Remote-access Guide

digital sales tax by state for remote access

by Kennith Emmerich Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is a remote sales tax system?

States are forbidden from discriminating against interstate commerce, through taxes or other means. If a remote sales tax system is designed in such a way as to disadvantage remote sellers compared to their in-state peers, for instance by imposing the tax at a higher rate, that tax would be facially invalid.

Which states require remote sellers to report sales tax?

Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota impose these requirements on all remote sellers not collecting and remitting sales tax, no matter how limited their activity in the state, making these laws particularly legally suspect. Rhode Island, South Carolina, and West Virginia repealed notice and reporting laws after the Wayfair decision.

Does the “balancing test” apply to remote sales tax regimes?

Nevertheless, the majority opinion in Wayfair opens the door to the application of the “balancing test” in Pike to remote sales tax regimes (and other state taxes).

Which states have marketplace facilitator regimes for remote sellers?

Following the 2018 South Dakota v. Wayfair U.S. Supreme Court decision eliminating the physical presence standard for sales tax nexus, 43 of 45 states with statewide sales taxes have adopted collection and remittance obligations for remote sellers, and 38 have implemented marketplace facilitator regimes.


What states have no digital tax?

States not using any definition at all – There are 18 states (Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, D.C., Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah and Virginia) that do not specifically define digital goods.

Which states collect sales tax on Internet sales?

States With Internet Sales Tax 2022StateHas Internet Sales TaxInternet Sales Tax Start DateArizona*ArkansasYesJan. 1, 2019CaliforniaYesApril 1, 2019ColoradoYesDec. 1, 201846 more rows

How do I avoid digital sales tax?

How to Shop Online to Avoid Sales TaxLook for a company that has no physical address in the state where you live. ... Shop at resale places such as eBay or (see Resources below). ... Be aware of your shipping address. ... Shop at websites that have their online business separate from their in-store businesses.More items...

Do you charge tax on digital products?

There are 23 states that do not tax digital products. 4 states do not have a retail sales tax at all; these include: Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon. For the states that tax digital products, the tax rate varies from 1% to 7%, depending upon the state and the type of digital good.

Do I charge PA sales tax for out-of-state customers?

Yes. Individuals who purchase taxable products or services from out-of-state locations or buy within Pennsylvania but pay no sales tax to the seller are responsible for paying use tax.

Do I have to pay California sales tax on Internet purchases?

If you actively sell merchandise in California or are a retailer engaged in business in California, you are responsible for collecting and paying tax on your Internet sales.

Can you use a VPN to avoid sales tax?

Fortunately, a VPN can help you save on VAT. You simply need to change your original IP address with one of the VPN server's IP to avoid paying extra charges for VAT.

Why do some websites not charge sales tax?

Large websites avoid sales tax by establishing subsidiaries that are solely responsible for the Internet part of the business model. For example, the store that you buy an item from online may be a different legal entity from the corresponding brick and mortar store that is in your local shopping mall.

Should online business be charged with tax?

Furthermore, Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 60-2020 reminds citizens that income from transactions conducted through digital means, either by the business, its affiliates, or its employees, are subject to taxation.

Are digital products taxable in Texas?

Texas law applies sales tax to digital goods if the items would be taxable if delivered in physical form. “Digital products, such as photographs and music are tangible personal property as defined in Section 151.009 of the Texas Tax Code.”

Does Florida charge tax on digital goods?

Sales of digital products are exempt from the sales tax in Florida.

What is online sales tax?

An internet sales tax is a sales and use tax collected and remitted on remote sales, many done online. In 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states could impose such obligations on sellers lacking physical presence in the state, vastly expanding the reach of these collection and remittance requirements.

Does Florida require sales tax on internet sales?

Yes. All sales of taxable tangible personal property made online are subject to tax when the merchandise is delivered to a customer located in Florida.

Why do some online stores not charge tax?

Large websites avoid sales tax by establishing subsidiaries that are solely responsible for the Internet part of the business model. For example, the store that you buy an item from online may be a different legal entity from the corresponding brick and mortar store that is in your local shopping mall.

Why are online retailers charging sales tax?

Need guidance on Internet sales tax? If you are selling goods over the Internet and your company has a presence in the state of delivery, your company has established nexus and will be required to register to collect sales tax on all taxable items regardless of method of order placement.

What states does Amazon not collect sales tax?

Amazon does not collect sales taxes from Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon, since those states do not have state sales taxes.

Where did digital advertising taxes originate?

Justifications and Analysis. The origin of digital advertising taxes is twofold. First, there is a borrowing from Europe, where digital services taxes came into vogue to address perceived under-taxation of cross-border digital activity due to the structure of tax codes within the European Union.

Which states tax social media?

Three states—Arkansas, Connecticut, and Indiana —have explored specifically taxing advertising on social media, with per-account levies as well. Seven proposals in six states target digital advertising more broadly, though in some cases lawmakers have articulated a particular interest in taxing social media.

Why do we tax technology?

There is, often implicitly and sometimes explicitly, a third motivation: a desire to tax the technology industry in particular, with digital advertising—or now social media—just a convenient vehicle for doing so. Sometimes lawmakers tax tech for the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks: that’s where the money is, or at least, that’s the perception. Particularly in the early months of the pandemic, when brick-and-mortar businesses struggled and technology companies looked to benefit from a cooped up population, many lawmakers found taxes on tech companies attractive just because they were doing well.

Why should we tax tech companies?

Separately, some wish to tax tech companies in the name of combating inequality, not that tech companies cause poverty—if anything, their services can help lift people out of poverty and undeniably improve the lives of people across the income spectrum—but because they have produced such fantastic wealth for some entrepreneurs and investors. They make an inviting target in this regard, but merely that a sector is doing well is not a reason to expose it to unique and punitive taxation. Often, moreover, such taxes backfire, ultimately hurting people other than its intended targets.

What is the Republican criticism of some (not all) Democrats' motivations for such taxes?

A Republican criticism of some (not all) Democrats’ motivations for such taxes is that it inappropriately uses the tax code as a cudgel against certain disfavored businesses. A Democratic criticism of some (not all) Republicans’ motivations for such taxes would be exactly the same.

What is gross receipts tax?

A gross receipts tax is a tax applied to a company’s gross sales, without deductions for a firm’s business expenses, like costs of goods sold and compensation. Unlike a sales tax, a gross receipts tax is assessed on businesses and apply to business-to-business transactions in addition to final consumer purchases, leading to tax pyramiding.

Is the tax code a dangerous thing?

The tax code is already replete with ways to tax high-income earners without arbitrarily taxing some people more based on the source of that income, and it is a dangerous path to begin targeting certain industries or businesses because some lawmakers disapprove of them or their policies.

How many states have internet sales tax?

Forty-five states and the District of Columbia have internet sales tax. The following states do not have an Internet sales tax:

What is internet sales tax?

Internet sales tax is a tax on Internet-based services. For many years, states argued that they were losing money by not collecting sales tax on Internet sales. On June 21, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court changed the rules for collecting sales tax by Internet-based retailers stating that individual states can require online sellers to collect state ...

What is an affiliate nexus?

Affiliate Nexus states an affiliated person of the retailer with a physical presence, or employees or agents in-state, has sufficient nexus in the state to require the retailer to collect and remit sales and use taxable retail sales of tangible personal property or services. Marketplace Nexus requires the marketplace facilitator to register ...

What is a remote seller nexus?

Any individual who sells products online should be aware of the different laws in different states. The provisions set by the states are called “Remote Seller Nexus” and vary between states. There are four different types of Nexus according to the Sales Tax Institute: Click-Through Nexus, Affiliate Nexus, Marketplace Nexus, and Economic Nexus.

Does economic nexus require a physical presence in a state?

The retailer does not need to have a physical presence in that state.

Is there a wayfair tax in Florida?

No provisions. The law in Florida predates the Wayfair case. Section 212.06 of Florida’s sales tax law requires “any person… who maintains or has within [Florida], directly or by a subsidiary, an office, distributing house, salesroom, or house, warehouse, or other place of business” to pay sales tax.

Who is required to pay sales tax in Florida?

Section 212.06 of Florida’s sales tax law requires “any person… who maintains or has within [Florida], directly or by a subsidiary, an office, distributing house, salesroom, or house, warehouse, or other place of business” to pay sales tax.

How many states require remote sellers to collect sales tax?

Seven states and the District of Columbia, either intentionally or by omission in drafting, potentially require a remote seller to collect and remit sales tax for transactions which occurred prior to attaining the state’s threshold for compliance.

How many states have remittance obligations for remote sellers?

As of January 2020, 43 of the 45 states with statewide sales taxes [12] will have adopted collection and remittance obligations for remote sellers, and 38 will have implemented marketplace facilitator regimes. In most cases, these new systems were adopted legislatively, but in a handful of states they are wholly the consequence of administrative guidance or regulations.

How many states have a remittance requirement for sales tax?

Following the 2018 South Dakota v. Wayfair U.S. Supreme Court decision eliminating the physical presence standard for sales tax nexus, 43 of 45 states with statewide sales taxes have adopted collection and remittance obligations for remote sellers, and 38 have implemented marketplace facilitator regimes.

Which states have a nexus threshold?

South Dakota’s threshold, where nexus attaches with either $100,000 of gross sales or 200 transactions in the state, remains the most common, adopted by 24 states and the District of Columbia, while Georgia uses $250,000 or 200 transactions.

What is a transaction threshold?

A transactions threshold, moreover, introduces complications that are absent from a gross sales standard. Statutes are silent on what constitutes a transaction—an order, a shipment, or an individual item—and even if guidance is provided, the definition of an “item” is no easy matter, particularly if certain items constitute part of a larger whole. A dollar-denominated gross sales threshold better comports with the purpose of the safe harbor and is easier to quantify.Although the gross sales or transaction threshold remains the most common, later adopters have been more likely to rely exclusively on gross sales, which is better policy and more legally sound. A small business might have more than 200 sales into a state worth $5 apiece; in that case, compliance costs can easily outstrip the amount of sales tax collected and remitted, and more importantly, could exceed the company’s profits on those sales, giving rise to claims of undue burden.

Why do you denominate gross sales?

Be denominated in gross sales, not transactions, to avoid the possibility of imposing burdens in excess of profits; Be calculated using taxable sales under the state’s own sales tax base; Avoid “notch effects,” where exceeding the safe harbor imposes a retroactive obligation on already-completed transactions.

When did the NCSL report model marketplace facilitator legislation?

The State and Local Tax Task Force of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) reported model marketplace facilitator legislation to the full executive committee in late November.

Is rewritten software taxed in Georgia?

In the state of Georgia, any rewritten computer software, whether it is modified to the specifications of a customer or not, is still deemed prewritten computer software. This being the case, however, so long as there is a separately stated charge on the dealer's invoice for the modification or enhancement, the charge is will not subject to tax.

Is digital sales tax exempt in Georgia?

Sales of digital products are exempt from the sales tax in Georgia.

Is canned software subject to sales tax in Georgia?

Sales of canned software - delivered on tangible media are subject to sales tax in Georgia.

Does Georgia have sales tax?

While Georgia's sales tax generally applies to most transactions, certain items have special treatment in many states when it comes to sales taxes. This page describes the taxability of software and digital products in Georgia, including canned software - delivered on tangible media, canned software - downloaded, custom software - delivered on tangible media, custom software - downloaded, customization of canned software and digital products. To learn more, see a full list of taxable and tax-exempt items in Georgia .

Is software delivered on tangible media exempt from sales tax in Georgia?

Sales of custom software - delivered on tangible media are exempt from the sales tax in Georgia.

Is digital sales taxed in Alabama?

Sales of digital products are subject to sales tax in Alabama.

Does Alabama have sales tax?

While Alabama's sales tax generally applies to most transactions, certain items have special treatment in many states when it comes to sales taxes. This page describes the taxability of software and digital products in Alabama, including canned software - delivered on tangible media, canned software - downloaded, custom software - delivered on tangible media, custom software - downloaded, customization of canned software and digital products. To learn more, see a full list of taxable and tax-exempt items in Alabama .

Is canned software taxable in Alabama?

Sales of canned software - delivered on tangible media are subject to sales tax in Alabama. Sales of canned software - downloaded are subject to sales tax in Alabama. In the state of Alabama, the majority of tangible medium is utilized to transfer the custom software programming to the buyer is considered to be taxable.

Is there sales tax on canned software in Alabama?

Sales of digital products are subject to sales tax in Alabama.


Key Findings

  1. Digital advertising, social media, and data tax proposals have been introduced in nine states following enactment of Maryland’s digital advertising tax, which has since been postponed a year due to...
  2. Motivations for these taxes vary, from misperceptions that there is currently a tax loophole to a belief that technology and social media companies merit an extra layer of taxation, either bec…
  1. Digital advertising, social media, and data tax proposals have been introduced in nine states following enactment of Maryland’s digital advertising tax, which has since been postponed a year due to...
  2. Motivations for these taxes vary, from misperceptions that there is currently a tax loophole to a belief that technology and social media companies merit an extra layer of taxation, either because...
  3. These taxes are administratively complex, constitutionally dubious, and likely violative of the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act.
  4. Much of the cost of these taxes will be borne by in-state companies and individuals.


  • Across the country, policymakers of both parties have developed a strong interest in taxing large technology companies through digital advertising taxes, social media taxes, and data taxes. What is notably absent is any consistent rationale for these new proposals. When such rationales are articulated, they are varied and sometimes inconsistent. This is not to say that those motivation…
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Current State Digital Tax Proposals

  • Twelve digital advertising or data tax bills have been introduced across nine states thus far this year, though they have made little progress, as many lawmakers have adopted a wait-and-see approach regarding Maryland’s digital advertising tax. Maryland lawmakers enacted the tax with a veto override, then delayed a year as the state faces multiple ...
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Justifications and Analysis

  • The origin of digital advertising taxes is twofold. First, there is a borrowing from Europe, where digital services taxes came into vogue to address perceived under-taxation of cross-border digital activity due to the structure of tax codes within the European Union. Two, interest was raised by an op-ed by economist Paul Roemer,who proposed high taxes on targeted digital advertising no…
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  • Thus far, Maryland is the only state to adopt any such tax, and its digital advertising tax is already the subject of litigation. Before other states follow in their footsteps, policymakers should ask themselves not only whether their proposal is practical, and not just whether it is legal, but also whether it is justified. They should also think very carefully before using the tax code to target in…
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What Digital Products Are Subject to Tax?

  • Sales or use tax apply to all digital products, regardless of how they are accessed (downloaded, streamed, subscription service, networking, etc.). (See exclusions from the definitions and exemptions from retail sales and use tax below) Digital products subject to sales or use tax include: 1. Downloaded digital goods (music and movies, etc.) 2. Streamed and accessed digita…
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Definition of Terms

  • What is a digital product?
    1. It is transferred electronically. 2. Digital goods (movies and music, etc.) 3. Digital automated services (services that have been automated)
  • What is a digital good?
    1. Data 2. Facts 3. Information 4. Sounds (music) 5. Images (movies, pictures) 6. Any combination of the above. When these are transferred electronically, they are digital goods. Digital goods do not include: 1. The representation of a personal or professional service primarily involving the ap…
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How These Laws Apply

  • How are prewritten remote access software keys or activation codes taxed?
    The sale of prewritten software subject to sales or use tax includes the sale or charge made for a key or an enabling or activation code.
  • What is the value of the digital product for use tax purposes?
    The value is the purchase price of the digital product. If the digital product is acquired by means other than a purchase, the value of the digital product is determined by the retail selling price of a similar digital product.
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Exclusions and Exemptions

  • Exclusions,including telecommunications and internet access, are not considered digital products even though they are transferred electronically. These activities and items are excluded from the definition of digital products. Their tax treatment is not changed by these laws. (See the Definition of Terms section above for more examples of activities that are not considered digital goods an…
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  • RCWs 1. 82.04.192- Digital products definitions 2. 82.04.257- Tax on digital products and services 3. 82.04.258- Digital products - Apportionable income 4. 82.08.0208- Digital codes 5. 82.08.02082- Digital Products - Ingredient or component - Made available for free 6. 82.08.02087- Digital goods and services - Purchased for business purposes 7. 82.08.02088- Digital products - Business Buy…
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