I make MySQL accessible remotely?

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQLStep 1: Edit MySQL Config File.Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection. Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Option 2: FirewallD. Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables.Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server.

How do I configure SQL to allow remote connections?

To configure the Microsoft SQL Server database for remote access:Launch SQL Server Management Studio.2.In Object Explorer, right-click on your server and select Properties.Click Connections.Under Remote server connections, select Allow remote connections to this server.Click OK to save the changes.More items...

How do I connect to a MySQL database from another computer?

Before connecting to MySQL from another computer, the connecting computer must be enabled as an Access Host.Log into cPanel and click the Remote MySQL icon, under Databases.Type in the connecting IP address, and click the Add Host button. ... Click Add, and you should now be able to connect remotely to your database.

What is MySQL hostname on cPanel?

By default, cPanel also uses localhost for its MySQL hostname.

Where is my MySQL port cPanel?

Log in to the domain's cPanel interface and find the section on the main page labeled Databases. In the Databases section find the link/button labeled Remote MySQL and click on it.

What is Remotesql?

Remote access is the ability to get access to a SQL Server from a remote distance in order to manipulate data which are located on that SQL Server. There are two types of adjustments which must be set before connecting to the remote SQL Server.

How connect MySQL database from another server in PHP?

In the control panel's Homepage go the databases section and click the Remote MYSQL option. Then add the Ip address of the Server A and click on add host. Now you can access to the database in Server B while your scripts are running in Server A.

Allow Remote Connections

1. Log in to cPanel using Username & Password . i.e; ( or

Connect To MySQL Remotely

For the remote MySQL connections, there are many free and commercial applications present in the market. For example: MySQL Workbench, HeidiSQL, etc. In this article, we will continue the RemoteSQL connection with the HeidiSQL application.


Now that we’ve gone over how to allow remote MySQL connection and how to properly connect to remote MySQL easily with HeidiSQL windows application. You should be able to login to remote MySQL from any location but make sure to allow network in cPanel → Remote MySQL.

Enabling Remote MySQL in the WHM Interface

Log in to the server’s WHM interface and find the section in the left-side navigation bar labeled SQL Services. You can sort the list by typing ‘sql’ in the search box. Click on the link marked Additional MySQL Access Hosts:

Enabling Remote MySQL in the Domain cPanel Interface

Log in to the domain’s cPanel interface and find the section on the main page labeled Databases.

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