Remote-access Guide

defense remote access policy

by Wava Bins Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I select firepower threat defense devices for remote access?

Select the Target Devices and Protocols. The Firepower Threat Defense devices selected here will function as your remote access VPN gateways for the VPN client users. You can select the devices from the list or add a new device. You can select Firepower Threat Defense devices when you create a remote access VPN policy or change them later.

What are remote access controls?

Remote access controls are applicable to information systems other than public web servers or systems specifically designed for public access. You may describe, for example, the following:

Can DoD Remote Access Software be installed on government computers?

(2) DoD remote access software may be installed onto Government -furnished and personally-owned computers to enable access to unclassified DoD systems and networks consistent with criteria and guidelines establish ed by the DoD CIO and the employee’s or Service member’s respective DoD Component requirements.

How do I enable remote access VPN on firepower Management Center?

On your Firepower Management Center web interface, choose Policies > Access Control. Select the access control policy assigned to the target devices where the remote access VPN policy will be deployed and click Edit . Click Add Rule to add a new rule. Specify the Name for the rule and select Enabled .


What should be included in a remote access policy?

What Should You Address in a Remote Access Policy?Standardized hardware and software, including firewalls and antivirus/antimalware programs.Data and network encryption standards.Information security and confidentiality.Email usage.Physical and virtual device security.Network connectivity, e.g., VPN access.More items...•

How do you protect remote access?

Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords. ... Use Two-factor authentication. ... Update your software. ... Restrict access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Authentication. ... Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop. ... Set an account lockout policy.

Why is a remote access policy definition a best practice for handling remote employees and authorized users who require remote access from home or on business trips?

A remote access policy aims to keep corporate data safe from exposure to hackers, malware, and other cybersecurity risks while allowing employees the flexibility to work from remote locations.

What are the five elements of a remote access security readiness review?

The review examined cybersecurity at the governance layer and identified five critical pillars key to cybersecurity readiness: culture, people, structure, processes, and resources.

What are examples of remote user security policy best practices?

Best Practices For Remote Access SecurityEnable encryption. ... Install antivirus and anti-malware. ... Ensure all operating systems and applications are up to date. ... Enforce a strong password policy. ... Use Mobile Device Management (MDM) ... Use Virtual Private Network (VPN) ... Use two-factor authentication.More items...•

What are potential risks associated with remote access?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

Why is it a best practice of remote access policy definition to require employees and fill in a separate VPN remote access authorization form?

Why is it a best practice of a remote access policy definition to require employees and users to fill in a separate VPN remote access authorization form? It is best practice of a remote access policy as it makes sure there are no repudiation of the user so that only authorized person can access the important documents.

What is a Security Readiness Review?

A Readiness Review is a critical factor in the development and maintenance of a comprehensive risk and compliance-focused Information Security program. TrustedSec reviews an organization's control structure against the CMMC requirements and assists in the development of a strategy to become compliant or certified.

What is Cmmc readiness assessment?

CMMC Assessment Service A comprehensive report that provides you with your current CMMC compliance status as well as recommendations for implementing and maintaining the required CMMC practices and processes.

How do you secure remote access to employees?

7 Best Practices For Securing Remote Access for EmployeesDevelop a Cybersecurity Policy For Remote Workers. ... Choose a Remote Access Software. ... Use Encryption. ... Implement a Password Management Software. ... Apply Two-factor Authentication. ... Employ the Principle of Least Privilege. ... Create Employee Cybersecurity Training.

What is the safest way to access work resources from home?

Here are the top remote working security tips to ensure you and your staff are working from home safely.Use antivirus and internet security software at home. ... Keep family members away from work devices. ... Invest in a sliding webcam cover. ... Use a VPN. ... Use a centralized storage solution. ... Secure your home Wi-Fi.More items...

What is a preferred security measure for remote access?

Virtual Private Networking (VPN) is often considered the best approach in securing trans-network communication.

What is a common way to help protect devices connected to the company network?

What is a common way to help protect devices connected to the company network? A. Only use laptops and other mobile devices with full-disk encryption. This is correct!

What is a DAP policy?

A dynamic access policy (DAP) can contain multiple DAP records, where you configure user and endpoint attributes. You can prioritize the DAP records within a DAP so that the required criteria is applied when a user attempts a VPN connection.

What is a group policy in a FTD?

Group policy configured on the FTD —If a RADIUS server returns the value of the RADIUS Class attribute IETF-Class-25 (OU= group-policy) for the user, the FTD device places the user in the group policy of the same name and enforces any attributes in the group policy that are not returned by the server.

Why Implement DAP?

You can configure DAP attributes to identify a connecting endpoint and authorize user access to various network resources. You can create a DAP for the following scenarios and can do more with DAP attributes to protect your endpoints and network resources:

What happens when FTD devices receive attributes from all sources?

If the FTD device receives attributes from all sources, the attributes are evaluated, merged, and applied to the user policy. If there are conflicts between attributes coming from the DAP, the AAA server, or the group policy, the attributes obtained from the DAP always take precedence.

What is FTD device?

The FTD device supports applying user authorization attributes, also called user entitlements or permissions, to VPN connections. The attributes are applied from a DAP on the FTD, external authentication server and/or authorization AAA server (RADIUS) or from a group policy on the FTD device.

What is a DAP record?

DAP Record —A DAP record is made up of criteria endpoint assessment and user authorization (AAA) attributes. If the record matches, DAP defines actions to be applied on the VPN session .

What is FTD authentication?

FTD authenticates the user via the Authentication Authorization Accounting server. The AAA server also returns authorization attributes for the user.

What is remote access?

Remote access refers to the process of connecting to internal resources from an external source (home, hotel, district, or other public area). The ability to securely and reliably connect to business resources from a remote location increases productivity.

Who bears full responsibility for any access misuse?

Users shall bear full responsibility for any access misuse

What is LEP password policy?

All user passwords shall be strong and follow guidelines and procedures in the [LEP] Access Control and Password Policy. Staff shall ensure that devices used for work purposes are not shared in a multi-user capacity, violate AUP conditions, or used in any inappropriate activity.

What is information security?

Information security shall determine the appropriate access methodology and hardening technologies up to and including two factor password authentication, smart card, or PKI technology with strong passphrases

What is LEP policy?

This policy defines standards for staff to connect to the [LEP] network from a remote location. These standards are designed to minimize potential exposures including loss of sensitive information, and limit exposure to security concerns through a consistent and standardized access method.

What happens if a staff member is found in a policy violation?

Staff members found in policy violation may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Can you use personal equipment to connect to a LEP network?

Personal equipment shall not be used to connect to the [LEP] network using remote connection software and exceptions require [Insert Appropriate Role] written approval

What is the mission of the Department of Defense?

Our mission is to provide independent, relevant, and timely oversight of the Department of Defense that supports the warfighter; promotes accountability, integrity, and efficiency; advises the Secretary of Defense and Congress; and informs the public.

What is a logical access control?

Logical access controls require users to authenticate themselves (through the use of passwords or other identifiers) and limit the files and other resources that authenticated users can access and the actions they can perform.

What is data loss prevention?

Data loss prevention is a system’s ability to identify, monitor, and protect data in use, data in motion, and stored data through content inspection and security analysis of transactions. Data loss prevention capabilities are designed to detect and prevent the unauthorized use and transmission of national security systems information.

What is national security system?

A national security system, as defined in section 11103, title 40, United States Code, is a telecommunications or information system operated by the Federal Government that is used to support: • intelligence activities; • cryptologic activities related to national security; • command and control of military forces; • equipment that is an integral part of a weapon or weapons system; or • military or intelligence missions.

What is a covered agency?

The Act defines covered agency as an agency that operates a covered system.

What is privileged information?

An information system that restricts access to privileged functions ( deployed in hardware, software, and firmware) and security-relevant information to explicitly authorized personnel , including, for example, security administrators, system and network administrators, and other privileged users.

Do you need prior approval for a network change?

Changes to the network that do not include sharing new or additional resources with the foreign parent or affiliate do not require prior approval from DSS. Changes to the network that do not affect the security of export controlled information on the network do not require prior approval from DSS.

Can you be escorted to a FSO?

The visitor must be escorted at all times, must present valid identification at the time of the visit, must sign into the Unclassified Visit Log, and be badged according to the policy. Guest visitors, such as customers and vendors, may be allowed inside the facility, with advance notice to the FSO.

When a local realm is created and local users are added, can you add it to a remote access VPN to?

When a local realm is created and local users are added, you can add it to a remote access VPN to enable local user authentication.

What is Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility?

The Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility client provides secure SSL or IPsec (IKEv2) connections to the Firepower Threat Defense device for remote users with full VPN profiling to corporate resources. Without a previously-installed client, remote users can enter the IP address of an interface configured to accept clientless VPN connections in their browser to download and install the AnyConnect client. The Firepower Threat Defense device downloads the client that matches the operating system of the remote computer. After downloading, the client installs and establishes a secure connection. In case of a previously installed client, when the user authenticates, the Firepower Threat Defense device, examines the version of the client, and upgrades the client if necessary.

What is AnyConnect profile?

An AnyConnect client profile is a group of configuration parameters stored in an XML file that the client uses to configure its operation and appearance. These parameters (XML tags) include the names and addresses of host computers and settings to enable more client features.

What is group policy in SAML?

A group-policy can be specified by a SAML assertion attribute. When an attribute "cisco_group_policy" is received by the FTD, the corresponding value is used to select the connection group-policy

How to create an IP pool in Firepower?

Also, you can create an IP pool in Firepower Management Center using the Objects > Object Management > Address Pools path. For more information, see Address Pools .

What is NAT exemption?

NAT exemption exempts addresses from translation and allows both translated and remote hosts to initiate connections with your protected hosts. Like identity NAT, you do not limit translation for a host on specific interfaces; you must use NAT exemption for connections through all interfaces. However, NAT exemption enables you to specify the real and destination addresses when determining the real addresses to translate (similar to policy NAT). Use static identity NAT to consider ports in the access list.

Can Firepower Threat Defense resolve IP addresses?

Without DNS, the devices cannot resolve AAA server names, named URLs, and CA Servers with FQDN or Hostnames. It can only resolve IP addresses.

What is the DoD policy for telework?

It is DoD policy that telework shall be: a. Actively promoted and implemented throughout the DoD in support of the DoD commitment to workforce efficiency, emergency preparedness, and quality of life. Telework facilitates the accomplishment of work; can serve as an effective recruitment and retention strategy; enhance DoD efforts to employ and accommodate people wi th disabilities; and create cost savings by decreasing the need for office space and parking facilities, and by reducing transportation costs, including costs associated with payment of transit subsidies.

What is a TMO in the DoD?

b. Designate a DoD Telework Managing Officer (TMO) to implement, monitor, and evaluate the DoD’s telework implementation program for compliance with this Instruction and section 6505 of Reference (c); serve as an advisor for DoD leadership; and serve as a resource for DoD Components.

What is the role of a DOD CIO?

The DoD CIO shall: a. Develop strategies and provide guidance for enterprise information technology capabilities and data security required to support telework.

Can an employee be teleworked in an emergency?

g. Employees in positions determined not normally suitable for telework as cited in subparagraphs 2.f.(1) through (4) of this enclosure may become eligible to telework in an emergency situation if their functions are designated as mission-critical.

What is access control?

Access control is concerned with determining the allowed activities of legitimate users, mediating every attempt by a user to access a resource in the system. In some systems, complete access is granted after s successful authentication of the user, but most systems require more sophisticated and complex control.

What are the three abstractions of access control?

Organizations planning to implement an access control system should consider three abstractions: access control policies, models, and mechanisms. Access control policies are high-level requirements that specify how access is managed and who may access information under what circumstances.

What is the importance of adequate security?

Adequate security of information and information systems is a fundamental management responsibility. Nearly all applications that deal with financial, privacy, safety, or defense include some form of access (authorization) control.

What is authorization based on?

In some cases, authorization may mirror the structure of the organization, while in others it may be based on the sensitivity level of various documents and the clearance level of the user accessing those documents. Organizations planning to implement an access control system should consider three abstractions: access control policies, models, ...

When are access enforcement mechanisms employed?

How, in addition to controlling access at the information system level, access enforcement mechanisms are employed at the application level, when necessary, to provide increased information security for the Company.

What is privileged information?

An information system that restricts access to privileged functions ( deployed in hardware, software, and firmware) and security-relevant information to explicitly authorized personnel , including, for example, security administrators, system and network administrators, and other privileged users.

Do you need prior approval for a network change?

Changes to the network that do not include sharing new or additional resources with the foreign parent or affiliate do not require prior approval from DSS. Changes to the network that do not affect the security of export controlled information on the network do not require prior approval from DSS.

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