How to control Deluge remotely with a thin client
- Log in to your Seedbox/VPS. To setup Deluge remote access, let’s configure our remote client first. Log in via SSH to...
- Gather required information’s. We need to find information about Deluge. If you are using our default configuration,...
- Configure Deluge remote option. Now you need to do some minor tweaks on your...
Full Answer
How to setup deluge remote access?
To setup Deluge remote access, we need to configure our remote client first. Log in via SSH to your Seedbox. Issue this command to switch to the user account. The Reason for this is because Deluge is configured for the unprivileged account like users account. We need to find info about our Deluge.
How do I enable streaming on my deluge client?
Make sure you download the correct version for your Operative System. Once downloaded, go to your Deluge client, Preferences > Plugins > Install Plugin. Find the correct version, and click Open, if it doesn’t work, try with an older or newer version of the plugin. Finally, to enable the plugin just click the box next to “Streaming”.
Can I use deluge with a public WiFi?
You might leave Deluge ports open while connected to a public coffee shop’s WiFi, but you can easily be found and probably hacked… – Browse to your Credentials page (in the client area).
How to install deluge plugins?
For installing different types of plugins you can visit Deluge official website for plugins where you will get 3rdrd party, browsers, and application plugin and download it from there. Just click here to visit the website. There is an example below which will show you how you can stream video directly from a Deluge client by using a 3rd party app.

How do I access deluge Webui remotely?
In order to access your deluge remotely, you need to activate the function in your daemon configuration:Log into the WEBUI from the button on your dash.Go into Preferences->Daemon->Allow Remote Connections.Make a copy of your Daemon port , Do NOT change it !!!More items...•
How do I connect to deluge?
Then, you need to do the following steps at your local deluge client so you can successfully connect to your remote deluge client: Head to Edit -> Preferences -> Interface , untick classic mode so it is disabled. ... Restart deluge. ... Remove the localhost daemon, if there is one. Click the Add button.More items...•
How do I use deluge console?
deluge-console - Man PageStart the interactive console interface: deluge-console.Connect to a Deluge daemon instance: connect hostname : port.Add a torrent to the daemon: add url|magnet|path/to/file.Display information about all torrents: info.Display information about a specific torrent: info torrent_id.More items...
What is default deluge password?
Note: The default password for the web interface is deluge.
What port does Deluge use?
58846The default Deluge port is set to 58846.
Is Deluge any good?
Deluge (opens in new tab) is a free torrent client that has gained immense popularity among torrent fans recently. One of the most potent BitTorrent clients which is open source and provides cross-platform functionality, it offers great performance, security, and does well in terms of features too.
What is deluge console?
deluge-console - A BitTorrent client console interface.
How do I open deluge on Raspberry Pi?
The Deluge Web InterfaceWith the Deluge web interface up and running on the Raspberry Pi, we can now access it by going to the Pi's IP address followed by the “8112” port. ... Upon going to the web address, you will be greeted by Deluge's web interface.More items...•
How do I exit a deluge console?
Deluge utilizes a client/server model, with deluged being the daemon process and deluge-console being used to launch a curses console user-interface....Console Commands:addAdd torrentsexitAlias for quitguiEnable interactive modehaltShutdown the deluge serverhelpDisplays help on other commands17 more rows•Jul 15, 2021
What is WebUI password?
If you are logging in to the Web User Interface for the first time as an administrator following installation, specify Username admin and Password admin.
How do I change my Deluge WebUI password?
Using your Deluge webUI access URL – http://seedboxIP:8112/ given in the welcome email, paste into your browser and a login window will be displayed. Provide the default password and proceed with clicking Login. On the WebUI console, choose “Preferences” , then “Interface”on the next splash screen. Congrats!
Where is Deluge config file?
You just add "-c /YourPath/DelugeData" to the start command and that's where the config folder will go. This is the way I have it configured to run multiple instances of Deluge.
How do I start Deluge daemon?
Now it's time to turn on the Deluge Daemon. Go to terminal and run the deluged command. There are two ways to run this daemon: with the systemd init tool, or with the deluged command. To start it with systemd, use the systemctl command.
How do I use YaRSS2?
1) Frist thing you need to do is to connect to your Deluge web-ui. Then go to “Preferences” then “Plugins” tab. Select “YaRSS2” and click install button. 2) When you click “Install” new window will be opened and it will ask you to add “Plugin Egg” .
What does "if you are logged in as a root issue" mean?
If you are logged in as a root issue this command to switch to the user account.
What is the default port for Seedbox?
If you are using our default configuration, information’s like username, password, Seedbox IP you can find in our Welcome email, and default port is set to 58846.
Do you need to switch to user account first when logging into Deluge?
If you are logged via SSH as a root account, you need to switch to user account first, or to a user for which Deluge is configured.
Can you use a remote deluge machine to accept remote connections?
You have to prepare your remote Deluge machine to accept remote connections, so please follow this tutorial carefully.
Is Deluge compatible with seedbox?
Note: If you are on using the Deluge Windows thin client on your desktop, you will need to use the older Deluge daemon 1.3 on your seedbox, it is not compatible with Del uge 2.* daemons.
Do you need to restart Deluge after you disable Clasic Mode?
We need to add actual remote connection now. After you’ve disabled Clasic mode, you need to restart your Deluge client.
Where is the deluge console installed?
The Deluge daemon deluged and deluge-console should be installed on the server.
How to connect to a remote daemon?
To connect to a remote daemon use the connect command in deluge-console: connect <host> [:<port>] <user> <password>. or from the terminal: deluge-console "connect <host> [:<port>] <user> <password>". For adding torrents directly to the daemon through automatic methods such as with autodl-irssi:
Why do we use instead of localhost?
Note: We use instead of localhost so that Deluge client knows that we are connecting to a remote daemon. Otherwise you will encounter problems with file browsing as it will assume to be on local client machine rather than remote server.
Can you run deluge under another user?
If you are running deluged under another user (e.g. deluge) you will need to temporarily login as that user to enable deluge-console to access that daemon's config:
Can you use Deluge on a server?
Deluge can be setup in such a way that a Deluge daemon, deluged, can be setup on a central computer, server, which can then be accessed and controlled by other computers, clients, using one of Deluge's UIs. Both the Deluge client and daemon need to be the same major versions, i.e. both 1.2.x or both 1.3.x .
How to set up Deluge for remote access?
To set up Deluge for remote accessibility, you’ll have to configure the remote server first. Once you install the Deluge daemon “deluged” into a Server, you can proceed to configure the local client. For Windows, go to Preferences > Interface > Disable Classic Mode.
How to install Deluge on Windows?
To install Deluge on Windows platforms is really straightforward. Once downloaded, run the executable file (.exe). If it was downloaded from a source other than deluge-torrent.org, you might want to scan it against Malware. In the next step, you will need to select the components to install with Deluge.
Where to Download?
There is no better place to download a copy of the Deluge client, than from the Official Deluge website. Download the latest version of Deluge here,
What makes Deluge a good torrent client?
Plugins are probably what makes Deluge one of the most amazing torrent clients out there.
Why is my deluge client grayed out?
The client is grayed out because you are installing the client itself, but if you have another torrent client, such as uTorrent and want to leave that client to handle all .tor rent files, and let Deluge handle all magnet links, this is your chance to customize which components to manage with Deluge.
How to login to SeedboxIP?
Using your WebUI access URL – https://seedboxIP/deluge given in client area “My Services” page, paste into your browser and a login window will be displayed. Provide the default password and proceed by clicking Login.
When was Master Deluge updated?
The Unofficial Guide to Master Deluge (2020 Update) February 6, 2020 • Last updated on April 23, 2020 • 14 comments. #Deluge. Deluge seems like a VW Beetle from the inside, but once you open the hood… you could be looking at a Ferrari engine.
webui on windows?
I see that the webui is supposed to be functional on deluge 1.0.4 I did the code tweak as posted in developement and tried to point my browser to the local host url that was posted in the FaQ but all that loads is a blank webpage.
Re: webui on windows?
It should have created a link in start menu at install... or in the install directory "Deluge\scripts\delugew.cmd"
Re: webui on windows?
When I try to start the WebUI from the start menu shortcut, a command prompt window flashes onto the screen for an instant, then disappears.
How to manage Deluge?
There are different steps you need to follow when you are managing Deluge on your PC.
How to fix common Deluge errors or troubleshoot them?
As you know that not all torrent clients are trouble-free like that Deluge has some errors that can give you a headache to fix it. So below we have discussed some of the common errors that are generated in Deluge clients and also explain how we can solve them.
What is Deluge?
Deluge is an open-source BitTorrent client that is being used by many customers. It is a cross-platform tool which means it can be run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. One of the reasons that it is so famous is because it is free of cost and doesn’t annoy with advertisements over the application.
How to load torrents in Deluge?
With the help of a Deluge client, there are two ways you can load torrent in it. Either from the URL link or through adding the torrent file directly. If you will click on the “Add” button on the menu bar you will get a window like this.
What is thin client mode?
It is also a function known as thin client mode where it handles all your torrenting activity in the background of your machine while you try connecting it from different platforms.
Why is it important to set correct queue settings?
It is important to set correct queue settings so that not too much and not too little bandwidth is used. In Deluge, it is recommended that you should set your “Total active seeding” the same as “Total active” and the “Total active downloading” always lower.
Can you override queue settings to force start a download?
You can’t override que ue settings to force start a download.