Remote-access Guide

cprs remote access wisconsin

by Celestino Glover Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Obtaining CPRS (and access to other VA resources) Remotely In order to have access to the CPRS computer system from outside of the VA network, faculty and residents should apply for Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) remote access. You must log in every 90 days or you will have to re-apply.

Full Answer

How do I get access to the CPRS system?

Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) Obtaining CPRS (and access to other VA resources) Remotely In order to have access to the CPRS computer system from outside of the VA network, faculty and residents should apply for Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) remote access. You must log in every 90 days or you will have to re-apply.

How do I get CPRS from the VA?

Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) Obtaining CPRS (and access to other VA resources) Remotely In order to have access to the CPRS computer system from outside of the VA network, faculty and residents should apply for Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) remote access.

What is access for Wisconsin?

ACCESS connects you with the help you need when you need it. Need help getting health care coverage, paying for groceries or child care costs, finding a job, or building your career skills? With ACCESS, you can apply for and manage your state of Wisconsin benefits and programs in one place, at any time. Apply now Finish an application Log in

How does patient selection work in CPRS?

•Patient selection. Extensive patient selection capabilities allow physicians to build patient lists based on ward, room-bed, clinic appointment, patient’s primary provider/attending physician, team and individual patient. Once created, providers’ preferred patient lists are automatically loaded when they access CPRS.

What is my access?

What can community based organizations use access to?

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Can I access VA email from home?

The Citrix Access Gateway provides access to a virtual desktop and basic applications like email and Teams as well as the most used applications by VA end users. The current CAG URL is

What is remote access portal?

These portals emphasize security, protection, and privacy of intranet resources. The architecture of Secure Remote Access is well suited to these types of portals. Secure Remote Access software enables users to securely access intranet resources through the Internet without exposing these resources to the Internet.

What is Citrix remote access?

Remote PC Access is a feature of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops that enables organizations to easily allow their employees to access corporate resources remotely in a secure manner. The Citrix platform makes this secure access possible by giving users access to their physical office PCs.

How do I access my Citrix gateway?

In a web browser, type the web address of Citrix Gateway. Type the user name and password and then click Logon.

Can someone control my computer remotely?

For any attacker to take control of a computer, they must remotely connect to it. When someone is remotely connected to your computer, your Internet connection will be slower. Also, many times after the computer is hacked, it becomes a zombie to attack other computers.

Can someone remotely access my computer without my knowledge?

There are two ways someone can access your computer without your consent. Either a family member or work college is physically logging in to your computer or phone when you are not around, or someone is accessing your computer remotely.

What is the difference between Citrix and remote desktop?

The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a Microsoft-developed protocol that allows users to connect to software or virtual desktops hosted on a server. Citrix Systems offers technical solutions for virtualization with its virtual apps (XenApp) and virtual desktops (XenDesktop).

Is Citrix considered VPN?

Citrix Workspace provides a cloud- based, VPN-less solution to access all intranet web, SaaS, mobile, and virtual applications—whether using managed, unmanaged, or bring-your-own devices (BYOD) over any network.

How do I use Citrix remotely?

Connect to Citrix Remote Desktop (subsequent connections) 1 From the firm's web site click the Login link. 2 Click the link for the Remote Desktop session you require. 3 Enter your Username (email address) and Password, then click Sign In.

Is Citrix Gateway and Citrix Workspace same?

Citrix Gateway enables encrypted and contextual access (authentication and authorization) to Citrix Workspace. Its Citrix ADC-powered load balancing distributes user traffic across the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops servers.

How do I connect to Citrix?

How users connect with the Citrix Secure Access agent.Full VPN setup on a Citrix Gateway appliance.Select the user access method.Deploy Citrix Secure Access agent for user access.Select the Citrix Secure Access agent for users. ... Integrate the Citrix Secure Access agent with Citrix Workspace app.More items...•

Why is Citrix Gateway not working?

To resolve this issue, ensure your account has full administrative permissions on the client machine (HKEY_USERS\USER_SID\SOFTWARE\Citrix). If your domain account lacks elevated permissions, back up your Registry and delete the Citrix Registry key. Next, exit the Citrix Receiver and relaunch it.

What is remote access examples?

Accessing, writing to and reading from, files that are not local to a computer can be considered remote access. For example, storing and access files in the cloud grants remote access to a network that stores those files. Examples of include services such as Dropbox, Microsoft One Drive, and Google Drive.

What is a remote access application?

Remote desktop software, more accurately called remote access applications or remote access software, let you remotely control any computer in another location. With the help of these remote access applications, you can take over the mouse and keyboard of another computer and use it just like your own.

What is the main purpose of a RAS server?

A remote access server (RAS) is a type of server that provides a suite of services to remotely connected users over a network or the Internet. It operates as a remote gateway or central server that connects remote users with an organization's internal local area network (LAN).

What is needed for remote access?

Remote computer access requires a reliable internet connection. You'll need to activate or install software on the device you want to access, as well as on the device — or devices — you want to use to get that access.

CSOS | Child Support Services

Wisconsin CSOS (Child Support Online Services) is an online application that allows Child Support participants to view case and financial information related to the participant’s child support cases.

How to contact Citrix?

In addition, Enterprise Help Desk assistance for Citrix can be obtained by calling (855) 673-4357 or Teletypewriter (TTY) Relay Number: (844) 224-6186.

Is there a remote access desk for Option 6?

There is no longer a specialty remote access desk (where Option 6 used to take you) or the ability to open tickets via email.


Select the instructions for your device to learn how to install the remote access software and connect to the CPS network.

CPS Windows Computer

Select these instructions if you are using a CPS-issued Windows computer.

Non-CPS Windows Computer

Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Windows computer.

Non-CPS Mac Computer

Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Mac computer.

What is CPRS software?

CPRS provides clinicians, managers, support staff, researchers, and others an integrated patient record system. VISTA software for Pharmacy, Lab, Radiology, Allergy Tracking, Consults, Dietetics, Progress Notes, Problem List, Scheduling, MAS (A/D/T), Kernel, FileManager, Vitals, PCMM, PCE, TIU, ASU and Clinical Lexicon packages was written or modified to support and communicate with CPRS. OE/RR was completely re-written. Together, these clinical components of VISTA provide a single interface for physicians to manage patient care and records, as well as an efficient means for others to access and use patient information.

What is version 1.0 of CPRS?

Version 1.0 of CPRS (both the GUI and List Manager versions) requires many of the same planning and set-up steps as OE/RR 2.5. Most of the set-up applies to both user interfaces. If you implemented OE/RR 2.5, most of the work you did for 2.5 can be converted with the utilities developed for CPRS. The Pre-installation patch (OR*2.5*49) helps you convert menus, quick orders, and parameters for conversion.

When to alert CPRS?

Alert all CPRS users: At least one-two weeks before your production installation date , remind your CPRS users that CPRS is coming and that they need to be familiar with the software functionality that will impact them. Offer additional training classes. West Palm Beach administered competency tests to all their users to assess their understanding of how the software functions. An example of a competency test is included with this checklist.

How to request remote access VA?

You may request remote access by visiting the Remote Access Self Service Portal ( only available while on VA's internal network).

What is a rescue GFE?

RESCUE GFE provides a security posture check and ensures VA data is encrypted from the end device into the VA trusted network. Prior to the device connecting and being allowed onto the VA trusted network the system is checked for multiple security baselines.

Is PIV card reader site specific?

Today, the distribution of PIV card readers is site-specific. We are discussing the possibility of alternative distribution methods. If distribution processes or procedures change, we will provide updated instructions.

Does RESCUE GFE support Windows 10?

This software is installed on all GFE laptops prior to being provided to the user. Currently RESCUE GFE supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and MAC OSX.

How to request remote access to VA?

Go to the VA home page (open Internet Explorer on a VA computer-this should be the home screen) Look at the links under the “Top Facility Resources” column on the webpage and click on “Remote Access Request” From there, click on “Self Service Portal” at the top of the page to “Request Access” for Remote Access.

Does MobilePassapp generate activation codes?

The phone’s MobilePASSapp will now generate an Activation Code.

Is RDC slow on iPad?

Starting RDC is slow, and there are keyboard mapping issues with Citrix and iPad (in the RDC dialog on iPad, click on “Options” and be sure ‘apply windows key combinations’ is set to ‘local computer’ or ‘this computer’).

How to access Wisconsin circuit court?

Anyone with access to the Internet can obtain information on state-wide circuit court cases in the CCAP system through Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA). For those who may not have Internet access via a computer, the public terminals in each county also provide access to this state-wide circuit court case information.

When was the Circuit Court Automation Program started?

The Circuit Court Automation Program, started in 1987, was one of the state's earliest and, as measured by its users, most successful efforts to provide automation in county trial courts. It represented a major undertaking by the Director of State Courts Office, to automate the labor-intensive and paper-based processes in the county trial courts.

What is a CCAP?

CCAP has been exchanging criminal and juvenile circuit court case information with the District Attorney IT Program (DAIT) electronically since 2001. When a criminal or juvenile case is filed in the DAIT's case management system, this information is received electronically and transferred to the CCAP case management system in the appropriate county. While the case is active in the circuit court, CCAP exports case information (e.g. case activities, events, dispositions, and sentences) to the DAIT's case management system for use by the district attorney in the filing county. This interface is currently being implemented throughout the state.

How does CCAP work?

CCAP works with a number of agencies to automate the exchange of data so that manual re-entry of shared data is not necessary. All of these electronic interfaces have streamlined record keeping and improved the timeliness and accuracy of case information for the agencies involved.

How many counties are there in Wisconsin?

Clerks of circuit court, registers in probate, juvenile clerks, circuit court judges, and circuit court staff in all of Wisconsin's 72 counties use CCAP computers in their offices and chambers as well as in the court-rooms. Access to the Internet, the court system Intranet, and Internet e-mail is also provided.

What is CCAP in court?

CCAP, working with the University of Wisconsin, provides semiannual jury instruction updates to the circuit courts. Because these are automated, judges can quickly and easily adapt jury instructions to each individual case.

What is my access?

MyACCESS is a simple and convenient way to manage your benefits right from your smartphone. It’s free, easy to use, and just a tap away!

What can community based organizations use access to?

Community-based organizations can use ACCESS to help others with their benefits and programs.

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