Why choose Crowell&Moring?
Crowell & Moring works in a wide range of practices, handling litigation, regulatory, arbitration, and transactional matters for clients of all sizes, from major corporations to startups to private individuals. Vault Law 100... All offices:...
What is the work environment and culture at Crowell&Moring?
Laid back, collegial, and collaborative are words used to describe the culture at Crowell & Moring. The firm actively helps associates shape their careers, either within or beyond the firm. If pro bono is important to you, you’ll be supported here.
How many lawyers does Crowell and Moring have?
Founded 43 years ago, Crowell & Moring has 550 lawyers spread down the east and west coasts, as well as two offices in Europe. The majority of the firm’s lawyers are litigators (two-thirds to be exact), but the firm also has attorneys working in its transactional, regulatory, and investigations practices.
What should be the first line of Defense for remote workers?
“In the remote workforce, the first area of focus needs to be your operational workforce and the first line of defense is to ensure operational compliance,” says Maria Schuld, division executive for FIS’s core and banking division.

Laid back, collegial, and collaborative are words used to describe the culture at Crowell & Moring. The firm actively helps associates shape their careers, either within or beyond the firm. If pro bono is important to you, you’ll be supported here.
Why Work Here
"Crowell & Moring has continued its efforts to make strides in diversity and inclusion, in service of our diverse talent and, in turn, of our clients.
Do banks need to be able to connect securely?
Indeed, beyond just being able to connect securely , banks need to be able to insure that their employees have secure hardware as well—and the sudden shift to remote access has definitely created some short-term “equipment challenges,” says Emily Larkin, chief information security officer for Abrigo, a technology provider. “Institutions need to make sure employees have corporate–owned and managed devices, which are secured through corporate malware protections, vulnerability detection, AV, patching, and local firewalls,” she says, adding that they need to make internal applications available to external remote workers so they do not use their own uncontrolled equipment or applications.
Can banks use internal applications outside the walled garden?
Applications that historically have been protected by the nature of their architecture as internal enterprise applications are now being used outside that walled garden via internet access, Larkin explains. “That brings about a series of unknowns and potential unidentified application security vulnerabilities.” Banks may be forced to shortcut their hardening processes or ensure appropriate cybersecurity testing has been conducted on these apps, she adds.
Increased Scrutiny Focusing on Kickbacks
With this expansion comes increased scrutiny and enforcement from the DOJ. Even prior to the pandemic, the government had already focused its attention on telemedicine and conducted audits reporting that almost a third of all telehealth claims did not meet the regulatory requirements.
Kickback Schemes Since February
Since the pandemic, the DOJ has focused on these types of schemes. For example, in one arrangement, a telehealth company allegedly used people’s fears surrounding the pandemic as a pretext for a cold call to TRICARE beneficiaries.
Front-End Compliance Measures for Physicians
However, the government’s focus on AKS violations in telemedicine means there is a simple solution for physicians’ practices looking to get into this space without exposing themselves to criminal and civil liability: avoid entering into any third-party relationships involving the exchange of money for referrals.
What is Crowell and Moring?
Crowell & Moring LLP is an international law firm with offices in the United States, Europe, MENA, and Asia that represents clients in litigation and arbitration, regulatory and policy, and transactional and corporate matters. The firm is internationally recognized for its representation of Fortune 500 companies in high-stakes litigation and government-facing matters, as well as its ongoing commitment to pro bono service and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Visit the firm at www.crowell.com.
Does Crowell and Moring have a scholarship?
Crowell & Moring’s continued support of UCI Law, including a scholarship the firm previously endowed in 2014 and thanks to the UCI match of the new funds, means that the law firm’s scholarship giving will have the effective impact of an endowment in excess of $1 million. The firm also counts numerous university alumni among its lawyers and staff, including three UCI Law alumni and two alumni of other UCI undergraduate and graduate programs who are members of UCI Anteaters in Law (a chapter of the UCI Alumni Association for all lawyers who attended UCI, whether for their bachelor’s degree, graduate school, or law school). Additionally, Daniel A. Sasse, a partner in Crowell & Moring’s Orange County office and a member of the firm’s Management Board and Executive Committee, is a member of the UCI Law Board of Visitors. Eric Fanchiang ’17, an associate at the firm, was recently awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award from the UCI Alumni Association at the annual Lauds and Laurels dinner.
Is Crowell and Moring a diversity firm?
Crowell & Moring has been committed to, and is consistently recognized for, its diversity and inclusion. The firm recently achieved Mansfield Rule 3.0 Certification status for affirmatively considering women, lawyers of color, LGBTQ+ lawyers and/or lawyers with disabilities — at least 30 percent of the candidate pool — for significant leadership and governance roles and client pitch teams, as well as promotions to equity partner and senior lateral hiring decisions. Valuing and respecting differences, it has received a 100 percent ranking on the Human Rights Campaign’s (HCR) Corporate Equality Index and has been named one of the “Best Law Firms for Women" by Working Mother and the National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) Flex Time Lawyers for the ninth consecutive year.