Can I access CPS If I am working remotely?
If you are working remotely, continue for instructions on how to connect to the CPS network using remote access software.
How do I connect to the CPS network with personal devices?
You must also have authorization from your school before connecting to the CPS network with personal devices. Select the instructions for your device to learn how to install the remote access software and connect to the CPS network. Select these instructions if you are using a CPS-issued Windows computer.
How do I configure remote access to a computer?
For more information, see CDATA Sections. This policy setting allows you to configure remote access to computers by using Remote Desktop Services. If you enable this policy setting, users who are members of the Remote Desktop Users group on the target computer can connect remotely to the target computer by using Remote Desktop Services.
What is the Remote Desktop Access policy setting?
This policy setting allows you to configure remote access to computers by using Remote Desktop Services. If you enable this policy setting, users who are members of the Remote Desktop Users group on the target computer can connect remotely to the target computer by using Remote Desktop Services.
What is a policy setting for remote desktop services?
What is remote desktop policy?
What happens if you don't configure this policy setting?
What is FIPS compliant?
What is the high encryption level?
How to limit number of users on remote desktop?
What is client compatible?
See 4 more
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how to set remote desktop session host configuration
This is what I did to enable multiple sessions on my Server 2012 R2. Enable Multiple RDP Sessions. Log into the server using Remote Desktop.; Open the start screen (press the Windows key) and type gpedit.msc and open it; Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections.
What is a policy setting for remote desktop services?
This policy setting specifies whether to prevent the mapping of client drives in a Remote Desktop Services session (drive redirection).
What is remote desktop policy?
This policy setting allows you to configure remote access to computers by using Remote Desktop Services.
What happens if you don't configure this policy setting?
If you do not configure this policy setting, client drive redirection and Clipboard file copy redirection are not specified at the Group Policy level.
What is FIPS compliant?
The FIPS compliant setting encrypts and decrypts data sent from the client to the server and from the server to the client, with the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140 encryption algorithms, by using Microsoft cryptographic modules.
What is the high encryption level?
High: The High setting encrypts data sent from the client to the server and from the server to the client by using strong 128-bit encryption. Use this encryption level in environments that contain only 128-bit clients (for example, clients that run Remote Desktop Connection). Clients that do not support this encryption level cannot connect to RD Session Host servers.
How to limit number of users on remote desktop?
You can limit the number of users who can connect simultaneously by configuring the policy setting at Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsRemote Desktop ServicesRemote Desktop Session HostConnectionsLimit number of connections, or by configuring the policy setting Maximum Connections by using the Remote Desktop Session Host WMI Provider.
What is client compatible?
Client Compatible: The Client Compatible setting encrypts data sent between the client and the server at the maximum key strength supported by the client. Use this encryption level in environments that include clients that do not support 128-bit encryption.
A District on the Rise
Over the past decade, CPS high school graduation rates have increased by almost 50 percent, with a record high graduation rate in 2021. This progress made over such a short period of time has transformed the lives of countless graduates, and is a testament to what can be accomplished when students are centered in everything.
Five-Year Vision
We've set some ambitious goals in our five-year vision. Find out more about what's next for CPS.
The CPS Teach Chicago Podcast Season 2
Listen now as CPS high school teachers Noelle and Kyriako dive into the new Opportunity Schools Case Study for their hosting debut.
What is install-remoteaccess cmdlet?
The Install-RemoteAccess cmdlet performs prerequisite checks for DirectAccess (DA) to ensure that it can be installed, installs DA for remote access (RA) (includes management of remote clients) or for management of remote clients only, installs VPN (both Remote Access VPN and site-to-site VPN), and installs Border Gateway Protocol Routing.
What happens if the NLS location is not specified in the cmdlet?
If the NLS location is not specified in the cmdlet, then it is deployed on the DA server by default. The cmdlet looks for a certificate for which the subject name matches the internal interface of the DA server. If an appropriate certificate cannot be found, then a self-signed certificate is generated.
What happens if one or none of the cmdlets is specified?
If one or none of them is specified, then the cmdlet itself selects the appropriate interfaces based on their configuration.
How to access remote access in Server Manager?
In Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Remote Access Management.
How to enable iphlpsvc?
To enable the service, type Start-Service iphlpsvc from an elevated Windows PowerShell prompt.
What is IP Helper Service?
The IP Helper service (IPHlpSvc) hosts IPv6 transitioning technologies (such as IP-HTTPS, 6to4, or Teredo), and it is required for the DirectAccess server to function properly. To demonstrate a simulated operations issue on the Remote Access server, you must stop the (IPHlpSvc) network service.
How to start IP Helper?
In the list of Services, scroll down and right-click IP Helper, and then click Start.
How to see what is working on IP?
You will see the list of components with green or red icons, which indicate their operational status. Click the IP-HTTPS row in the list. When you selected a row, the details for the operation are shown in the Details pane as follows:
What happens if you turn off IP Helper?
Turning off the IP Helper service will cause a serious error on the Remote Access server. The monitoring dashboard will show the operations status of the server and the details of the issue.
What is CPS Connect?
The CPS Connect mobile application is used to wirelessly program and setup the Flex Gateway in the field. It is intended to be used by installers, operations, maintenance and other site personnel to program the communications equipment. The app is available at the Apple iOS store and at the Google store for Android based devices.
What is CPS portal?
The CPS Service Portal is a web based interface intended for use by the CPS service team. This advanced portal enables remote diagnostics and FW management of connected systems.
What is a chint power system?
Chint Power Systems (CPS) offers a complete inverter data acquisition and controls solution for its customers in North and Central America. Our platform aims to:
What is broadcast control?
Broadcast controls commands to speed up control loops for advanced applications like power quality management or zero export requirements
Can you connect Flex Gateway to two different servers?
area, the user can connect the Flex Gateway to the two different server types.
What is a policy setting for remote desktop services?
This policy setting specifies whether to prevent the mapping of client drives in a Remote Desktop Services session (drive redirection).
What is remote desktop policy?
This policy setting allows you to configure remote access to computers by using Remote Desktop Services.
What happens if you don't configure this policy setting?
If you do not configure this policy setting, client drive redirection and Clipboard file copy redirection are not specified at the Group Policy level.
What is FIPS compliant?
The FIPS compliant setting encrypts and decrypts data sent from the client to the server and from the server to the client, with the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140 encryption algorithms, by using Microsoft cryptographic modules.
What is the high encryption level?
High: The High setting encrypts data sent from the client to the server and from the server to the client by using strong 128-bit encryption. Use this encryption level in environments that contain only 128-bit clients (for example, clients that run Remote Desktop Connection). Clients that do not support this encryption level cannot connect to RD Session Host servers.
How to limit number of users on remote desktop?
You can limit the number of users who can connect simultaneously by configuring the policy setting at Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsRemote Desktop ServicesRemote Desktop Session HostConnectionsLimit number of connections, or by configuring the policy setting Maximum Connections by using the Remote Desktop Session Host WMI Provider.
What is client compatible?
Client Compatible: The Client Compatible setting encrypts data sent between the client and the server at the maximum key strength supported by the client. Use this encryption level in environments that include clients that do not support 128-bit encryption.