What does the Department of Homeland Security do for people with disabilities?
DHS is committed to strengthening and supporting full inclusion and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in its programs and activities, through enforcement and compliance with requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, including Section 504. DHS Section 504 Policy and resources
What is the Office of accessible systems&technology?
The Office of Accessible Systems & Technology (OAST) guides and supports all Department components in removing barriers to information access and employment of qualified individuals with disabilities in accord with the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended).
How do I contact a work/life coordinator at DHS?
E-mail worklife@hq.dhs.gov to talk with a Work/Life coordinator at DHS. Was this page helpful?

Does DHS allow telework?
Telework policy at DHS varies by component and office. Employees of offices that allow teleworking may be permitted to telework as many as several days per week to as little as one day per month, or on an as-needed basis for reasons such as special projects, illness, or the unavailability of your regular office.
Can you access WebTA from home?
How do I access webTA? WebTA is accessed via the World Wide Web using Internet Explorer, version 4.0 or higher. The URL is: https://docwebta.eas.commerce.gov/webta/. The URL must be all lowercase, must include an “s” after the http, and must include a trailing slash (/) at the end.
What is DHS PIV card?
The Department of Homeland Security is issuing alternative credentials to its employees and contractors who need access to the agency's networks but can't physically visit a DHS facility to replace or get a new personal identity verification (PIV) card during the coronavirus pandemic.
What is DHS HSIN?
The Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) is the Department of Homeland Security's official system for trusted sharing of Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information between federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, international and private sector partners.
How do I log into vatas?
Access https://vatas.va.gov/webta/Login. VATAS Login page opens. 2. Type user ID and password.
How do I log into webTA?
To Log In Using a User ID and Password:Connect to the NFC Home page.Select the Applications link. The Application Launchpad is displayed.Select the webTA icon. ... Select the applicable webTA sign in option. ... Select the login link. ... Field. ... Select the Log In button.
Can everyone get a PIV card?
To be eligible as a PIV Card applicant: Be a New VA employee, current cardholder, contractor, or affiliate requiring access to VA facilities or Information Technology (IT) resources.
Who gets a PIV card?
Who gets a PIV Card? All BIE federal employees (Title 5 & Title 25) are required to have an active PIV Card. In addition, contractors may occasionally require a PIV Card on a case-by-case basis. If you have a contractor who may require a card, contact your servicing Personnel Security Specialist.
Can you use your PIV card at the airport?
Travelers will begin seeing new signs at airports nationwide in the coming weeks to remind people that REAL ID-compliant licenses or other acceptable forms of ID, such as a valid passport, federal government PIV card or U.S. military ID, will be mandatory for air travel beginning on October 1, 2020.
How do I get access to HSIN?
If you are not currently a HSIN user, please send an email to HSIN@hq.dhs.gov to request access to HSIN and include the information listed below. The application will be reviewed by the sponsoring organization of the requested HSIN community.
What does DHS stand for?
The Department of Homeland SecurityThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) protects our country's borders and manages the flow of people and products into and out of the United States. Here are some of the ways they do this.
How does the Department of Homeland Security collect data?
DHS surveys collect primary data using several types of questionnaires. A household questionnaire is used to collect information on characteristics of the household's dwelling unit, and data related to the height and weight for women and children in the household.
Why do I need a PIV card?
Ultimately, your USAccess PIV credential will enable you to gain access to buildings and systems for which you are authorized. Without a PIV credential, you may not be able to enter certain buildings, or will need to be registered as a guest.
Is a PIV card a federal ID?
All Federal ID cards (PIV, PIV-I, FAC) must be returned by the holder when HCHB access is no longer required. The separation process for employees and contractors leaving the HCHB is not complete until the issued identification card has been accounted for.
What is the difference between CAC and PIV cards?
PIV Card with Tectia SSH =cell While the CAC is limited to the personnel and contractors of the Department of Defense, the other branches of the US Federal government use a separate but similar authentication and identification system - the Personal Identity Verification standard (PIV).
How does PIV card authentication work?
PIV credentials have certificates and key pairs, pin numbers, biometrics like fingerprints and pictures, and other unique identifiers. When these items are put together in a PIV credential, the credential provides the capability to implement multifactor authentication for networks, applications, and buildings.
Office of Accessible Systems & Technology
The Office of Accessible Systems & Technology (OAST) guides and supports all Department components in removing barriers to information access and employment of qualified individuals with disabilities in accord with the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended).
Report accessibility issues or file a formal complaint
If you believe that the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) used by the Department of Homeland Security does not comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, you may file a 508 complaint by contacting Accessibility@hq.dhs.gov.
What is RTIC in DHS?
The RTIC is a redundant network infrastructure that provides essential OneNet services (Internet, extranet, VPN, and application hosting) to support all DHS components. In FY 2009, DHS installed the second RTIC at Data Center Two in Clarksville, Virginia; the first is located in Data Center One in Stennis, Mississippi. The addition of a second trusted Internet connection creates an infrastructure that is housed at two high-availability, totally redundant and geographically diverse data centers. It was built using a flexible framework, industry best practices, DHS system engineering life cycle process, and National Institute of
What is OneNet Infrastructure?
To achieve this goal, the OneNet Infrastructure, an enterprise-wide integrated information technology network, was created. The goal of OneNet is to create a reliable, cost-effective information technology infrastructure platform that supports the ability to share data among components. We reviewed the Department’s efforts to consolidate component networks to OneNet. Our objective was to determine the progress the Department is making in meeting its OneNet objectives.
Does DHS have a CONOPS?
DHS has not developed several key planning documents for the overall OneNet project. Specifically, DHS has not prepared a Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for the OneNet and the RTIC projects. DHS did develop an ITP Program CONOPS that provides a brief and limited description of how DHS expects to plan and develop its network services infrastructure under OneNet. According to DHS Management Directive 102-01, Revision 01, Section 5, a CONOPS describes how DHS components would use the desired capability to fulfill its operations.