Remote-access Guide

database remote access centos 7

by Blanche Beer Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

To start the process, log in to your hPanel and navigate to Databases -> Remote MySQL. On the Remote MySQL page, type the IP address of your remote server in the IP (IPv4 or IPv6) field or tick the Any Host box to connect from any IP. Then, select the Database that you want to access remotely.

Full Answer

How to connect to a CentOS 7 server via Remote Desktop Connection?

How to Connect to a CentOS 7 Server via Remote Desktop Connection using xRDP. 1 1. Install XFCE Desktop Environment. XFCE is one of the most lightweight desktop environments. It’s fast, low on system resources, while still ... 2 2. Install MATE Desktop Environment. 3 3. Install GNOME Desktop Evironment.

How do I make sure MySQL is running on CentOS 7?

Make sure MySQL is running by checking the port used by MySQL (3306). Check it with the netstat command below. MySQL has been installed on CentOS 7 from the MySQL repository. By default, MySQL 5.7 generates a default root password for you when starting the service the first time. The password is stored in the MySQL log file '/var/log/mysqld.log'.

Is it possible to remotely control CentOS?

If it is not possible, that will be good to be able to remotely control a program running on Centos (knowing his PID). Thanks for you help. Do you have EPEL repo configured? I think it has x2go* packages. A more simple approach is to use always the vnc. For example you login on your desktop and then open a VNC session to localhost.

How do I install Mate on CentOS 7?

Install MATE Desktop Environment To install MATE, run the following commands: Next, create the .Xclients file in the directory of the user you’re connecting with: Now you can connect to the server using Remote Desktop Connection. Here is what MATE looks like: To uninstall MATE from your CentOS 7 machine, run the following commands: 3.


What directory to create backup for all certificates?

Create new backup directory ' mysql-certs ' for all certificates.

Where is the SSL certificate file in MySQL 5.7?

By default, MySQL 5.7 has its own SSL certificate files in the '/var/lib/mysql' directory. But in this tutorial, I will show you how to generate your own SSL Certificate files with OpenSSL, and then configure them with MySQL.

Can MySQL accept remote connection?

Now generate certificate files for the client. The MySQL server will only accept remote connection from the client who has these certificate files. Generate new client certificate files, remove the passphrase and sign them using the CA certificate.

Is MySQL installed on CentOS 7?

MySQL has been installed on CentOS 7 from the MySQL repository.

To Start With: What Do You Need?

To complete this process, you will require a working installation of the CentOS 7 operating system with root privileges. It is expected that a MariaDB server is already installed and running and you have read and applied the Managing a MariaDB database process for an understanding of permissions and how to test (local) database connections.

The Process

In our example, we want to access a MariaDB database server with the IP address from a client computer in the same network, with the IP address Please change appropriately to fit your needs:

How Does It Work?

We started our journey by opening the standard MariaDB firewall port 3306 using the firewalld predefined MariaDB service, which is disabled by default on CentOS 7. After this, we configured which IP addresses were allowed to access our database server, which is done on a database level using the MariaDB shell.

Remote access to Centos 7

I want to remotely have access from my Laptop (windows 10) to my desktop (CentOS 7).

Re: Remote access to Centos 7

A more simple approach is to use always the vnc. For example you login on your desktop and then open a VNC session to localhost.

Re: Remote access to Centos 7

Thanks, I already have installed tigervnc on the centos desktop. But how I create a vnc session on the desktop ? Then when I connect with VNC on the laptop I will find all the apps and program opened when I left my desktop ? Thanks a lot.

Re: Remote access to Centos 7

You can find how to deploy your VNC server here . Actually you will: 1.Setup systemd service 2.

Re: Remote access to Centos 7

If you use vnc then what you get is a self-contained desktop that has no relationship to what's on the local console. If you need to access the actual desktop on the physical machine then I think you need to use xrdp or perhaps the x2go mentioned earlier can do that.

Where is the Postgres database configuration file?

Having completed this task, we then saved and closed the file before opening the main PostgreSQL configuration file located at /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf. As you may or may not be aware, remote connections will not be possible unless the server is started with an appropriate value for listen_addresses, and where the default setting placed this on a local loopback address it was necessary to allow the database server to listen to all network interfaces (signified by the use of a star symbol or *) for incoming Postgres connections on the 5432 port. When finished, we simply saved the file and restarted the database server.

What is Postgres host based authentication?

Postgres employs a method called host-based authentication and it is the purpose of this process to introduce you to its concepts in order to provide the access rights you need to run a safe and secure database server.

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