Remote-access Guide

debian mysql root remote access

by Jadon Cassin Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

To allow remote connections to the root account in MySQL, you should execute the mysql_secure_installation command. Normally you run this command when first setting up MySQL, but it can be run again at any point if you need to reset the root account password or allow remote connections to the account. $ sudo mysql_secure_installation

Full Answer

How to enable remote MySQL access on Debian?

How to enable remote MySQL access on Debian. How to allow remote connections from any host to your MySQL server. This walkthrough is designed for any Debian-based distribution. Step 1: open /etc/mysql/my.cnf. Step 2: comment out the bind-address line, which tells MySQL where to listen. If you remove it, MySQL will accept any connection.

How do I grant access to a remote user in MySQL?

Log in to the MySQL server as the root user by typing: If you are using the old, native MySQL authentication plugin to log in as root, run the command below and enter the password when prompted: From inside the MySQL shell, use the GRANT statement to grant access to the remote user.

Is it possible to Access MySQL server from a remote location?

However, in some situations, it is necessary to access the MySQL server from a remote location. For example, you may need to connect to the remote MySQL server from your local system or a multi-server deployment where the application is running on a different machine from the database server.

How can I allow connections to my MySQL database from other machines?

If you need to access the database from other machines in the future, you can grant them access on an ad hoc basis with this command. Just remember to include their respective IP addresses. Alternatively, you can allow connections to your MySQL database from any IP address with the following command:


How do I make MySQL accessible remotely?

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQLStep 1: Edit MySQL Config File.Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection. Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Option 2: FirewallD. Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables.Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server.

How do I access root MySQL?

Grant accessLog in to your MySQL server locally as the root user by using the following command: # mysql -u root -p. You are prompted for your MySQL root password. ... Use a GRANT command in the following format to enable access for the remote user. Ensure that you change 1.2.

How do I enable root user in MySQL?

Use the ALTER USER command and change the authentication method to log into MySQL as root: ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'insert_password'; This command changes the password for the user root and sets the authentication method to mysql_native_password.

How do I access MySQL from another computer Linux?

Before connecting to MySQL from another computer, the connecting computer must be enabled as an Access Host.Log into cPanel and click the Remote MySQL icon, under Databases.Type in the connecting IP address, and click the Add Host button. ... Click Add, and you should now be able to connect remotely to your database.

How do I login as MySQL user in Linux?

In order to access your MySQL database, please follow these steps:Log into your Linux web server via Secure Shell.Open the MySQL client program on the server in the /usr/bin directory.Type in the following syntax to access your database: $ mysql -h {hostname} -u username -p {databasename} Password: {your password}

How do I log into MySQL from terminal?

1 AnswerMake sure you have created MySQL connection correctly.Open command line from search then type cd \Once you reached the bin directory then type mysql -u yourUserName -p (apply this to connect to MySQL )

Can we connect to MySQL as root without password?

In case you have freshly installed the MySQL/MariaDB server, then it doesn't require any password to connect to it as root user.

Should I run MySQL as root?

On Unix (or Linux for installations performed using tar. gz packages) , the MySQL server mysqld can be started and run by any user. However, you should avoid running the server as the Unix root user for security reasons.

What is root password for MySQL?

The default user for MySQL is root and by default it has no password. If you set a password for MySQL and you can't recall it, you can always reset it and choose another one.

How do I remotely connect to a database?

To set up remote connection to your database, go to Site Tools > Site > MySQL > Remote. After that fill in the IP address or hostname from which you want to connect. You can also add a Label for them. This will allow you to connect to the database server via a remote MySQL client.

How can I access my database from another computer?

To connect to the Database Engine from another computerOn a second computer that contains the SQL Server client tools, log in with an account authorized to connect to SQL Server, and open Management Studio.In the Connect to Server dialog box, confirm Database Engine in the Server type box.More items...•

How do I connect to a MySQL database from a different server?

Create the remote connectionOn your database server, as a user with root privileges, open your MySQL configuration file. To locate it, enter the following command: ... Search the configuration file for bind-address . ... Save your changes to the configuration file and exit the text editor.Restart the MySQL service:

What is the root username for MySQL?

In MySQL, by default, the username is root and there's no password.

What is default MySQL root password?

no passwordThe default user for MySQL is root and by default it has no password. If you set a password for MySQL and you can't recall it, you can always reset it and choose another one.

How do I log into MySQL from Windows?

Enter mysql.exe -uroot -p , and MySQL will launch using the root user. MySQL will prompt you for your password. Enter the password from the user account you specified with the –u tag, and you'll connect to the MySQL server.

What is root user in SQL?

A root account is a superuser account that offers a wide array of privileges throughout the databases of MySQL. By default, the initial password for the root account is 'empty/blank,' thus allowing access to the MySQL server as root to anyone.

What is the default authentication plugin for MySQL?

Note: This command will create a user that authenticates with MySQL’s default authentication plugin, caching_sha2_password. However, there is a known issue with some versions of PHP that can cause problems with this plugin.

What is a MySQL guide?

This guide is intended to serve as a troubleshooting resource and starting point as you diagnose your MySQL setup. We’ll go over some of the issues that many MySQL users encounter and provide guidance for troubleshooting specific problems. We will also include links to DigitalOcean tutorials and the official MySQL documentation that may be useful in certain cases.

What is the default IP address for a server?

By default, this value is set to, meaning that the server will only look for local connections. You will need to change this directive to reference an external IP address. For the purposes of troubleshooting, you could set this directive to a wildcard IP address, either *, ::, or

Can MySQL listen to local connections?

One of the more common problems that users run into when trying to set up a remote MySQL database is that their MySQL instance is only configured to listen for local connections. This is MySQL’s default setting, but it won’t work for a remote database setup since MySQL must be able to listen for an external IP address where the server can be reached. To enable this, open up your mysqld.cnf file:

Can you access a database server remotely?

If you only plan to access the database server from one specific machine, you can grant that machine exclusive permission to connect to the database remotely with the following command. Make sure to replace remote_IP_address with the actual IP address of the machine you plan to connect with:

Can a website and database be hosted on the same machine?

Many websites and applications start off with their web server and database backend hosted on the same machine. With time, though, a setup like this can become cumbersome and difficult to scale. A common solution is to separate these functions by setting up a remote database, allowing the server and database to grow at their own pace on their own machines.

Can you create a user that authenticates with cache_sha2_plugin?

If you aren’t sure, you can always create a user that authenticates with caching_sha2_plugin and then ALTER it later on with this command:

What port is MySQL on?

The last step is to configure your firewall to allow traffic on port 3306 (MySQL default port) from the remote machines.

Where is MySQL configuration file?

The location of the MySQL configuration file differs depending on the distribution. In Ubuntu and Debian the file is located at /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf, while in Red Hat based distributions such as CentOS, the file is located at /etc/my.cnf.

What is user_name in MySQL?

user_name is the name of the MySQL user.

Can MySQL listen to private IP?

If the MySQL server and clients can communicate over a private network, the best option is to set the MySQL server to listen only on the private IP. Otherwise, if you want to connect to the server over a public network, set the MySQL server to listen on all IP addresses on the machine.

Does MySQL listen to localhost?

By default, the MySQL server listens for connections only from localhost, which means it can be accessed only by applications running on the same host.

Which database server listens for incoming connections only?

MySQL, the most popular open-source database server by default, listens for incoming connections only on localhost.

Does MySQL 8.0 have bind address?

In MySQL 8.0 and higher, the bind-address directive may not be present. In this case, add it under the [mysqld] section.

How to allow MySQL remote access in Ubuntu 20.04?

To allow MySQL remote Access in Ubuntu 20.04, we change the value of the bind-address to in the /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf file.

What port is open to MySQL?

You can also run the nmap command from a remote computer to check whether MySQL port 3306 is open to the remote host. nmap The output should list MySQL port 3306, and the STATE should be open. If the MySQL port 3306 is not open, Then there is a firewall that blocks the port 3306.

What socket is MySQL running on?

The output should show that MySQL Server is running on the socket 0 instead of

Configure MySQL bind address

We will start by opening the /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf file. With root permissions, open this in nano or your favorite text editor. $ sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf

Allow remote access through firewall

Assuming you are using port 3306 for your MySQL server, we will need to allow this through the system firewall. The command you need to execute is going to depend on the distribution you are using. Refer to the list below or adapt the command as needed to adhere to your own system’s firewall syntax.

Allow remote connections to a particular user

Now that the MySQL service can accept incoming connections and our firewall will allow them through, we just need to configure our user to accept remote connections.

Step 1. Locate the correct .cnf file

Ok, first go to /etc/mysql/ directory and look for mariadb.conf.d directory you should see the following configuration files listed there.

Step 3. Restart MySQL Server service

Done. Now we can try to connect to our MariaDB Server from other computer. It should works by now.

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