Remote-access Guide

diamond light source remote access

by Christop Johnston Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How long is diamond data stored?

However, there are occasions when this is not possible and Diamond do continue to make your raw data available to you. With the large volumes of data collected at Diamond each day, data is only guaranteed to be stored on disc for 30 days after your experiment. Older data are stored on tape.

Does Diamond require special privileges?

Diamond provides multiple ways for users and staff to remotely connect. The most convenient, and recommended, is using NX. This method, described here, does not require any special/extended privileges on the DLS network or machines.


The impact of COVID-19 on public health and the global economy has led to an unprecedented research response, with a major emphasis on the development of safe vaccines and drugs. However, effective, safe treatments typically take over a decade to develop and there are still no clinically approved therapies to treat highly pathogenic coronaviruses.

1. Introduction

The rapid spread of a novel coronavirus led to the second pandemic of the 21st century being declared by the World Health Organisation on March 11, 2020 [ 1 ]. This virus, SARS-Cov-2 [ 2 ], has been directly responsible for over 1.2 million deaths as of November 1, 2020 [ 3 ]. Furthermore the world economy has been severely affected [ 4, 5 ].

2. SARS-CoV-2 main protease (M pro )- a prime target for drug discovery

The main viral protease (M pro) of SARS-CoV-2 plays an essential role in viral replication and has been extensively studied to identify inhibitors of SARS-CoV-1, MERS and now SARS-CoV-2 replication [ [27], [28], [29], [30], [32], [33] ].

3. Polymerase

Key to the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 is the RNA dependent RNA polymerase complex, which both copies the viral genome and also makes subgenomic negative sense RNAs that act as templates for viral messenger RNAs to express structural proteins which are the building blocks for new virus particles.

4. Spike

The coronavirus spike (See in Table 1) is trimeric with each subunit comprising some 1200 residues. It attaches to the host receptor and is cleaved into two chains (S1 and S2) to form a metastable structure which undergoes massive rearrangements to fuse the host and virus membranes, releasing the viral genome into the host cell.

5. Discussion and outlook

The COVID-19 pandemic exemplifies science as a model for global cooperation. Structural biology infrastructure can strengthen communities [ 63] and international organisations (such as Instruct-ERIC and EMBL in Europe) play a role, as does EU funded trans-national access (e.g. iNEXT-Discovery).


This work was supported by the Oxford COVID-19 donation fund, repurposed funds from UKRI and Wellcome, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Schmidt Foundation.


The analysis of reference materials is a fundamental part of the data analysis process, in particular for XAS experiments. The beamline users and more generally the XAS community can greatly benefit from the availability of a reliable and wide base of reference sample spectra, acquired in standard and well-characterized experimental conditions.

1. Introduction

X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy is increasingly used as a scientific and diagnostic tool, as materials’ technology and research is increasingly moving to the investigation of quasi-crystalline, amorphous and biologic materials in real use conditions.

2. Data sources

This large dataset collection cannot realistically be compiled by the facilities' staff alone, and contributions from the user community are necessary.

3. Database design

The website has been built using Django 2.0 ( ).

4. Conclusions

We are presenting a new XAS data repository based on an initial set of experimental measurements taken at Diamond Light Source. Our design strategy is aimed at encouraging the contribution and the sharing of data from the community of XAS researchers.


Data were collected on B18, the Core EXAFS beamline at Diamond Light Source within the in-house research program. O. Moore, R. Draper, L. A. Miller, A. Thoma, C. L. Doswell, A. Graham acknowledge support from Diamond Light Source for their studentships. Authors declare no competing interest.

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