What is the remote teaching service?
The Remote Teaching Service is made up of a dedicated group of more than 200 teachers living and working in 37 remote communities in Western Australia. They deliver flexible and innovative education programs to ensure students in remote areas have access to high quality learning programs.
Where can I find resources for remote learning in education?
Apple: Apple Teacher Learning Center, Learning from Home, Quick Guides to Support Learning from Home, App Store: Learn and Study from Home, Remote Learning Video Series, Preparing Apple Devices for Home Use Google: Edu OnAir, Chromebook App Hub, District Distance Learning Survey Microsoft: Remote Learning in Education >> Back to Top
How does the commission decide when to use remote learning approaches?
The Commission does notissue directives to districts or parents regarding when to use remote learning approaches. Rather, that guidance comes from the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), informed by statutory updates through the Connecticut General Assembly (CGA).
Where can I find guidance on remote learning in Connecticut?
Rather, that guidance comes from the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), informed by statutory updates through the Connecticut General Assembly (CGA). For the latest on allowable remote learning practices, see the CSDE's Superintendent's Digest.

What is the Home Internet Connectivity report 2021?
NEW: The January 2021 report, " Home Internet Connectivity: Barriers and Opportunities for K – 12 Students ," reflects the responses of school leaders to questions about remote learning in their communities. Feedback from respondents casts light on the factors that may vie against broadband and technology adoption among families, as well as exemplary outreach approaches to engage students in remote and hybrid learning.
How to create a teacher account for Skills21?
For teachers - Go to pip.skills21.org and create a Teacher Account using a school Google account. If your district does not use Google accounts, email us at info@skills21.org and we will create a manual login for you and your students. Skills21 will automatically be notified when you sign-up and we will email you a short video explaining how to use the platform as you support your students on their Personal Independent Projects.
What is the RESC Alliance?
RESC Alliance: The Alliance of Regional Education Service Centers and Connecticut State Department of Education have developed a comprehensive set of resources that districts may add to and leverage regarding a host of topics, from devices to tools used to communicate with families.
What do students need to support digital learning?
To support digital learning, Students and their teachers need access to the Internet, a device (computer or tablet), technical support, and the digital literacy skills to leverage these resources.
What can teachers do with instructional videos?
Teachers may leverage general-purpose applications to record and share instructional videos with students. Work with your district’s technology and instructional leadership teams to identify the tools your staff and students are familiar with , and avoid introducing new tools at the last minute, if possible.
Does Connecticut have internet access?
Home Access for Students and Teachers: The State of Connecticut has provided students with Internet access outside of school through Governor Lamont's Everybody Learns initiative. In addition to this program, the federal government has launched initiatives to help households and students get online. For details on these programs as well as a guide to choosing cellular hotspot devices, visit these pages from the Commission:
Should schools use digital tools?
Schools should try to leverage the digital tools they already use, to minimize disruption as students and teachers shift to online learning. However, teachers and leaders may wish to consider the many offers from educational technology providers recently made available.
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