Remote-access Guide

cpanel test remote access

by Dovie Hamill Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Replace repo with the name of the remote repository, username with your cPanel username, and with your cPanel domain name. For example, if your repository name is testing, your cPanel username is cptest, and your cPanel domain name is cptest.tld, run this command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/testing -b 4096 -C "cptest@cptest.tld"

Full Answer

What is the SSH access interface in cPanel?

This section of cPanel’s SSH Access interface allows you to create, import, manage, and remove SSH keys. The system will use these keys when you confirm that a specific computer has the right to access your website’s information with SSH. Use this section of the interface to create new SSH key pairs, which include a public key and a private key.

How do I add a remote MySQL database to cPanel?

Log in to your cPanel. Scroll down to the Databases section. Click on the Remote MySQL icon. Click the Add Host button. Warning! Using the wildcard % to allow access to all IP-s is not secure

How do I Find my SSH key on cPanel?

Navigate to cPanel’s Manage SSH Keys interface ( Home >> Security >> SSH Access >> Manage SSH Keys) and import the server’s keys. Open a Terminal session. Run the following command: ssh -p port user@IP where port represents the port number, user represents your username, and IP represents your IP address.

How do I access the command line in cPanel?

Login to your cPanel server via SSH as your cPanel user, or use the Terminal icon in the cPanel account to access the command line. NOTE: Pay special attention to the example output.


How do I access my cPanel database remotely?

In the account Dashboard, click cPanel Admin. In the cPanel Home page, in the Databases section, click Remote MySQL. Under Add Access Host, in the Host field, enter the IP address from which you want to access your databases.

What is remote MySQL in cPanel?

Advertisements. This feature of cPanel allows remote servers or web application to access a database hosted on your account. If a server or web application tries to access the database on your account, which is not provided access to, then cPanel will not allow this host to access your database.

How do I access my cPanel database from localhost?

Log in to cPanel on the server with the MySQL instance you would like to grant access to. Select the Remote MySQL® tool from the main page menu. In the Add Access Host form, enter the domain name or IP address of the server that hosts the web application.

How do I use Remotemysql?

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQLStep 1: Edit MySQL Config File.Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection. Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Option 2: FirewallD. Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables.Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server.

How do I remotely connect to a database?

To set up remote connection to your database, go to Site Tools > Site > MySQL > Remote. After that fill in the IP address or hostname from which you want to connect. You can also add a Label for them. This will allow you to connect to the database server via a remote MySQL client.

How can I access my database from another computer?

To connect to the Database Engine from another computerOn a second computer that contains the SQL Server client tools, log in with an account authorized to connect to SQL Server, and open Management Studio.In the Connect to Server dialog box, confirm Database Engine in the Server type box.More items...•

How do I find my IP in cPanel?

How To Find My Account's IP Address In cPanelLogin to cPanel at or or or through CHI in the Shared Hosting area.Click on Statistics (1) on the left side of cPanel and then go to Server Information (2)Locate your account's IP address.

How do I connect to a MySQL IP address?

Select Connections from the SQL navigation menu. In the Authorized networks section, click Add network and enter the IP address of the machine where the client is installed. Note: The IP address of the instance and the mysql client IP address you authorize must be the same IP version: either IPv4 or IPv6. Click Done.

Is a remote database a server?

Remote database servers reside on a separate machine. Sometimes, the data from a remote database server does not even reside on a single machine, but is distributed over several servers. Although remote database servers vary in the way they store information, they provide a common logical interface to clients.

How can I tell if MySQL is being remote accessed?

Task: MySQL Server Remote AccessStep # 1: Login Using SSH (if server is outside your data center) ... Step # 2: Edit the my. ... Step # 3: Once file opened, locate line that read as follows. ... Step# 4 Save and Close the file. ... Step # 5 Grant access to remote IP address. ... Step # 6: Logout of MySQL. ... Step # 7: Open port 3306.More items...•

How do I change MySQL port from 3306 to 3307?

How do you change the MySQL port from 3306 to 3307? Change it to 3307....Stop MySQL server.Open "my.ini" file in MySQL server installation directory.You will see the default port number "port=3306"Change it to desired port number.After changing, save the "my.ini" file.Restart MySQL server.

How can I access MySQL database online?

MySQL Login Credentials In the MySQL area, you can clik on the "Login to PHPMyAdmin" button to access your database. You'll also be able to access your host name, database name, port, username and password in this area. You will need following information to connect to your database.

How do I enable remote access to MySQL cPanel?

Allow Remote ConnectionsLog in to cPanel using Username & Password. ... Navigate to Databases → Remote MySQL®.Host: Enter your static network IP. ... Comment(optional): To remember the entry, you can write the statement.To save the configuration → Click the “Add Host” button.More items...•

Is remote MySQL free?

Welcome to Remote MySQL Get a free MySQL database to use. Setup is instant and use phpMyAdmin for administration. We provide you a username and password and a database and you can connect to our MySQL servers remotely for free. And with no limits on the number of queries or bandwidth.

How do I connect to a remote MySQL server workbench?

Steps to connect to your database remotelyOpen MySQL Workbench.Click New Connection towards the bottom left of MySQL Workbench.In the “Set up a New Connection Dialogue” box, Type your Database connection credentials. ... Type your password and click the “Save Password in Vault” check box.More items...•

What is MySQL hostname on cPanel?

By default, cPanel also uses localhost for its MySQL hostname.

What is cPanel server?

A server on which to install web applications. The method we’re about to describe will work if you install and configure sites manually, but it is faster and more convenient with cPanel.

How to add a new profile to WHM?

To add a new profile, log in to WHM and navigate to Manage MySQL® Profiles under SQL Services in the sidebar menu. WHM can log in to the server, create a new MySQL superuser to manage databases, and configure MySQL. If you have already configured the MySQL installation with a superuser, you can add those details instead.

What is a profile in a database?

Profiles can be used to configure several types of remote databases, including those running on other cPanel & WHM servers, dedicated MySQL servers, and databases running on Amazon’s Relational Database™ Service.

What is a host in WHM?

Hosts added in WHM are applied to all cPanel user accounts and the MySQL users associated with those accounts.

How to use MySQL server?

You might use a remote MySQL server to: 1 Offload database workloads from the webserver to improve the performance of busy sites and the database. 2 Use a server specifically configured for database hosting. 3 Centralize database management for multiple servers. 4 Isolate the database from servers accessible via a public IP address.

Can a website and cPanel be installed on the same server?

Typically, websites and cPanel’s MySQL instance are installed on the same server. However, it’s sometimes useful to separate them so that sites use a remote MySQL database hosted on a different server. You might use a remote MySQL server to:

Can you create a MySQL profile in WHM?

In addition to configuring remote databases in cPanel & WHM, server administrators can create MySQL profiles in WHM to connect with remote database servers. A MySQL Profile allows administrators to define the remote database used throughout cPanel & WHM; in fact, the local machine’s default database is configured via a profile.

Login to your cPanel account and go to Remote MySQL

First, we need to login into our cPanel account. To do this, go to the email that our system has sent to you and it is having the subject “New cPanel Account Information”.

Allow access to all connections

If you are connecting from a device that is having a dynamic IP, the IP of the device is changing from time to time, mostly once in 24 hours then one of the solutions could be to allow access to all connections.

Allow access to an IP or IP ranges

If you know that you have a static IP on your device or if you know that only a part of the IP is changing, you can add your static IP address to the list or use the wildcard % for the part of your IP that is changing.

Use the SSH Tunnel

To securely connect to your server you can create a so-called “SSH Tunnel”. In that case, you will use the “localhost” as your Server Name.

What is SSH access in cPanel?

This section of cPanel’s SSH Access interface allows you to create, import, manage, and remove SSH keys. The system will use these keys when you confirm that a specific computer has the right to access your website’s information with SSH.

How to log into a server using SSH?

To log in to a server via SSH with PuTTY and a public key, perform the following steps: From the Windows Start menu, open the client. Navigate to the PuTTY Key Generator interface. Under the Actions heading, click Generate. PuTTY will generate the key and display the result under the Key menu.

How to use PuTTY on Linux?

macOS or Linux. To use PuTTY to connect to your server via SSH, perform the following steps: Download and install the PuTTY client. From the Windows Start menu, open the client. In the Session interface, enter the hostname or IP address of the server in the Host Name (or IP address) text box (for example, ).

Where to upload private key?

Upload your PRIVATE key to the ~/.ssh directory of your cPanel account . This can be done via the File Manager icon in cPanel, FTP, SFTP, or you can copy and paste it in via SSH if you know how.

Do you need to pull changes from a remote git repository?

You need to pull changes from a remote Git repository to the repository that is hosted in your cPanel account and the remote repository requires authentication.

Can you use a passphrase protected key in cPanel?

NOTE: Keys that are passphrase protected are not compatible with cPanel Git™ Version Control. If your existing keys require a passphrase, please make use of the section labeled: Option #1 - Generate a New Private and Public Key Pair to learn how to generate a compatible set of keys.


You may be troubleshooting issues regarding access to a port from remote servers or networks and need to confirm if packets reach the server. In this example, we are troubleshooting a port typically used in the passive port range configured for the FTP server on a cPanel server.


On the cPanel server access an ssh shell as root and in a screen session or in that shell execute the ncat command to listen on port 49199.

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