Remote-access Guide

docker postgres arm32v7 remote access

by Prof. Nestor Rolfson Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Can I deploy PostgreSQL in a docker container?

Docker is an open-source tool that makes it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Deploying PostgreSQL in the Docker environment will save your time, boost the performance and reduces the size of the application. A server running Ubuntu 20.04. A root password is set up on your server.

What is PG_dump in Docker container?

This is the name of the Docker container running PostgreSQL. If you created the container with a different name, substitute it here. pg_dump. pg_dump is the PostgreSQL database backup utility. It converts a database to an SQL script. It can also convert to some other formats, but we aren't going to use those right now.

What type of database does the docker-compose container use?

You can find more information in the docker-compose section. By default, this container uses SQLite for data storage but the Nextcloud setup wizard (appears on first run) allows connecting to an existing MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL database.


How to fix postgresql.confconfig listen_addresses='*'?

To fix it, please go inside your container, update file postgresql.confthe configuration listen_addresses='*', and then restart your container.

What would happen if you ran the same command without -dyou?

If you ran that same command without -dyou would be able to at least see the error message so you could troubleshoot (the answers below are almost certainly the actual problem, just thought this would be helpful)


Using Docker Desktop and an SSH tunnel I am able to run pgAdmin locally to manage my remote databases. The critical part is, the database does not need to be exposed to the Internet, this is where the SSH tunnel comes in.


Log in with the credentials set earlier, once in just right-click Servers and select Create -> Server....

Quick reference (cont.)

Where to file issues:

What is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL, often simply "Postgres", is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance.

How to use this image

The default postgres user and database are created in the entrypoint with initdb.

How to extend this image

There are many ways to extend the postgres image. Without trying to support every possible use case, here are just a few that we have found useful.

Arbitrary --user Notes

As of docker-library/postgres#253, this image supports running as a (mostly) arbitrary user via --user on docker run.


If there is no database when postgres starts in a container, then postgres will create the default database for you. While this is the expected behavior of postgres, this means that it will not accept incoming connections during that time.

How to back up PostgreSQL database?

Backing up a PostgreSQL database uses the pg_dump command, and restoring it uses the psql command. The commands below will work as-is, but if you want to know what each piece does, continue reading.

What is pg_dump in SQL?

pg_dump is the PostgreSQL database backup utility. It converts a database to an SQL script. It can also convert to some other formats, but we aren’t going to use those right now.

What is PostgreSQL database?

An open-source, object-based relational database PostgreSQL, provides the user with the implementation of SQL and is commonly hosted on Linux. With PostgreSQL users can expand the system by defining self data types, functions, and operators.

Is PostgreSQL accessible from remote hosts?

That’s it. Your PostgreSQL database server is accessible from remote hosts.

How does Layer 2 adoption work?

If you launch the container using host networking (With the --net=host parameter on docker run) Layer 2 adoption works as if the controller is installed on the host.

Does Docker Compose have dumb init?

dumb-init has now been removed. Instead it is now suggested you include --init in your docker run command line. If you are using docker-compose you can accomplish the same by making sure you use version 2.2 of the yml format and add init: true to your service definition.

Is Armhf multiarch?

All tags are now multiarch capable with amd64, armhf, and arm64 builds included. armhf for now uses mongodb 3.4, I do not see much of a path forward for armhf due to the lack of mongodb support for 32 bit arm, but I will support it as long as feasibly possible, for now that date seems to be expiration of support for ubuntu 18.04.

Where to get help in Docker?

Where to get help: the Docker Community Forums, the Docker Community Slack, or Stack Overflow


TRUSTED_PROXIES (empty by default): A space-separated list of trusted proxies. CIDR notation is supported for IPv4.

Does Apache use SSL encryption?

This version will use the apache image and add a mariaDB container. The volumes are set to keep your data persistent. This setup provides no ssl encryption and is intended to run behind a proxy.

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