Remote-access Guide

dangers of remote access on public wifi

by Freddie Towne Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

With remote access to a network, not only can criminals access sensitive information and hijack login credentials and identities, they can also use such access to deploy ransomware, such as the "SamSam" gang or Dharma ransomware. Even the access alone is worth something.

However, this is not without serious risk, which is why you should be wary of the top seven dangers of public wi-fi for businesses:
  • Malware, Viruses, and Worms. ...
  • Rogue Networks. ...
  • Unencrypted Connections. ...
  • Network Snooping. ...
  • Log-in Credential Vulnerability. ...
  • System Update Alerts. ...
  • Session Hijacking.
Dec 20, 2021

Full Answer

What are the risks of public Wi-Fi?

What are the risks? The problem with public Wi-Fi is that there are a tremendous number of risks that go along with these networks. While business owners may believe they’re providing a valuable service to their customers, chances are the security on these networks is lax or nonexistent.

Should you allow remote workers to use public Wi-Fi?

When remote workers use a public Wi-Fi network, their devices are likely to be set to discover new networks, making it possible for hackers to connect directly to them. Password and username vulnerability. Using a public Wi-Fi makes you and your employees vulnerable to having passwords and usernames stolen when you log on.

What should you not do on public Wi-Fi?

Don't access personal bank accounts, or sensitive personal data, on unsecured public networks. Even secured networks can be risky. Use your best judgment if you must access these accounts on public Wi-Fi. Don't leave your laptop, tablet, or smartphone unattended in a public place.

Are public WiFi hotspots safe to use?

Yes and no. If you’re frequently connecting to public WiFi networks with no precautions taken and little concern for the authenticity of the hotspots you use, then you are absolutely at significant risk.


Is it safe to use Remote Desktop on public WiFi?

So in general yes it's safe enough for general use (practically speaking) but you're still open to other attacks and exploits by using an open wifi. Keep your system up to date, run AV software and malware detection and keep an eye on your logs.

What should you avoid doing on public WiFi?

Two Types of Public Wi-FiDo connect to secured public networks whenever possible. ... Don't access personal bank accounts, or sensitive personal data, on unsecured public networks. ... Don't leave your laptop, tablet, or smartphone unattended in a public place. ... Don't shop online when using public Wi-Fi.More items...•

Why should you be careful when using public WiFi?

While the ability to connect just about anywhere is convenient, it also has opened the door for hackers to gain access to our personal information. If you are using an unsecured connection—in public, at home or in the office—you run the risk of exposing your sensitive data to hackers.

Can public WiFi spy on you?

If you don't take precautions, information your devices send over a public WiFi network goes out in clear text — and anyone else on the network could easily take a look at what you're doing with just a few simple software tools. Someone spying could easily pick up your passwords or other private information.

What are the Risks associated with public WiFi?

Many Users Are Unaware of Public WiFi RisksTheft of Personal Information. One of the most serious and common threats concerns theft of personal information. ... Cyber Attacks on Businesses. ... Man-In-The-Middle Attacks. ... Unencrypted Connections. ... Packet Sniffing / Eavesdropping. ... Malware Distribution. ... Session Hijacking.

Can someone see what I do on my phone through Wi-Fi?

Simple answer: No, a person can not see what is on your phone, but can see what you are sending and receiving in the clear.

How can I make my public WiFi secure?

Use a VPN A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is the most secure option to surf on public networks. It is one of the most useful tools to help people keep their information secure when logged on to public networks. VPNs encrypt your data traffic and act as a protected tunnel between the client (browser) and server.

Can you be hacked through Wi-Fi?

Unfortunately yes, your phone can be hacked via Wi-Fi. Hackers know how to hack into your phone (especially over public Wi-Fi networks) like any other physical device, regardless of whether you're using an iPhone or an Android phone.

Is it safe to use Youtube on public WiFi?

In this respect, it is safe to use any website that properly uses HTTPS. Browsers are also blocking or warning on mixed content. However, it is never wise to connect to WiFi unknown WiFi access points. Once you are connected to them, they can read any unencrypted data being sent over them.

How do I make public WiFi safe?

Use a VPN (virtual private network) By using a VPN when you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, you'll effectively be using a 'private tunnel' that encrypts all of your data that passes through the network. This can help to prevent cybercriminals — that are lurking on the network — from intercepting your data.

What is the problem with public Wi-Fi?

The problem with public Wi-Fi is that there are a tremendous number of risks that go along with these networks. While business owners may believe they’re providing a valuable service to their customers, chances are the security on these networks is lax or nonexistent.

What is public Wi-Fi?

Public Wi-Fi can be found in popular public places like airports, coffee shops, malls, restaurants, and hotels — and it allows you to access the Internet for free. These “hotspots” are so widespread and common that people frequently connect to them without thinking twice. Although it sounds harmless to log on and check your social media account or browse some news articles, everyday activities that require a login — like reading e-mail or checking your bank account — could be risky business on public Wi-Fi.

What is software vulnerability?

A software vulnerability is a security hole or weakness found in an operating system or software program. Hackers can exploit this weakness by writing code to target a specific vulnerability, and then inject the malware onto your device.

Why are rogue access points used?

These “rogue access points” trick victims into connecting to what they think is a legitimate network because the name sounds reputable. Say you’re staying at the Goodnyght Inn and want to connect to the hotel’s Wi-Fi. You may think you’re selecting the correct one when you click on “GoodNyte Inn,” but you haven’t. Instead, you’ve just connected to a rogue hotspot set up by cybercriminals who can now view your sensitive information.

What to do if you don't have Wi-Fi?

Leave your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on if you are not using them. Access websites that hold your sensitive information, such as such as financial or healthcare accounts. Log onto a network that isn’t password protected.

What is an unencrypted network?

Encryption means that the information that is sent between your computer and the wireless router are in the form of a “secret code,” so that it cannot be read by anyone who doesn’t have the key to decipher the code.

Where can I find public Wi-Fi?

Public Wi-Fi can be found in popular public places like airports, coffee shops, malls, restaurants, and hotels — and it allows you to access the Internet for free. These “hotspots” are so widespread and common that people frequently connect to them without thinking twice. Although it sounds harmless to log on and check your social media account or browse some news articles, everyday activities that require a login — like reading e-mail or checking your bank account — could be risky business on public Wi-Fi.

What are the risks of using Wi-Fi?

Snooping and sniffing. Another public Wi-Fi risk is hackers using special software kits enabling them to eavesdrop on Wi-Fi signals.

Why is it dangerous to connect to Wi-Fi?

This is because hackers have the ability to position themselves between your employees who are using the Wi-Fi and the connection point.

What is VPN in remote work?

A VPN is like a tunnel that keeps out prying eyes. Ask remote workers to always log in to the VPN, so they will have a secure connection to your network, shielding their activity from cybercriminals on public Wi-Fi. Advise remote users to turn off Wi-Fi auto-connect settings and Bluetooth discoverability settings.

How to prevent hackers from gaining access to user devices without them realizing it?

This helps prevent hackers from gaining direct peer-to-peer access to user devices without them realizing it. Ensure that all remote workers have a firewall enabled on devices at all times. Make sure your network and all worker devices are covered by good anti-malware software --including anti-sniffing protection.

Why is public Wi-Fi important?

Using a public Wi-Fi makes you and your employees vulnerable to having passwords and usernames stolen when you log on. Websites utilizing secure socket layer or HTTPs provide a needed level of security. Exposure to worm attacks. Worms act much like viruses, with one key difference.

Is remote working dangerous?

However, remote working is not without its risks. If your team works from cafés, on trains, or in airports, you should be mindful of the following seven hidden dangers of public Wi-Fi and about what you can do to avoid the risks. Rogue Wi-Fi networks. You and your team could be tricked into using a rogue Wi-Fi network set up by an attacker.

Can I use a mobile hotspot on my laptop?

Use a mobile hotspot provided through your mobile carrier, or tether laptops to a mobile device, and avoid using public Wi-Fi altogether. Set up policies regarding the above, and periodically educate workers so they understand the risks and the importance of taking protective steps. Aug 2, 2018.

How to check if a website is secure?

Look for the HTTPS. Fake or unsecured websites will not have the HTTPS in their address. Also, look for the little lock icon in the address bar to confirm a secure connection.

What is VPN in Wi-Fi?

The solution to risky public Wi-Fi? A Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN allows users to securely access a private network and share data remotely through public networks. Much like a firewall protects the data on your computer, a VPN protects your online activity by encrypting your data when you connect to the internet from a remote or public location. A VPN also conceals your location, IP address, and online activity.

How to avoid financial transactions?

Avoid financial transactions. If you must use public Wi-Fi, don’t conduct a sensitive transaction such as banking, shopping, or any kind of activity that requires your social security or credit card numbers or password use. Wait until you get to a secured home network to conduct personal business.

Is public Wi-Fi a necessity?

Because logging on to public Wi-Fi is often a necessity — like my situation this week — security isn’t always the first thing on our minds. But over the past year, a new normal is emerging. A lot of us are thinking twice. With data breaches, privacy concerns, the increase in the market for stolen credentials, and increasingly sophisticated online scams making the headlines every day, the risks of using public Wi-Fi are front and center.

What are the two types of public Wi-Fi?

Two Types of Public Wi-Fi. There are basically two kinds of public Wi-Fi networks: secured and unsecured. An unsecured network can be connected to within range and without any type of security feature like a password or login.

Can I leave my laptop unattended?

Don't leave your laptop, tablet, or smartphone unattended in a public place. Even if you’re working on a secure Wi-Fi network, that won’t stop someone from taking your property or sneaking a peek at your device. Don't shop online when using public Wi-Fi.

Can I access my bank account on unsecured Wi-Fi?

Don't access personal bank accounts, or sensitive personal data, on unsecured public networks. Even secured networks can be risky. Use your best judgment if you must access these accounts on public Wi-Fi. Don't leave your laptop, tablet, or smartphone unattended in a public place.

Is it safe to leave Bluetooth on?

However, leaving Bluetooth on while in public places can pose a huge risk to your cybersecurity. Bluetooth connectivity allows various devices to communicate with each other, and a hacker can look for open Bluetooth signals to gain access to your devices.

Can I shop online on public Wi-Fi?

Don't shop online when using public Wi-Fi. Sure, shopping doesn’t seem like it involves sensitive data, but making purchases online requires personal information that could include bank account and retailer login credentials. Shopping isn’t something you want to do on an unsecured Wi-Fi network. Do turn off automatic connectivity.

Do you need to connect to a secured network?

Do connect to secured public networks whenever possible. In the event that you’re unable to connect to a secured network, using an unsecured network would be permissible if the connection requires some sort of login or registration.

Is public Wi-Fi available?

Public Wi-Fi is available just about everywhere, from the local coffee shop to the hotels and airports you visit while traveling. Wi-Fi has made our lives a little easier, but it also poses security risks to the personal information available on our laptops and smartphones.

What happens when you access a website over HTTP?

When you accessed a standard website over HTTP on public Wi-Fi, other people on the network could snoop on your traffic, viewing the exact web page you were viewing and monitoring any messages and other data you sent.

What happens when you connect to a website?

When you connect to a website, your device contacts its configured DNS server over the network and finds the IP address connected to a website. In other words, if you’re connected to a public Wi-Fi network and browsing the web, someone else nearby could monitor which websites you visit.

Is phishing HTTPS or HTTPS?

That phishing site wouldn’t be an HTTPS site, but would you really notice the HTTP in your browser’s address bar? Techniques like HTTP Strict Transport Security ( HSTS) allow websites to tell web browsers that they should only connect over HTTPS and never use HTTP, but not every website takes advantage of that.

Can a hotspot be tampered with?

A malicious hotspot could have tampered with that web page as it was sent to you, and other people on the public Wi-Fi network would be able to monitor your communications with that site—which web page you’re looking at on it, the exact content of the web page you’re looking at, and any messages or other data you upload.

Can a hotspot change a web page?

The hotspot could change any web page or other content accessed over HTTP. If you downloaded software over HTTP, a malicious public Wi-Fi hotspot could give you malware instead.

Is there a security risk with public Wi-Fi?

There are other potential security risks involved with public Wi-Fi, too. A malicious Wi-Fi hotspot could redirect you to malicious websites. If you connect to a malicious Wi-Fi hotspot and try to connect to, it could forward you to the address of a phishing site impersonating your real bank.

Do I need a VPN for public Wi-Fi?

For maximum protection on public Wi-Fi networks, we still recommend a VPN. When you use a VPN, you connect to a single VPN server, and all of your system’s traffic is routed through an encrypted tunnel to the server. The public Wi-Fi network you’re connecting to sees a single connection—your VPN connection. No one can even see which websites you’re ...

What is TLS in WiFi?

One of the biggest game changers in WiFi safety is the now widespread use of encryption. Transport layer security, or TLS, is used to encrypt data sent between your browser and the servers it’s trying to access. It’s signified with an “HTTPS” in a web address, as well as a little padlock logo.

Is encryption safe for surfing?

It depends, security experts say. Encrypt ion has made web surfing safer but not risk-free.

Can TLS be used to intercept a network?

TLS scrambles the data, leaving it all but useless to any attacker who might intercept it, including hackers who can carry out “man in the middle” attacks by using the same WiFi network their target is using.

Is it better to use a phone app or a hot spot?

For this reason, even Wisniewski agrees that when using phone apps, it’s better to play it safe and rely on the phone’s cellular data connection, which is generally much more secure than an unsecured WiFi hot spot.

Is encryption used on all websites?

But now it's standard on just about every major website, including Amazon, Google, and Wikipedia.

Is TLS encryption perfect?

But experts warn that TLS encryption isn’t perfect. It can be broken by sophisticated hackers.

Is connectivity secure?

Nothing with connectivity is "secure" and Markus and Joshua are correct.

Can someone hack your wifi?

Yes, someone can drive by and hack your wifi.

Can I give out my wifi info to people?

9.) Don’t give out your wifi info to people, add a separate guest network if your router supports it.

Is Awesun remote desktop safe?

I think it largely depends on the remote desktop software itself. Its encryption, security mechanism, and also corresponding settings. I tend to choose a secure app to avoid such concerns. I am currently using AweSun remote desktop which I think is reliable and secure. No security issues, so far so good.

Is remote desktop connection safe?

Built-in remote desktop connection is not really safe, in my opinion.

Is it a good idea to use a VPN?

So a general rule of thumb for many reasons (only some of which I touched on above): it’s a good idea to use a VPN when on any public network, wireless or not.

Can I open up a port on my firewall?

Please avoid opening up ports on your firewall. If you must open up a port on your firewall, either lock it down to a specific source IP address (a little safer then completely open port) or use a VPN instead to access that machine (and then RDP into it). Or use a cloud-based secure RDP service that provides secure RDP including MFA (multi-factor authentication), and Dark Web Identity risk protection….allowing you to launch the remote sessions either from a browser or a mobile app.

How to stop all incoming connections?

A “sheet” window will drop down. The first option there should be “Block all incoming connections” – check that box. This will prevent all incoming connections, which will mean that certain things will stop working. File sharing, for example, will be unavailable until the firewall is turned back off.

How to prevent Bluetooth from connecting to my computer?

To prevent any attempts to connect to your computer via Bluetooth, rather than wifi, while out in public, turn off Bluetooth. This may not be feasible if you are using a wireless mouse with your MacBook, but if you’re not using Bluetooth, turn it off. This can be done very easily in the Bluetooth pane of System Preferences. There’s even an option there to display a Bluetooth item in the menu bar, from which you can turn Bluetooth on and off without delving into System Preferences.

How to unlock firewall?

In order to do that, you may need to unlock it, by clicking the lock icon in the lower left corner of the window and entering your admin account password.

How to find the firewall on Mac?

Go to System Preferences and click the Security & Privacy icon. (If you don’t see that, or if you’re using an older version of Mac OS X where it has a different name, enter “ firewall” in the search box in the top right corner of the System Preferences window to find the right preference pane.)

Can you prevent packet sniffing without VPN?

Since you can’t prevent packet sniffing without a VPN, you’ll need to be selective about the sites you visit. Don’t connect to anything that would be disastrous if it got hacked, whether it’s a secure site or not. If at all possible, make sure you have two-factor authentication turned on for any accounts you’re using on public wifi. (Two-factor authentication generally uses something besides just a password – such as a special code texted to your cell phone – to verify that you are who you say you are.)

Is the firewall on my Mac useful?

Most of the time, the firewall on your Mac is completely useless . It doesn’t protect you against anything on a trusted network, and just annoys you when asking for permission to allow a connection. On public wifi, however, it becomes useful at preventing anyone from connecting to your Mac; but only if you configure it properly!

Can a network redirect you to a malicious site?

In such a case, the network could actually redirect you to malicious sites. For example, if you try to log in to PayPal while on such a network, you might actually end up on a phishing site designed to look just like PayPal, and to steal your PayPal login information when you enter them. Next thing you know, your PayPal account has a bunch of strange charges on it.

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