Remote-access Guide

defense information system agency remote access policy

by Americo O'Connell Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Who sets policy for SIPRNet?

There are four USDOD agencies jointly responsible for the management of SIPRNet; Joint Staff J6 [the directorate for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers], the National Security Agency (NSA), The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA).

What is DoD Cnap?

The purpose of a Cloud Native Access Point (CNAP) is to provide secure authorized access to DoD resources in a commercial cloud environment, leveraging zero trust architecture (ZTA), by authorized DoD users and endpoints from anywhere, at any time, from any device.

What is the JRSS?

JRSS is a suite of equipment intended to perform firewall functions, intrusion detection and prevention, enterprise management, and virtual routing and forwarding, as well as to provide a host of network security capabilities. JRSS is not a program of record.

What are the DoD impact levels?

FedRAMP impact levels FedRamp categorizes Cloud Service Offering (CSO) into one of three impact levels: low, moderate, and high. The impact levels are based across three security objectives: confidentiality, integrity, and availability following the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 199 standards.

What is DoD Ironbank?

∎ Iron Bank is the DoD repository of digitally signed, binary container images that have been. hardened according to the Container Hardening Guide coming from Iron Bank. Containers. accredited in Iron Bank have DoD-wide reciprocity across classifications. ∎ Iron Bank is currently operated at

Is Redis database approved for DoD?

Redis Enterprise DBMS must only accept end entity certificates issued by DoD PKI or DoD-approved PKI Certification Authorities (CAs) for the establishment of all encrypted sessions.

What is DISA Thunderdome?

Thunderdome specifically focuses on software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) and secure access service edge (SASE). Hermann said SD-WAN is providing new opportunities to manage transport infrastructure.

What is DoD compliance?

DOD compliance refers to the ability to meet all the requirements put forth by the DOD and its affiliations. Agencies associated with the DOD include: Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

Is Zoom approved for Cui?

The Air Force ATO-C allows for IL4 collaboration via Zoom for Government meetings for content involving Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and For Official Use Only (FOUO).

Does DOD require FedRAMP?

The DOD has built on FedRAMP with their DOD Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (CC SRG) that addresses specific defense and intelligence requirements around cloud offerings.

What is a cloud access point?

The cloud access point is the security conduit through which the Department of Defense is connecting to the commercial cloud. The CAP serves as a demarcation between the DOD Information Network and commercial cloud providers; the CAP's sensors allow DISA to monitor traffic passing through it.

What is a category of classified military information?

4.1. Classified Military Information (CMI). Military information designated by Department of Defense (DoD), requiring protection in the interest of national security. The information is limited to three classifications: TOP SECRET, SECRET, and CONFIDENTIAL.

What is one of the key criteria for sharing classified military information with foreign entities?

In order for classified military information (CMI) to be disclosed to an approved foreign entity, it must meet foreign disclosure criteria. First, disclosure must be consistent with United States foreign policy and national security objectives concerning the recipient nation or international organization.

Which government entity is responsible for providing national industrial security program NISP policy direction?

The National Security CouncilThe National Security Council is responsible for providing overall policy direction for the NISP. The Director, Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) is responsible for implementing and monitoring the NISP, and for issuing directives that agencies under the NISP are required to imple- ment.

What is the mission of the Department of Defense?

Our mission is to provide independent, relevant, and timely oversight of the Department of Defense that supports the warfighter; promotes accountability, integrity, and efficiency; advises the Secretary of Defense and Congress; and informs the public.

What is national security system?

A national security system, as defined in section 11103, title 40, United States Code, is a telecommunications or information system operated by the Federal Government that is used to support: • intelligence activities; • cryptologic activities related to national security; • command and control of military forces; • equipment that is an integral part of a weapon or weapons system; or • military or intelligence missions.

What is the practice of gathering, retaining, and analyzing computer-related data for investigative purposes?

Forensics is the practice of gathering, retaining, and analyzing computer-related data for investigative purposes in a manner that maintains the integrity of the data.

What is a covered agency?

The Act defines covered agency as an agency that operates a covered system.

What is a logical access control?

Logical access controls require users to authenticate themselves (through the use of passwords or other identifiers) and limit the files and other resources that authenticated users can access and the actions they can perform.

What is data loss prevention?

Data loss prevention is a system’s ability to identify, monitor, and protect data in use, data in motion, and stored data through content inspection and security analysis of transactions. Data loss prevention capabilities are designed to detect and prevent the unauthorized use and transmission of national security systems information.

What is DISS in the military?

DISS serves as the enterprise-wide solution for personnel security, suitability, and credentialing management for DoD military, civilian, and contractors. DISS replaced the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) as the System of Record on March 31, 2021.

When did JPAS replace DISS?

DISS replaced the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) as the System of Record on March 31, 2021. An innovative, web-based application, the platform provides secure communications between adjudicators, security officers, and components, allowing users to request, record, document, and identify personnel security actions.

Is there a visit feature in DISS 13.8?

The Visit functionality is not displaying multiple pages of visits. This defect will be fixed in DISS 13.8 which is scheduled for CT on 4 November and Production deployment on 18 November. As a work around, users are advised to retrieve the record of visits by downloading the Creating or Hosting Visit Reports to view the information. In addition, if the name of the visit is known, the user can search for the visit by entering the name from the SMO Visits page, which also retrieves the visit. Apologies for the inconvenience.

What is access control?

Access control is concerned with determining the allowed activities of legitimate users, mediating every attempt by a user to access a resource in the system. In some systems, complete access is granted after s successful authentication of the user, but most systems require more sophisticated and complex control.

What are the three abstractions of access control?

Organizations planning to implement an access control system should consider three abstractions: access control policies, models, and mechanisms. Access control policies are high-level requirements that specify how access is managed and who may access information under what circumstances.

What is authorization based on?

In some cases, authorization may mirror the structure of the organization, while in others it may be based on the sensitivity level of various documents and the clearance level of the user accessing those documents. Organizations planning to implement an access control system should consider three abstractions: access control policies, models, ...

What is the importance of adequate security?

Adequate security of information and information systems is a fundamental management responsibility. Nearly all applications that deal with financial, privacy, safety, or defense include some form of access (authorization) control.

What is DIA's office of small business?

DIA's Office of Small Business Programs is committed to increasing acquisition opportunities to small businesses. We understand how forming partnerships with the private sector enhance the DIA mission and support U.S. growth.

What is the purpose of the DIA?

DIA provides intelligence on foreign militaries and their operating environments so the United States and its allies can prevent and decisively win wars. We serve everyone from the president to the soldier in combat through a combination of expert analysis, intelligence gathering, and cutting-edge science and technology. The DIA Museum provides a unique, declassified look at DIA's roles that include exposing the truth, supporting operations, enabling diplomacy and supporting every effort to safely return our troops.

When was the Defense Health Agency established?

Established October 1, 2013, the Defense Health Agency is the centerpiece of Military Health System (MHS) governance reform, as outlined in the Deputy Secretary of Defense’s March 11, 2013 Memorandum “Implementation of Military Health System Governance Reform.”.

What is the DHA in the military?

The DHA supports the delivery of integrated, affordable, and high quality health services to Military Health System (MHS) beneficiaries and is responsible for driving greater integration of clinical and business processes across the MHS. Mission.

What is the DHA?

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) is a joint, integrated Combat Support Agency that enables the Army, Navy, and Air Force medical services to provide a medically ready force and ready medical force to Combatant Commands in both peacetime and wartime.

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