How do I use Ewon as a remote gateway in plc?
By setting your Ewon device as the remote gateway in your PLC application, you can access the PLC plugged in your Ewon device just as if you were locally connected, and apply the desired configuration.
What new software available on the Delta website?
New software available on the Delta web page, and as always for free! Delta Smart viewer is the new tool to allows us to check our PLC status using Android device, like for example our Smart phone or tablet.
What is Delta Industrial Ethernet?
Based on Delta’s accumulated Ethernet communication experience and industrial know-how, the Delta Industrial Ethernet Solution helps customers build up an industrial Ethernet network that will satisfy their requirements in a wide range of applications. All of Delta’s Ethernet products are certified to UL, CE and FCC standards.
How is automation being handled by PLCs?
More and more automation is being handled via remote communication, whether it’s from the office or from the comfort of your own home. Today’s PLCs give you the ability to access your control system to handle such tasks as monitoring via a website to determine the condition of a machine or check other statistics.

Why attach a programmable logic controller to a network?
By attaching a programmable logic controller to a network with Internet access, the device will be exposed to all of the same possible security threats as a computer. One of the best security measures is to select a controller that utilizes an embedded operating system not popularly used by the consumer public.
How can control systems be used in a business network?
Control systems can be more easily integrated within a business network for coupling the supply chain management to the factory floor.
Does NAT provide end to end connection?
Unfortunately, the NAT does not provide a true end-to-end connection. This means, by default, that a TCP connection established outside the local network may not be able to connect with the destination device - due to the fact the IP address of the destination device is hidden behind the router.