By default DDWRT is locked down to not allow remote admin, you have to change the settings to enable remote admin. But it IS allowing remote admin. Even when I reset to factory (under DD-WRT), even when I've turned off remote access.
Full Answer
Does DD-WRT allow remote admin?
By default DDWRT is locked down to not allow remote admin, you have to change the settings to enable remote admin. But it IS allowing remote admin. Even when I reset to factory (under DD-WRT), even when I've turned off remote access. The best I've been able to hope for is not have it show the info page. Location: UK, London, just across the river..
How do I access the DD-WRT Web-GUI?
See Telnet/SSH_and_the_Command_Line for more details. After installing DD-WRT Firmware you can access the DD-WRT Web-GUI using a web browser pointing to the same IP address as before you installed DD-WRT.
What is a DD-WRT WAP?
With DD-WRT you can buy a device marketed as a router and use it as a WAP. [edit]Secondary Router on a Separate Subnet This is simply a gateway router that is downstream of a primary gateway router.
Do I need to set my own password for DD-WRT?
The latest versions of DD-WRT will require you to set your own username and password when you first access the web interface. Because the SSH user is always root, it is critical that a strong password be used.
How do I access my DD-WRT remotely?
Go to Administration -> Management -> Remote Access. Enable the necessary settings for remote Web or SSH access (note the WAN IP and port number), then in your main router forward that port to the WAN IP address of the Repeater.
How can I control my router remotely?
All you need to do is type the router IP or default gateway address in the web browser. Next, enter your username and password. Now, once you are in the router's web portal, look for the Remote Management option. Some routers called it Remote Access and it's usually found under Advanced Settings.
What is the default password for DD-WRT?
adminThe default username is root and the default password is admin (from v23 SP1).
Can I access my router away from home?
The answer there is yes. You just can't type in your router's IP address and access your router. There's what you call “remote sharing”. If that feature is not enabled in your router, you can't access it when you're outside even if you have the admin username and password.
Can someone remotely access my router?
Can a Wi‑Fi router be hacked? It's entirely possible that your router might have been hacked and you don't even know it. By using a technique called DNS (Domain Name Server) hijacking, hackers can breach the security of your home Wi‑Fi and potentially cause you a great deal of harm.
How do I find my DD-WRT password?
Both routers have a password of "admin" by default. Click on "support and documentation" in your router's manufacturer's website to find out their default password.
What does DD-WRT stand for?
DresDren-Wireless RouTerWhat Does DD-WRT Mean? DD-WRT (DresDren-Wireless RouTer) is a type of firmware for routers based on the Linux kernel. It was designed especially for 802.11a/b/g/h/n routers having the Broadcom or Atheros chipsets.
Why DD-WRT is better?
Essentially, it echoes the signal to widen its range. With DD-WRT, you can take a regular router and make it into a range extender. A stronger, better, optimized DD-WRT signal may also be able to more easily reach farther devices, even without a range extender.
How can I access my home network remotely?
Check out the Remote Desktop utility. It takes a little configuration to set up: You have to add users to a “remote desktop” group, forward a port through your router's firewall to your target system, grab the router's IP address, and connect to your local system using Remote Desktop on your remote PC.
Can I access my router from my phone?
In Android, settings menus vary from phone to phone, but once you find the Wi-Fi settings: Make sure your phone is connected to your router's Wi-Fi network. Tap on the network name. Look for a 'gateway', 'router' or other entry in the list.
How can I use internet away from home?
Turn your smartphone into a Wi-Fi hotspot.On iOS devices, go to Settings, then toggle “Personal Hotspot” on. Once you do, you'll be given a Wi-Fi password. ... On Android devices, the process can differ a little depending on your phone's model. Go to Settings, then look for a menu for networks or connections.
How do I access my router settings without internet?
3 AnswersConnect a wired ethernet cable from your computer to the router.Connect it to the LAN, the ports numbered 1,2,3,4. ... You may want to check if your network card is set to DHCP, Start -> Run -> ncpa.cpl -> right click NIC -> Properties -> Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) -> Properties.More items...•
What is the default IP address for DD-WRT?
These are some of the most common default IP addresses: (most commonly used on Linksys and Asus), ( some Belkins), ( some Buffalos), or (some Motorolas), and there may be others.
How many characters are needed for DD-WRT?
Because the SSH user is always root, it is critical that a strong password be used. These passwords should be a minimum of 12 characters and use numbers and valid non-alphabetic characters. 12 characters dramatically reduces the probability of a successful random attack and has a cost / time infeasible computational requirement. Valid special characters are: ~!@#$%^&* ()-_=+ [ {]}|;:,<.>/? see forum thread: [1]
What happens if you lose web access to your router?
If for some reason you completely lost web access to the router, the web server (HTTP daemon) may be shut down. To regain access try starting the web server. SSH or telnet into the router and enter the following commands:
How to connect through secure HTTP?
To connect through secure HTTP, add the option -S at the end of the command. See the httpd man pages for more information about that command.
How to shut down a web server?
To shut down the web server, run the command kill `cat /tmp/var/run/httpd.pid` (note the backquotes) or kill `cat /tmp/var/run/httpsd.pid` if you ran the web server with the option -S to get secure HTTP.
Does DD-WRT count time?
The time will count the time since the router has been powered up, until the router gets WAN access. By default the DD-WRT will automatically try to get the corrent time from a time server.
How to connect a WAP to a LAN?
You can either Uplink through one of the router's LAN ports, or use the WAN port that is normally connected to the cable/DSL modem.
How to allow clients to roam freely?
If you are installing additional Access Points to cover a broader area with Wi-Fi access, it is possible to allow clients to roam freely between them. The common method is to use the same SSID and Security settingson each access point. The clients control when to switch in between APs. Most clients will switch when they see a more powerful AP available but some client radios are not able to listen for a new AP when connected to an existing AP and as a result those clients will not roam to the new AP until they completely lose signal from the old one. A typical roaming transition from one AP to the other takes about 50ms if using simple authentication (open or WPA2 PSK AES)
What is a WAP router?
For a large network where the DD-WRT router does not provide suitable network core, Wireless Access Point(WAP or just 'AP') allows wireless clients to be a part of the larger network. In this case, clients normally get DHCP configuration from the gateway or some other DHCP server, and could be accessed by other clients on the network (if allowed).
What to do if your router is not working?
If not working, reboot the router to be sure all settings have been applied.
How to set up a secondary router?
If you want a secondary router to be on a separate subnet from the primary, just hard reset the router and set the router's IP to, e.g., on the basic setup page. Then set security and SSID on the Wireless tab, hit Save then Apply, and finally plug the LAN cable from your primary to the WAN of the second router.
Does DD-WRT support 802.11?
Because of that, the IEEE 802.11r-2008 protocol, a.k.a. Fast Transition (FT), was developed. DD-WRT does not currently support 802.11r FT but there is support for it in OpenWRT. The wireless client must also support Fast Roaming for this protocol for it to work; typically it will be cell phones that support it.
Does DD-WRT router use WAN port?
Normally, the router does Layer 3 IP routing. but by "Assigning WAN Port to Switch," your DD-WRT router will bypass that functionality and just pass on the Layer 2 ethernet packets from your wired network to the wireless network and vice versa.
Access Via A Web Browser
- After installing DD-WRT Firmware you can access the DD-WRT Web-GUI using a web browser pointing to the same IP address as before you installed DD-WRT. These are some of the most common default IP addresses: (most commonly used on Linksys and Asus), (some Belkins), (some Buffalos), or (s...
Username and Password
- The latest versions of DD-WRT will require you to set your own username and password when you first access the web interface. Because the SSH user is always root, it is critical that a strong password be used. These passwords should be a minimum of 12 characters and use numbers and valid non-alphabetic characters.12 characters dramatically reduces the probability of a succ…
Elements of The Web-Gui
- The Web-GUI has five main elements 1. 1.The tabbed menu system 2. 2.Main area 3. 3.Action buttons 4. 4.Help information 5. 5.Some system essentials Clicking these text buttons gives you access to furter information 1. 1.More... (More Help) 2. 2.Firmware details Some notes about the screen elements. 1. The default information screen is the same as menu selection: Status->Sys-I…
Menu Interface Map
- Select one of the menu points below for information about settings within that menu page. (Menu structure as of June 2012 - svn19342 Mega). 1. Setup 1.1. Basic Setup 1.2. DDNS 1.3. MAC Address Clone 1.4. Advanced Routing 1.5. VLANs 1.6. Networking 1.7. EoIP Tunnel 2. Wireless 2.1. Basic Settings 2.2. Radius 2.3. Wireless Security 2.4. MAC Filter 2.5. Advanced Settings 2.6. …
Setting Details About The Web-Gui
- Under Administration -> Managementyou can set various details about the Web-GUI. Like: 1. set Username and Password 2. control Access to the Web-GUI locally/remotely and more 3. select between different Router GUI styles [[Image:
Regaining Access
- [edit] Locally
If for some reason you completely lost web access to the router, the web server (HTTP daemon) may be shut down. To regain access try starting the web server. SSH or telnetinto the router and enter the following commands: To connect through secure HTTP, add the option -Sat the end of … - [edit] Remotely
Method 1: See Enable Web Interface Over SSH? Method 2: If you're at a remote location and have access to your router through SSH or telnet, but you'd like to enable remote web access, you may use the following command to allow access from one remote IP address: 1. 1.1. iptables -I INPU…
- (This section has not been updated for quite some time). A setup simulation of V22-DD-WRT interface is here. A setup simulation of V23-DD-WRT interface is here. A setup simulation of V24beta-DD-WRT interface is here.