Remote-access Guide

digitalocean mongodb remote access

by Donavon Haley Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Open MongoDB & droplet for access from the world To access the database from outside the droplet, let’s connect to the instance (insert your droplet IP and DigitalOcean access key): ssh -i /Users/yourusername/.ssh/yourkey root@

Full Answer

How do I connect my DigitalOcean database to MongoDB?

To connect to your MongoDB database, open MongoDB Compass, then click New Connection in the left navigation menu. In the Paste your connection string field, paste the connection string provided by DigitalOcean into the field.

Can I run MongoDB on a remote server?

Following that, your MongoDB installation will be able to accept remote connections from whatever machines you’ve allowed to access port 27017. As a final step, you can test whether the trusted remote server you allowed through the firewall in Step 1 can reach the MongoDB instance running on your server.

What port does the mongod process use?

This example output shows that the mongod process is listening for connections on its default port, 27017: . . . mongod 82221 mongodb 11u IPv4 913411 0t0 TCP localhost: 27017 (LISTEN) . . . In most cases, MongoDB should only be accessed from certain trusted locations, such as another server hosting an application.

How do I protect my MongoDB installation from the Internet?

Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW firewall on your server, your MongoDB installation will be inaccessible from the internet. If you intend to use MongoDB only locally with applications running on the same server, this is the recommended and secure setting.


How do I access MongoDB remotely?

MongoDB remote connection – Globally accessAdd global bindIp in mongod. config. ... AWS server side – give access permission TCP mongoDB port. In AWS dashboard navigate to. ... Connect to Database using MongoDB compass. Open db compass, connect > new Connection > Paste your connection string.

How does MongoDB connect to remote host?

How to connect to your remote MongoDB serverSet up your user. First ssh into your server and enter the mongo shell by typing mongo . ... Enable auth and open MongoDB access up to all IPs. Edit your MongoDB config file. ... Open port 27017 on your EC2 instance. ... Last step: restart mongo daemon (mongod)

How do I access MongoDB DigitalOcean?

To connect to your MongoDB database, open MongoDB Compass, then click New Connection in the left navigation menu. In the Paste your connection string field, paste the connection string provided by DigitalOcean into the field.

Can I use MongoDB on DigitalOcean?

Managed MongoDB is a fully managed, database as a service (DBaaS) offering from DigitalOcean, built in partnership with and certified by MongoDB Inc. It provides you all the technical capabilities that make MongoDB so beloved in the developer community.

How does MongoDB connect to IP address?

Enable MongoDB Auth In the same config file, go to the network interfaces section and change the bindIp from 127.0. 0.1 to 0.0. 0.0 which means allow connections from all ip addresses. Now save and exit the config file and restart mongodb server.

How do I access local MongoDB?

To connect to your local MongoDB, you set Hostname to localhost and Port to 27017 . These values are the default for all local MongoDB connections (unless you changed them). Press connect, and you should see the databases in your local MongoDB.

How do I connect to a MongoDB cluster?

You'll need to get your cluster's connection string from Atlas to connect to the cluster using the PyMongo driver.Click Connect. ... Click Choose a connection method.Click Connect your application. ... Select Python and your version of the driver. ... Copy the provided connection string.Configure the provided connection string.More items...

Does AWS have MongoDB?

MongoDB is an AWS Partner. To launch a fully managed MongoDB cluster on AWS, try it for free from AWS Marketplace. AWS Service Catalog administrators can add this architecture to their own catalog.

What is MongoDB SRV?

MongoDB URI syntax. . The use of SRV records eliminates the requirement for every client to pass in a complete set of state information for the cluster. Instead, a single SRV record identifies all the nodes associated with the cluster (and their port numbers) and an associated TXT record defines the options for the URI ...

Is MongoDB free on DigitalOcean?

MongoDB is a free and open-source NoSQL document database common in modern web applications.

Is MongoDB cloud free?

Fully supporting AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, MongoDB allows teams to choose their cloud provider of choice while providing database management that streamlines every aspect of database administration. It's easy to get started with MongoDB Atlas, and it's free.

Is DynamoDB like MongoDB?

Both these databases support multi-document transactions, but with key differences: MongoDB supports read and writes to the same documents and fields in a single database transaction. DynamoDB lacks support for multiple operations within a single transaction.

How do I access MongoDB in Kubernetes?

How to Run MongoDB on KubernetesDeploy a Standalone MongoDB Instance. Step 1: Label the Node. Step 2: Create a StorageClass. Step 3: Create Persistent Storage. ... Deploy a ReplicaSet. Step 1: Set up Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Step 2: Create a StatefulSet Deployment. Step 3: Create a Headless Service.

What is MongoDB SRV?

MongoDB URI syntax. . The use of SRV records eliminates the requirement for every client to pass in a complete set of state information for the cluster. Instead, a single SRV record identifies all the nodes associated with the cluster (and their port numbers) and an associated TXT record defines the options for the URI ...

How do I find my MongoDB IP address?

To find the public IP address for any node in your cluster, use the nslookup tool from the command line. The IP address is shown in the Address portion of the output.

How use MongoDB compass locally?

This page outlines how to use MongoDB Compass to connect to a MongoDB host....Paste your connection string.Navigate to your Atlas Clusters view.Click Connect for your desired cluster.Click Connect with MongoDB Compass.Copy the provided connection string.

How to allow remote connections to MongoDB?

To allow remote connections, you must edit the MongoDB configuration file — /etc/mongod.conf — to additionally bind MongoDB to your server’s publicly-routable IP address. This way, your MongoDB installation will be able to listen to connections made to your MongoDB server from remote machines.

What is MongoDB?

Introduction. MongoDB, also known as Mongo, is an open-source document database used commonly in modern web applications. By default, it only allows connections that originate on the same server where it’s installed.

Can MongoDB accept remote connections?

Following that, your MongoDB installation will be able to accept remote connections from whatever machines you’ve allowed to access port 27017. As a final step, you can test whether the trusted remote server you allowed through the firewall in Step 1 can reach the MongoDB instance running on your server.

Can MongoDB be used from the internet?

Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW firewall on your server, your MongoDB installation will be inaccessible from the internet. If you intend to use MongoDB only locally with applications running on the same server, this is the recommended and secure setting. However, if you would like to be able to connect to your MongoDB server from a remote location, you have to allow incoming connections to the port where the database is listening by adding a new UFW rule.

Can you access MongoDB from a remote server?

You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your Mongo database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely.

How to allow remote connections to MongoDB?

To allow remote connections, you must edit the MongoDB configuration file — /etc/mongod.conf — to additionally bind MongoDB to your server’s publicly-routable IP address. This way, your MongoDB installation will be able to listen to connections made to your MongoDB server from remote machines.

What is MongoDB?

Introduction. MongoDB, also known as Mongo, is an open-source document database used commonly in modern web applications. By default, it only allows connections that originate on the same server where it’s installed.

Can MongoDB accept remote connections?

Following that, your MongoDB installation will be able to accept remote connections from whatever machines you’ve allowed to access port 27017. As a final step, you can test whether the trusted remote server you allowed through the firewall in Step 1 can reach the MongoDB instance running on your server.

Can MongoDB be used from the internet?

Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW firewall on your server, your MongoDB installation will be inaccessible from the internet. If you intend to use MongoDB only locally with applications running on the same server, this is the recommended and secure setting. However, if you would like to be able to connect to your MongoDB server from a remote location, you have to allow incoming connections to the port where the database is listening by adding a new UFW rule.

Can you access MongoDB from a remote server?

You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your Mongo database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely.

What is MongoDB used for?

MongoDB, also known as Mongo, is an open-source document database used in many modern web applications. By default, it only allows connections that originate on the same server where it’s installed. If you want to manage MongoDB remotely or connect it to a separate application server, there are a few changes you’d need to make to the default configuration.

Can you access MongoDB from a remote server?

You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your Mongo database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely.

Can you connect to MongoDB from a remote location?

However, if you would like to be able to connect to your MongoDB server from a remote location, you have to allow incoming connections to the port where the database is listening by adding a new firewall rule.

Can MongoDB be used locally?

Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and set up firewalld on your server, your MongoDB installation will be inaccessible from the internet. If you intend to use MongoDB only locally with applications running on the same server, this is the recommended and secure setting. However, if you would like to be able to connect to your MongoDB server from a remote location, you have to allow incoming connections to the port where the database is listening by adding a new firewall rule.

Can MongoDB accept remote connections?

Following that, your MongoDB installation will be able to accept remote connections from whatever machines you’ve allowed to access port 27017. As a final step, you can test whether the trusted remote server you allowed through the firewall in Step 1 can reach the MongoDB instance running on your server.

How MongoDB Controls Access with Role-Based Access Control

Access control — also known as authorization — is a security technique that involves determining who can gain access to which resources.


In this article, you learned how to create users with limited access to the database and use the Role-Based Access Control to enforce the least privilege principle on your database, granting only the minimal necessary set of privileges to users.

How to install MongoDB Compass?

To install the MongoDB Compass on your local computer. To copy the database cluster’s connection string, which tells the client how to connect to the cluster. To connect to your MongoDB database, open MongoDB Compass, then click New Connection in the left navigation menu.

What is MongoDB cluster?

How to Connect to MongoDB Database Clusters. MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program for high-volume storage. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.

Plans and Pricing

There are two kinds of database cluster plans you can choose from: single node clusters and high availability clusters.

Regional Availability

Review the regional availability matrix to see which regions MongoDB is available in.


Daily point-in-time backups. Full cluster backups are taken daily and write-ahead-logs are maintained to allow you to restore to any point-in-time within the previous seven days.

Known Issues

You must use a third-party client to manage access control lists (ACLs). You can add users and databases from the DigitalOcean Control Panel.

Latest Updates

MongoDB is now available as a managed database engine in the AMS3, BLR1, FRA1, LON1, NYC1, NYC3, SFO3, SGP1, and TOR1 regions.



Step 1 — Adjusting The Firewall

  • Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW firewall on your server, your MongoDB installation will be inaccessible from the internet. If you intend to use MongoDB only locally with applications running on the same server, this is the recommended and secure setting. However, if you would like to be able to connect to your MongoDB server from a r…
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Step 2 — Configuring A Public Bindip

  • At this point, even though the port is open, MongoDB is currently bound to, the local loopback network interface. This means that MongoDB is only able to accept connections that originate on the server where it’s installed. To allow remote connections, you must edit the MongoDB configuration file — /etc/mongod.conf— to additionally bind MongoDB to an IP addres…
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Step 3 — Testing Remote Connectivity

  • Now that you configured your MongoDB installation to listen for connections that originate on its publicly-routable IP address and granted your remote machine access through your server’s firewall to Mongo’s default port, you can test that the remote machine is able to connect. One way to test that your trusted computer is able to connect to the MongoDB instance is to use the nc c…
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  • You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your MongoDB database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely. If you haven’t configured an administrative user and enabled authentication, anyone who...
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Step 1 — Adjusting The Firewall

Step 2 — Configuring A Public Bindip

Step 3 — Testing Remote Connectivity


  • You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your Mongo database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely. If you haven’t configured an administrative user and enabled authentication, anyone who h...
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Step 1 — Adjusting The Firewall

Step 2 — Configuring A Public Bindip

Step 3 — Testing Remote Connectivity


  • You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your Mongo database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely. If you haven’t configured an administrative user and enabled authentication, anyone who h...
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