Remote-access Guide

docker container remote access app

by Patricia Schiller Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Use the following commands to build and run your Docker image: $ docker build -t aspnetapp. $ docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name myapp aspnetapp View the web page running from a container 🔗 Go to localhost:8080 to access your app in a web browser.

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How to install and configure Docker?

Step-By-Step Docker Installation on Windows

  1. Go to the website and download the docker file. ...
  2. Then, double-click on the Docker Desktop Installer.exe to run the installer. ...
  3. Once you start the installation process, always enable Hyper-V Windows Feature on the Configuration page.

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How to connect Docker machine to a remote Docker VirtualBox?

Connect your Docker client to a remote Docker host. Pre-requisites. We'll need to be able to SSH into the remote host. Make sure the Docker port is open. Docker Machine will SSH to the remote machine to configure the Docker engine. Add the remote machine using Docker machine. Configure the Docker client to use the remote engine.

How to enable Docker Remote API on Docker host?

Run commands on remote Docker host

  • Enable Docker Remote API. First be sure to enable the Docker Remote API on the remote host. ...
  • Download docker client. If you don't have a local Docker installation, you need to download the docker client (= docker cli), which is a simple executable.
  • HTTPS connection configuration. ...
  • Connect to remote api. ...

Can Docker access the host file system?

Yes, you can configure host filesystem access in your docker containers. I assume you’re also asking about access aside from the fact that docker will use the host operating systems file systems by default as that’s where you’re storing your docker containers and images.


How do I access Docker container remotely?

Connect to remote Docker over SSHUse ssh-keygen or similar to get and configure a public/private key pair for SSH authentication. ... Configure ssh-agent on the local system with the private key file produced above. ... Verify that your identity is available to the agent with ssh-add -l .More items...

How do I run a Web application in a Docker container?

Fire the follwing command to access your container.docker exec -it /bin/bash.This is how you access the container.Now if you want to access the web app in your browser then you should run the following commands.docker run -p 80:8080 -d -it /bin/bash.More items...

Can you host a Web app on Docker?

Docker Hub is like the GitHub of Docker Containers. There are thousands of apps and examples you can use. To set up your own public or private repository to start deploying your apps, just go to the Docker Hub website. You can use the Docker hub to push and pull changes in your app to different machines.

Can you interact with an application inside a container?

The answer is yes!! But using normal docker run commands, you won't be able to see or interact with the these applications. You need to connect the display with the container in order to do so.

Can any application run in a container?

You can run any application in Docker as long as it can be installed and executed unattended, and the base operating system supports the app. Windows Server Core runs in Docker which means you can run pretty much any server or console application in Docker.

How do I access containers from outside the Internet?

If you run container with -p 80:8080, you'll be able to access in-container web server running on port 8080 from outside world, querying port 80 on docker host. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "docker-dev" group.

Is Docker a Web server?

Docker is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization.It uses system resources. Containers are bundled software packages that are run by docker. A good use case for docker could be having several Java web applications with different dependencies.

How do I deploy a go web application?

Creating a golang web application, using go modules and the gin web framework to serve strings, JSON, and static files. Using a multistage Dockerfile to create a lightweight Docker image. Deploying a Docker-based application to Heroku using heroku stack:set container and a heroku. yml file.

How do you Containerize a web app?

In this module, you will:Create a Dockerfile for a new container image based on a starter image from Docker Hub.Add files to an image using Dockerfile commands.Configure an image's startup command with Dockerfile commands.Build and run a web application packaged in a Docker image.More items...

Do Docker containers have GUI?

Running a GUI program in Docker can be a useful technique when you're evaluating a new piece of software. You can install the software in a clean container, instead of having to pollute your host with new packages. This approach also helps you avoid any incompatibilities with other packages in your environment.

Can a Docker container run multiple applications?

It's ok to have multiple processes, but to get the most benefit out of Docker, avoid one container being responsible for multiple aspects of your overall application. You can connect multiple containers using user-defined networks and shared volumes.

How do you communicate between containers?

If you are running more than one container, you can let your containers communicate with each other by attaching them to the same network. Docker creates virtual networks which let your containers talk to each other. In a network, a container has an IP address, and optionally a hostname.

How do you Containerize a web application?

Learning objectivesCreate a Dockerfile for a new container image based on a starter image from Docker Hub.Add files to an image using Dockerfile commands.Configure an image's startup command with Dockerfile commands.Build and run a web application packaged in a Docker image.More items...

How do I Dockerize an application?

Install packages Install only what you really need. ... Add custom files.Define which user can run your container.Define the exposed ports.Define the entrypoint Run your executable file.Define a configuration method Every application requires parametrization.Externalize your data.

How do I convert an application to a container?

Every migration is unique, but here are a few important principles you should address before porting your application to containers.Understand your dependencies. ... Evaluate your data storage. ... Prepare your Git repo. ... Know your build system. ... Build an image. ... Containerize it.

How do you deploy a containerized application?

ObjectivesPackage a sample web application into a Docker image.Upload the Docker image to Artifact Registry.Create a GKE cluster.Deploy the sample app to the cluster.Manage autoscaling for the deployment.Expose the sample app to the internet.Deploy a new version of the sample app.

How to overcome Docker limitation?

One way to overcome this limitation is to launch the Docker container using the host’s network namespace with --net hostbut this is generally not what you want as you’d break your network isolation in the same time.

Is running a graphical application in Docker a problem?

Running a graphical application in a Docker container, is also considered a solved problem, mostly thanks to Jessie Frazelle’s posts on the topic and numerous other SO questions and posts. Let’s do one more :)

What is a docker command?

The docker command is nothing but the client application. The client and the daemon communicate via the docker API over a traditional Unix socket that you can find at /run/docker.sock or /var/run/docker.sock. The client asks the daemon to do something, or retrieve information, and the daemon does just that.

How to confirm a docker command?

To confirm the above statement, run any docker command at the end of this section (while testing) with the -l debug flag. This will print the exact command being executed on your local machine.

Why do I need to use Portainer?

Many monitoring tools, like Portainer, need access to the Docker API endpoint to monitor details like networks, running containers, etc. Normally to add a server to the endpoint list, you'd have to deploy a Portainer agent on the server first and bind some port from the container to the host. Instead, you could just let it access the docker daemon directly, this would save a lot of your resources.

What flag do you use to run a docker?

Alternatively, you can also use the -H flag like I've done here with the docker command

How to copy a public key to a remote server?

Use ssh-copy-id user@ip command to copy over the public key to the remote server.

Is SSH secure on Docker?

Friends at docker have already considered this. Using SSH for the in-between protocol, it is as secure as your SSH sessions are. More on this in later section of this tutorial.

Can Portainer be remotely accessed?

All can be done remotely. Many monitoring tools, like Portainer, need access to the Docker API endpoint to monitor details like networks, running containers, etc. Normally to add a server to the endpoint list, you'd have to deploy a Portainer agent on the server first and bind some port from the container to the host.

How to access X2Go session?

In Your machine name, type a personalized name for your session. In Container IP, type the IP of the container to access with X2Go. Also, type your username and select the Session Type with the Graphical Desktop which you installed in the container. In our case, it is XFCE .

Is a container connected to a bridge?

Container is not connected to a bridge network. It is important to connect the container to a bridge network. If you cannot get access to the bridge network, you can show the port 22 by port mapping when creating your container.

Does SSH start on container boot?

Warning: The SSH service will not start on container boot. You need to create an entrypoint to get it on start up. If you want to start SSH manually, you can use:

Does Docker pull images?

Note that this step is optional, since a docker run command will automatically pull the image, if it is not found in the local image repository.

Can Docker host run X11?

Note that if your Docker host is running X11 and local access to the container desktop is sufficient, there are solutions without VNC server; see e.g. the blog of Fabio Rehm. In our case, we would like to be more flexible and run the Docker host on a remote infrastructure (AWS in my case). We will see that this is not a complex task either, if we re-use existing Docker images from Docker hub.

How to put a container on a network?

There are two ways to put a container on a network: 1) Assign it at start or 2) connect an existing container. For now, we will create the network first and attach the MySQL container at startup. Create the network. Start a MySQL container and attach it to the network.

What container ships with a lot of tools that are useful for troubleshooting or debugging networking issues?

To figure it out, we’re going to make use of the nicolaka/netshoot container , which ships with a lot of tools that are useful for troubleshooting or debugging networking issues.

What does setting mysql_password_file do?

As an example, setting the MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE var will cause the app to use the contents of the referenced file as the connection password. Docker doesn’t do anything to support these env vars. Your app will need to know to look for the variable and get the file contents.

Why should each container do one thing?

In general, each container should do one thing and do it well. A few reasons: There’s a good chance you’d have to scale APIs and front-ends differently than databases. Separate containers let you version and update versions in isolation.

Can one container talk to another?

Remember that containers, by default, run in isolation and don’t know anything about other processes or containers on the same machine. So, how do we allow one container to talk to another? The answer is networking. Now, you don’t have to be a network engineer (hooray!). Simply remember this rule...

Can you use a container for a database?

While you may use a container for the database locally , you may want to use a managed service for the database in production . You don’t want to ship your database engine with your app then.

What is a remote container in Visual Studio?

The Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers extension lets you use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment. It allows you to open any folder inside (or mounted into) a container and take advantage of Visual Studio Code's full feature set. A devcontainer.json file in your project tells VS Code how to access (or create) a development container with a well-defined tool and runtime stack. This container can be used to run an application or to separate tools, libraries, or runtimes needed for working with a codebase.

How to forward port in Docker?

If you need to access a port that you didn't add to devcontainer.json or publish in your Docker Compose file, you can temporarily forward a new port for the duration of the session by running the Forward a Port command from the Command Palette ( F1 ).

What does attaching to an existing container mean?

When attaching to an existing container, you will be asked to confirm that attaching means you trust the container. This is only confirmed once.

Where is the VS code container?

VS Code's container configuration is stored in a devcontainer.json file. This file is similar to the launch.json file for debugging configurations, but is used for launching (or attaching to) your development container instead. You can also specify any extensions to install once the container is running or post-create commands to prepare the environment. The dev container configuration is either located under .devcontainer/devcontainer.json or stored as a .devcontainer.json file (note the dot-prefix) in the root of your project.

Where are workspace files mounted?

Workspace files are mounted from the local file system or copied or cloned into the container. Extensions are installed and run inside the container, where they have full access to the tools, platform, and file system.

Can you use WSL 2 in Docker?

If you are using Windows Subsystem for Linux v2 (WSL 2) and have enabled Do cker Desktop's WSL 2 back-end, you can work with source code stored inside WSL!

Can you open a cloned repository in a container?

While you can open a locally cloned repository in a container, you may want to work with an isolated copy of a repository for a PR review or to investigate another branch without impacting your work.

What does docker run -it do?

With docker run -it, the Ctrl+C command will stop process that is running in the container, which in turn, stops the container. Since the --rm parameter was provided, the container is automatically deleted when the process is stopped. Verify that it doesn't exist:

What is Docker platform?

The Docker platform uses the Docker engine to quickly build and package apps as Docker images. These images are written in the Dockerfile format to be deployed and run in a layered container.

How does Docker build work?

Docker will process each line in the Dockerfile. The . in the docker build command tells Docker to use the current folder to find a Dockerfile. This command builds the image and creates a local repository named counter-image that points to that image. After this command finishes, run docker images to see a list of images installed:

What is the FROM keyword in Docker?

The FROM keyword requires a fully qualified Docker container image name . The Microsoft Container Registry (MCR, is a syndicate of Docker Hub - which hosts publicly accessible containers. The dotnet segment is the container repository, where as the aspnet segment is the container image name. The image is tagged with 5.0, which is used for versioning. Thus, is the .NET Core 5.0 runtime. Make sure that you pull the runtime version that matches the runtime targeted by your SDK. For example, the app created in the previous section used the .NET Core 5.0 SDK and the base image referred to in the Dockerfile is tagged with 5.0.

How to see output of Docker container?

After a container is running, you can connect to it to see the output. Use the docker start and docker attach commands to start the container and peek at the output stream. In this example, the Ctrl+C keystroke is used to detach from the running container. This keystroke will end the process in the container unless otherwise specified, which would stop the container. The --sig-proxy=false parameter ensures that Ctrl+C will not stop the process in the container.

What is a Dockerfile file?

The Dockerfile file is used by the docker build command to create a container image. This file is a text file named Dockerfile that doesn't have an extension. Create a file named Dockerfile in directory containing the .csproj and open it in a text editor.

What happens after you detach from a container?

After you detach from the container, reattach to verify that it's still running and counting.


What Is Docker Remote Access?

Before you dive into the setup, let me recall how docker works. Docker works in something called a client-server architecture. The main component that handles all your containers, volumes, networks, etc is the docker daemon that runs in the background. The docker command is nothing but the client application. The clien
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Method 1: Setup Remote Docker Access Using Ssh

  • One of the best thing about using SSHhere is that it requires a lot less work than the other method. If you already have SSH keys set up, it's literally a one-step process. Before moving forward I want you to have this mental picture in place, for understanding how this SSH method works, and why it's configured the way it's configured. To confirm the above statement, run any …
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Method 2: Using A Public TCP Port with TLS Authentication

  • This method is more complicate than the previous one, but has it's advantages like not having to use the dockergroup at all. The idea here is simple, you're going to create your own certificates and private keys, and then use a TCP port to access the dockerdaemon through not plain HTTP, but a secure HTTPS channel. It is analogous to a website. In case of a website, you configure it …
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Preparing The Certificates and Keys

  • In the following steps, you'll be generating certificates and private keys for your server and client. Certificate Authority To make the transactions simple, I'll be using my client machine to generate all the files. You can use a separate machine for that if necessary. A CA certificate is nothing but a self-signed certificate. But first, you need to generate your CA's private key. Use the following co…
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Setting Up The Environment

  • Once the certificates and private keys are ready, you need to tell your docker engine and client about them, along with exposing the engine API to a public TCP port and letting the client use the docker engine that's not sitting at the local machine. The following steps go through exactly that. The docker host First, copy over three files from the administrator's machine, the CA certificate (…
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Test The Setup

  • Now that everything is done, you can test it by running docker info, or run any random container, whichever comes to your mind. You can also use curl to test it (Remember? These are simple HTTP requests). Use the following as an alternative to docker info This will output a JSON object that you can parse using something like jq. You can also try and run an Nginx server with docker…
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Which Method to use? TCP Or Ssh?

  • Both methods has their own merits. The SSH method is easier if you don't want to go through many hoops. But some applications like Portainer won't work with the SSH method for remote daemon access. Using the TCP method also eliminates the issues of "using or not using the docker group" by default. Choose whichever method satisfies your purpose. I hope this tutorial …
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This wiki explains how to prepare a docker container to run GUI applications. In addition, the applications are available for remote usage, making it possible to install applications on a server and run them on your workstations. X2Go makes possible this task, enabling you to enter the GUI of your container and use the GU…
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Fulfilling The Dependencies

  • Creating a container with Ubuntu
    From your docker server terminal, create the container with the following commands: The -pargument exposes port 22 of your container to port 2222 of your host. That means that you can access to port 22 of your container from your <hostip>:2222 The following steps require you ent…
  • Install SSH
    You need to be able to connect to your container through SSH. As a first step, install SSH: Warning:The SSH service will not start on container boot. You need to create an entrypoint to get it on start up. If you want to start SSH manually, you can use:
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Install A Graphic Desktop to Your Container

  • X2Go makes it possible to access a GUI installed in the container. However, the most common Ubuntu images do not have a graphical desktop installed by default. In this case, we recommend XFCE due to its lightweight.
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Install X2go

  • Please, type the following commands to install X2Go server: Make sure that SSH server is running. Check it running: It should show: It is currently "active".
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Accessing to Your Container with X2go Client

  • X2Go requires you to install a client on the host(local computer). Please, install in your client X2Go Client: After installing the client, create a new session: Then, fill the form which opens after clicking the highlighted icon: In Your machine name, type a personalized name for your session. In Container IP, type the IP of the container to access with X2Go. Also, type your username and sel…
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  • After entering your credentials, a new window will appear with your container GUI. In our case, it is the XFCE desktop:
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Possible Issues

  • There are elements that can cause issues with your X2Go client. 1. SSH is down: remember to start the SSH service. You can do it from your container shell with sudo service ssh start 2. Container is not connected to a bridge network. It is important to connect the container to a bridge network. If you cannot get access to the bridge network, you can show port 22 by port ma…
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