What are the available remote desktop applications for CS?
For Linux there are a few Remote Desktop Applications, including KRDC and Remmina, which are both installed on the CS Systems. Remote Linux Access CS users have access to the department's public Linux shell server form anywhere, on- or off-campus.
How do I connect to a remote machine using CS labs?
Find and expand the "Calvin CS Labs" label, and then you can choose to connect to either a Linux machine, a Windows machine, or a Linux SSH terminal. After making your selection, you will be logged into the remote machine just like you were logging in at the lab.
How do I connect to KSU's CS system?
When you run it, you should login with your KSU eID and connect using the "Full Tunnel" option. This routes all your desktop network traffic through the KSU network, effectively putting your desktop behind the campus firewall. You can now use Remote Desktop or SSH client to connect to any CS system.
How do I connect to a remote server?
To connect from a computer running Microsoft Windows, you will need to use a secure shell program, such as PuTTY. Once you have putty downloaded, you will need to specify the server as shown in this screenshot. Remote Mac Access

Linux Virtual Machine
The CS department recommends students use the Linux VM if possible. This virtual machine image is configured with all the necessary software that is used on the open lab machines. Some of the software we have, such as VMWare and the JetBrains software suite, is proprietary software that we can only legally install on BYU-owned computers.
SSH into Schizo
If you are unfamiliar with SSH then please follow this link for more information.
The CS Department VPN is ONLY for Computer Science students or students working for professors in the CS Department. If you are not a CS student, please contact your own department or BYU OIT for general VPN access.
Pass-off scripts
Please take note of the following information regarding pass-off scripts.
File Transfer
To move files between your local machine and a CS login machine, we recommend using scp (which uses the ssh protocol underneath). Unix
Passwordless Authentication
It is possible to use public-key cryptography so that passwords are not neccessary to login to CS machines. To do this, you need to create a key pair:
SSH configuration
Remembering all the options you need for SSH or scrolling in history to find the command might be cumbersome. Instead you can specify the type off connection in you SSH config file. This is located in ~/.ssh/config. Each entry contains a Host and a hostname. Additional arguments can be specified.
Passphrase-protected SSH Keys using ssh-agent and keychain
ssh-agent is a program that runs in the background and keeps a decrypted copy of your private key in memory. Thus, you reduce the number of times you need to type in your passphrase from once per authentication event, to once every time the machine gets rebooted.
It's important to note that you MUST change your password before using any system, especially on the windows systems
For permissions to the Oracle database please talk with the professor of your database class. If you have tried logging in and are still having difficulty with any of your accounts please refer to the contact information at the bottom of the page.
Windows Account (Athena and labs)
Your username will be your W#, including the "w". The username is NOT case sensitive.
Linux Account (Icarus)
Your username is your initials (lower case) followed by the last 5 digits of your w#. For example, if your name is John Smith and your w# is w00012345 then your username would be js12345.
Athena (Windows Remote)
Athena is the Windows server that allows remote access to all programs that are installed on the lab computers. Students will need to know their Windows username and password to access Athena.
Osiris (Windows Web)
Osiris provides webspace for students who need to develop in a Windows environment. Webpages will be located at http://students.cs.weber.edu/
MySQL is managed via phpMyAdmin. Contact an instructor to gain access to phpMyAdmin. Students must be enrolled in a class that uses MySQL.
What applications can I use with CPS remote access?
Welcome to CPS Remote Access! With remote access software, you can easily access applications such as HR4U self service, Hyperion, SSM and Oracle when working outside of a CPS facility.
How many times do I need to install CPS?
You will only need to download and install the software one time. Once installed, you will access the CPS network by opening the software on your device and logging in to connect.