Remote-access Guide

digitalocean database remote access

by Pete Bayer Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I access my DigitalOcean database?

Connect to a Database Go to, click on your app, and click on the Settings tab. Click on your database to view its details. The connection information for your database is provided in the Connection Details section.

How do I enable remote access to MySQL DigitalOcean?

How to allow remote access to database on Digital Ocean Server (from Scratch)Create a droplet on a Digital Ocean.SSH Into the newly created server: ... (Optional) Change the root password: ... Install Mysql: ... Now allow the remote access: ... (Optional) Turn off the strict mode: ... Enable 3306 port on firewall and restart:More items...

How do I setup a remote database?

Allowing a Remote Server to Access Your DatabaseLog into cPanel and click the Remote MySQL icon, under Databases.Type in the connecting IP address, and click the Add Host button. ... Click Add, and you should now be able to connect remotely to your database.

How do I make my MySQL database accessible remotely?

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQLStep 1: Edit MySQL Config File.Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection. Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Option 2: FirewallD. Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables.Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server.

How can I share MySQL database between two computers?

You can do by this process step-by-step using MySQL WorkBench.Install MySQL Workbench.Connect to existing Database.Go to Navigator -> Management -> Data Export. ( ... Create Database on target PC.Connect to Target Database (would consist of 0 tables in DB)Go to Navigator -> Management -> Data Import/Restore.

What is remote MySQL?

Overview. This feature allows remote hosts (servers) to access MySQL® databases on your account. This is useful, for example, if you wish to allow shopping cart or guestbook applications on other servers to access your databases. Warning: Your hosting provider may add remote hosts to this list at the server level.

How can I access my database from another computer?

To connect to the Database Engine from another computerOn a second computer that contains the SQL Server client tools, log in with an account authorized to connect to SQL Server, and open Management Studio.In the Connect to Server dialog box, confirm Database Engine in the Server type box.More items...•

How do I connect to a database from a different server?

Create the remote connectionOn your database server, as a user with root privileges, open your MySQL configuration file. To locate it, enter the following command: ... Search the configuration file for bind-address . ... Save your changes to the configuration file and exit the text editor.Restart the MySQL service:

Is a remote database a server?

Remote database servers reside on a separate machine. Sometimes, the data from a remote database server does not even reside on a single machine, but is distributed over several servers. Although remote database servers vary in the way they store information, they provide a common logical interface to clients.

How do I expose my MySQL Internet?

How to expose your MySQL Server to the InternetSSH into the database server as: ssh /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf.d/mysqld.cnf to edit the [mysqld] > bind-address to read my server's ip (local intranet ip issued by the router . ... mysql> CREATE DATABASE MyTable ;More items...

How do I connect to a MySQL database using IP address?

Select Connections from the SQL navigation menu. In the Authorized networks section, click Add network and enter the IP address of the machine where the client is installed. Note: The IP address of the instance and the mysql client IP address you authorize must be the same IP version: either IPv4 or IPv6. Click Done.

How do I enable remote access to MySQL database server in Windows?

Connecting to MySQL on WindowsFrom there, type . \mysql.exe -u username -h X.X.X.X:XXXX -p. Replace X.X.X.X:XXXX with your remote server IP address and port number (eg. 100.200. ... Provide your password, when prompted, to complete the sign-in process and access your MySQL database remotely.

How do I access MySQL Digitalocean?

0:002:29How to Host MySQL on DigitalOcean | ScaleGrid - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAccount on the getting started page select my sql as your database digitalocean as your cloud theMoreAccount on the getting started page select my sql as your database digitalocean as your cloud the dedicated hosting plan then click create enter a unique name for your cluster using alphanumerics.

How do I connect to a remote MySQL server workbench?

Steps to connect to your database remotelyOpen MySQL Workbench.Click New Connection towards the bottom left of MySQL Workbench.In the “Set up a New Connection Dialogue” box, Type your Database connection credentials. ... Type your password and click the “Save Password in Vault” check box.More items...•

How do I enable remote access to MySQL database server in Windows?

Connecting to MySQL on WindowsFrom there, type . \mysql.exe -u username -h X.X.X.X:XXXX -p. Replace X.X.X.X:XXXX with your remote server IP address and port number (eg. 100.200. ... Provide your password, when prompted, to complete the sign-in process and access your MySQL database remotely.

How do I enable remote access to MariaDB?

How to enable Remote access to your MariaDB/MySQL database on Ubuntu Bionic or MariaDB < v10. 6Enabling Remote Access in the Webdock Dashboard. ... Manual configuration using the command line. ... Verify MariaDB Server. ... Configure MariaDB. ... Grant Access to a User from a Remote System. ... Configure Firewall.More items...•

What is MongoDB database?

MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program for high-volume storage. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.

Why is redundancy important in a database cluster?

Additional redundancy in the database cluster also minimizes the risk of data loss. If there are no running nodes to copy data from, the database cluster reprovisions nodes using the most recent backup and the write-ahead log to recover the database to as close to the point of failure as possible. However, the write-ahead log backs up every five minutes, so the most recent writes to the database may be lost if the cluster needs to recover this way.

Is PostgreSQL 13 available?

PostgreSQL 13 is now available for database clusters. You can also now perform in-place upgrades for PostgreSQL clusters to newer versions without any downtime. We currently support PostgreSQL 10, 11, 12, and 13.

Is PostgreSQL open source?

PostgreSQL is an open source, object-relational database built with extensibility, data integrity, and speed in mind. Its concurrency support makes it fully ACID compliant, and it supports dynamic loading and catalog-driven operations to let users customize its data types, functions, and more. 3 articles. Redis.

Is MySQL a database?

MySQL is an open source, object-relational database built with speed and reliability in mind. Its large and active developer community has created many third-party applications, tools, and libraries that expand MySQL’s functionality. 3 articles.

Is MongoDB available in AMS3?

MongoDB is now available as a managed database engine in the AMS3, BLR1, FRA1, LON1, NYC1, NYC3, SFO3, SGP1, and TOR1 regions.

Logical Replication vs. Physical Replication

The online migration feature uses either logical replication or a physical replication to migrate data from one database to another.


To migrate an existing database to a DigitalOcean database cluster, you need to reference the source database’s connection credentials and to disable or update any firewalls between the databases.

Prepare the Source Database for Migration

Once the source database is accessible from the public internet, prepare the source database itself for migration by allowing remote connections to the source database, enabling Global Transaction Identification (GTID), and granting logical replication privileges to the source database user you intend to connect and migrate with.

Migrate a MySQL Database

To migrate a MySQL database from the DigitalOcean Control Panel, click Databases and then select the database you want to migrate to from your list of databases.

How to turn ON Remote MySQL connection in Droplets?

When your web developer needs access to the database from his home, remote MySQL connection comes handy.

Can MySQL be accessible to any IP address?

By commenting this line, we remove this restriction. Therefore, MySQL becomes accessible to any IP address.

Can MySQL connect to outside network?

By default, MySQL do not allow any connection to the databases from outside network. To enable access, we need to manually allow this in the MySQL configuration file. For example, in Ubuntu server, our Cloud Specialists edit the file /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf and comment out the following line. bind-address=

Does remote MySQL work?

Remote MySQL connection will work only when the edits are done in the correct configuration file.

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