How do I get remote access to the CPRS system?
Obtaining CPRS (and access to other VA resources) Remotely. In order to have access to the CPRS computer system from outside of the VA network, faculty and residents should apply for Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) remote access. You must log in every 90 days or you will have to re-apply.
How to turn off remote management on MacBook Air?
On the client computer, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Sharing. If you see a lock icon, click it and enter the name and password of a user with administrator privileges on the computer. Select or deselect the Remote Management checkbox. Disable remote management using the command line
How do I grant restricted access to the CPRS GUI?
In order to assign CPRS tab access, you must be able to use the Clinical Coordinator menu in the List Manager interface. To grant restricted access to the CPRS GUI, an OERR List (file #100.21) must be defined to contain the selected patients.
How can I restrict remote access to my client computers?
For each client computer, you can also set preferences that restrict remote access to specific users or actions, or change other settings such as showing remote management status in the menu bar or requiring a password to control the screen.

What is a PIV exemption?
Personal Identification Verification (PIV) Exemptions Process. Scenarios for Temporary Exemption: New User without PIV Issuance. 1. If a new user has been issued a VA network account, but not a PIV credential, the user may contact Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) at (855) 673-4357 to request a temporary exemption.
How do I access my VA email from home?
The Citrix Access Gateway provides access to a virtual desktop and basic applications like email and Teams as well as the most used applications by VA end users. The current CAG URL is https://citrixaccess.va.gov.
Is Citrix Receiver malware?
Is ReceiverHelper malware? If you're one of the affected folks, the good news is that this isn't malicious at all. It is a component of Citrix, which is legitimate software made by the company of the same name.
What is a PIV reader?
A card reader is the hardware that supplies power to the chip and allows the computer operating system to talk to the PIV credential chip operating system. Card readers are available in many shapes and sizes to fit both the PIV credential and to plug into your computer.
Why can't I log into Va Gov?
First, try resetting the password for the account you use to sign in to VA.gov: Reset your password on the My HealtheVet website. Reset your password on the DS Logon website. Reset your password on the Login.gov website.
Is Va Gov down right now?
Va.gov is UP and reachable by us.
How do I get my Citrix Receiver to work on my Mac?
From Citrix Downloads pageDownload the . ... Open the downloaded file.On the Introduction page, click Continue.On the License page, click Continue.Click Agree to accept the terms of the License Agreement.On the Installation Type page, click Install.On the Add Account page, select Add Account and then click Continue.More items...•
Do I need Citrix Receiver on my Mac?
Citrix Receiver is a tool that can be installed on your Mac and allows you to connect to Citrix virtualization tools such as XenDesktop. It has now been superseded by Citrix Workspace. If you don't need Citrix Receiver on your Mac anymore, you can safely delete it.
How do I uninstall Citrix on Mac?
To uninstall the Citrix WorkSpace for Mac, open the CitrixWorkSpaceApp. dmg file and select Uninstall Citrix WorkSpaceApp. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the Citrix WorkSpace App.
How do I use a PIV card on a Mac?
Insert a PIV smart card or hard token that includes authentication and encryption identities. Select “Pair” at the notification dialog. Provide administrator account credentials (user name/password) Provide the 4–6 digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the inserted smart card.
How do I know if my PIV reader is working?
To check if smart card reader is working Navigate to Computer. Right-click Computer, and then select Properties. Under Tasks, select Device Manager. In Device Manager, expand Smart card readers, select the name of the smart card reader you want to check, and then select Properties.
How do I setup my PIV reader?
Using Your Home computer to Log into SAFE with PIV and using Virtual Desktop Instance (VDI)Insert your PIV Card/FTC Badge into an external smart card reader slot from your Home PC. ... Launch a web browser (IE), (Safari) or (Firefox) from your home PC and go to the following URL: https://safepiv.ftc.gov.More items...
How do I access my VA portal?
If you don't have an account, you can create one with Login.gov or ID.me now....You can sign in to VA.gov with any of these 4 accounts:Login.gov.ID.me.My HealtheVet.DS Logon.
How do I check my VA benefits online?
eBenefits is located at www.ebenefits.va.gov. Before Veterans can access and use eBenefits they must be listed in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) and obtain a DS Logon. Service members can access eBenefits with a DS Logon or Common Access Card (CAC).
What is Dmhs mail portal?
Direct Upload is a secure and fast way to submit Veterans' claims and supporting material to VA's Intake Center.
How do I view my VA bill online?
To access the patient statement online, Veterans can go to AccessVA and click on Veteran Patient Statement. Then, sign in with a DS Logon, ID.me, or MyHealtheVet (MVH) Premium. From there, Veterans can view, download, and print their patient billing statement.
How to request remote access VA?
You may request remote access by visiting the Remote Access Self Service Portal ( only available while on VA's internal network).
How to disable automatic server selection in VPN?
In the VPN tab of the setting screen, uncheck Enable automatic server selection. Close the settings.
Is PIV card reader site specific?
Today, the distribution of PIV card readers is site-specific. We are discussing the possibility of alternative distribution methods. If distribution processes or procedures change, we will provide updated instructions.
Does RESCUE GFE support Windows 10?
This software is installed on all GFE laptops prior to being provided to the user. Currently RESCUE GFE supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and MAC OSX.
When to alert CPRS?
Alert all CPRS users: At least one-two weeks before your production installation date , remind your CPRS users that CPRS is coming and that they need to be familiar with the software functionality that will impact them. Offer additional training classes. West Palm Beach administered competency tests to all their users to assess their understanding of how the software functions. An example of a competency test is included with this checklist.
What is CPRS software?
CPRS provides clinicians, managers, support staff, researchers, and others an integrated patient record system. VISTA software for Pharmacy, Lab, Radiology, Allergy Tracking, Consults, Dietetics, Progress Notes, Problem List, Scheduling, MAS (A/D/T), Kernel, FileManager, Vitals, PCMM, PCE, TIU, ASU and Clinical Lexicon packages was written or modified to support and communicate with CPRS. OE/RR was completely re-written. Together, these clinical components of VISTA provide a single interface for physicians to manage patient care and records, as well as an efficient means for others to access and use patient information.
What is version 1.0 of CPRS?
Version 1.0 of CPRS (both the GUI and List Manager versions) requires many of the same planning and set-up steps as OE/RR 2.5. Most of the set-up applies to both user interfaces. If you implemented OE/RR 2.5, most of the work you did for 2.5 can be converted with the utilities developed for CPRS. The Pre-installation patch (OR*2.5*49) helps you convert menus, quick orders, and parameters for conversion.
Can you use a printer in a lab?
Review Printer set-ups; make sure that printers in patient care areas and supporting areas such as Lab and Pharmacy are NOT defined for use by applications in the test account
Control the screen and communicate with users
You can control the screen and message users, allowing them to interact with you.
Create lists of computers
Create different lists of computers so they can be managed effectively.
Enable or disable remote management using System Preferences
On the client computer, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Sharing.
Disable remote management using the command line
You need administrator privileges on the client computer to complete this task.
How to request remote access to VA?
Go to the VA home page (open Internet Explorer on a VA computer-this should be the home screen) Look at the links under the “Top Facility Resources” column on the webpage and click on “Remote Access Request” From there, click on “Self Service Portal” at the top of the page to “Request Access” for Remote Access.
Does MobilePassapp generate activation codes?
The phone’s MobilePASSapp will now generate an Activation Code.
Is RDC slow on iPad?
Starting RDC is slow, and there are keyboard mapping issues with Citrix and iPad (in the RDC dialog on iPad, click on “Options” and be sure ‘apply windows key combinations’ is set to ‘local computer’ or ‘this computer’).
Why doesn't my Mac have a trust certificate?
By default a mac will not have server-client trust certificates installed simply because the exchange won't happen transparently between an MS based server and non MS-OS such as OS X. You begin to solve the problem by asking your server administrator for the server's root certificate.
Is Remote Desktop free?
I'd recommend using Microsoft Remote Desktop. It's a free app in the app store for OS X and iOS devices and connects flawlessly to PCs from Apple devices.
How to sign out of desktop?
When you’re done, sign out of the desktop like a normal Windows machine by clicking the Windows start button, click the "user icon", and then choosing Sign out. Close your browser.
What version of Mac is 10.15?
If possible, make sure you are using the latest version of MacOS, 10.15 (Catalina). To check the version of MacOS click the Apple icon on the top left of your screen, then choose “About This Mac”.
How to enter PIV pin?
Depending on your screen resolution you may have to scroll a little to see this and this could take a few seconds to show up (be patient). Once you see “ Sign-in options ,” choose that and select the PIV card icon and enter your PIV PIN when prompted.
How to force quit a browser?
If you continue to experience login issues, make sure you exit completely out of your browser (on Macs, click the Apple icon on MacOS's toolbar at the top, then choose "force quit," select your internet browser from the list, then click "force quit.".
Does Safari work on Mac?
These instructions will work for Chrome and Edge for Mac. Safari can work, but is problematic and should be avoided. Firefox does not work. If you’ve inserted your PIV, accept the prompt to add certs (you’ll need to enter your MacOS password to install these certs to your MacOS Keychain).
How to get SafeNet on my phone?
1. Click yourAPP/PLAY Store icon on cellular device 2. Click the search magnify glass, type in SafeNet MobilePass 3. Install/+Get SafeNet to your phone
What happens if you enter a policy string incorrectly?
If entered incorrectly the system will provide an activation code but fail to connect to the CAG.