Remote-access Guide

does shutting down a computer stop remote access

by Jamarcus Walter Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

IMPORTANT: in case of shutdown, be wary that you won't be able to to access the machine using the Remote Desktop software anymore, unless you have the possibility to restart it (eg via Magic Packet); if you issue a reboot, you should be able to access the system again after a few minutes (the actual boot time), provided that the RDP service has been properly configured to automatically start upon each boot (the default settings when you install it for the first time).

Exception to the Rule: Allowing Remote Access
Generally speaking, hacking a turned-off computer is not possible in a home environment. However, it may happen in shared networks such as an office environment.
Feb 20, 2018

Full Answer

How do I remotely shut down a remote computer?

If you are using Windows, you’ll need to pre-configure the remote computer to be able to support remote shut down. Once this is set up, you can easily perform the shutdown with a simple Terminal command from any computer. This article will show you various methods you can use to shut down or restart a remote computer.

How do I turn off remote access on Windows 10?

Windows Open your control panel in Windows. In the search box on the top right, enter "Remote". Click on "Allow remote access to this computer" to open the Remote Access Settings. Uncheck the Checkbox "Allow remote support connections to this computer". Click "OK" and your computer will no longer accept remote desktop connections.

How do I shut down multiple computers at the same time?

If you have two or more computers connected to your home or office network, or even outside your network, you can use one of them to shut down the others remotely. Windows, Linux, and Mac computers all support this feature. If you are using Windows, you’ll need to pre-configure the remote computer to be able to support remote shut down.

Who has the right to shut down the computer?

Computer Configuration \ Windows Settings \ Security Settings \ Local Policies \ User Rights Assignment\ Shut Down the System By default, user accounts that are members of the local administrators, backup operators, and users groups have the right to shut down the computer.


Can a computer be hacked if it is in sleep mode?

A computer cannot be hacked “in” sleep mode, but it can be hacked either if the user resumes his or her computer to make it back into functioning under the power of the operating system or the hacker triggers a Wake-on-Lan (WOL).

Can someone remotely access my computer without Internet?

Can an Offline Computer be Hacked? Technically — as of right now — the answer is no. If you never connect your computer, you are 100 percent safe from hackers on the internet. There is no way someone can hack and retrieve, alter or monitor information without physical access.

Is there a way to tell if someone is remotely viewing your computer?

To see all the login activities on your PC, use Windows Event Viewer. This tool will show you all Windows services that have been accessed and logins, errors and warnings. To access the Windows Event Viewer, click the search icon and type in Event Viewer. Click Windows Logs, then choose Security.

Does disabling WIFI stop hackers?

When in doubt, simply disable your Wi-Fi radio when you're not using it, as this will prevent most Wi-Fi-based attacks. By taking the steps above, it's easy to reduce the risk of your Wi-Fi device joining a malicious network automatically, being tracked between locations, or leaking personal information.

How do I stop remote access to my computer?

How to Disable Remote Access in Windows 10Type “remote settings” into the Cortana search box. Select “Allow remote access to your computer”. ... Check “Don't Allow Remote Connections” to this Computer. You've now disabled remote access to your computer.

Can you be hacked while offline?

These attacks demonstrate that it is possible to hack an offline PC, even if you don't have physical access. However, although technically feasible, these attacks aren't straightforward. Most of these methods require a particular setup or optimal conditions.

How can I tell if my computer is being monitored at work 2022?

Open task manager by right-clicking on the taskbar and choosing Task Manager. If there's a suspicious process, that's the monitoring app. Question: Can my company see what I do on my computer? Answer: Your company can see your device activities and track them if they provide you with that computer.

Is my phone being remotely accessed?

How to Tell Someone Is Accessing Your Phone Remotely. Here are some signs that someone might have unauthorized access to your smartphone: Unknown apps are running in the background. Your phone has an increased closing time and is slower overall.

How can I see what devices are connected to my computer?

0:221:07Find Out Which USB Devices Have Been Connected to Your PCYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipUp select your view by and select category field and then select hardware and sound. And now youMoreUp select your view by and select category field and then select hardware and sound. And now you want to select devices and printers up at the top.

Does Airplane mode stop hackers?

If you want to make sure your smartphone and other devices are secure from cyberattacks, you may have asked yourself, “Does airplane mode prevent hacking?” While not a feasible solution to use all the time, airplane mode can temporarily block hackers while your device is not connected to WiFi or cellular networks.

Does changing Wi-Fi password stop hackers?

Changing your network password is also very important when it comes to network security. A weak wifi password can make it a lot easier for hackers to crack your network. Just as your account passwords for other sites should be unique and changed often, so should the password for your wifi network.

Can someone spy on you through Wi-Fi?

By just listening to existing Wi-Fi signals, someone will be able to see through the wall and detect whether there's activity or where there's a human, even without knowing the location of the devices. They can essentially do a monitoring surveillance of many locations. That's very dangerous.”

Can my laptop be hacked remotely?

Most of us have a camera built into our phone, tablet, laptop, or a desktop webcam we use for work, study or virtual socialising. Unfortunately, this privilege can leave us vulnerable to an online attack known as camfecting. This is when hackers take control of your webcam remotely.

Can AnyDesk be used without internet?

Similarly, if you're a professional who wants to access your work computer from your laptop at home, unattended access makes it possible. All you need to do is set a password in the “Security” tab of your work computer's AnyDesk settings and you're ready to work from home.

Can TeamViewer be used without internet?

Unfortunately, you need internet to use TeamViewer if you are connecting to a computer which is out of your network. However, if you want to connec to a computer within your network, you can use TeamViewer in LAN mode.

Can you connect to a server without internet?

Yes, you can connect to a Server without Internet. However, the consequences may be different than normal. For example, let's suppose how can you connect to a Server without an Internet connection. You would most likely to manage a Server offline or within a LAN if you want to connect to a Server without any Internet.

How to shutdown a computer with a command?

Type shutdown /i command and click the OK button.

What is remote computer administration?

Remote computer administration refers to any method of controlling a computer from a remote location anywhere in the world. Remote administration among other things includes the ability to shut down or restart a computer. If you have two or more computers connected to your home or office network, or even outside your network, you can use one of them to shut down the others remotely. Windows, Linux, and Mac computers all support this feature.

What is the powershell command to restart a computer?

The Stop-Computer and Restart-Computer cmdlet are the PowerShell commands to shutdown and restart local and remote computers. The Stop-Computer cmdlet has the -ComputerName switch, through which you can specify a list of systems that require shutdown. Some of the notable parameters for the Stop-Computer command are as follows:

What is the command to execute cmd on a remote machine?

Enter the following commands to execute cmd on the target remote machine (using the IP address or computername): psexec \ cmd

What does time mean in a shutdown?

TIME represents the number of seconds to wait before beginning the shutdown process

What is the net use command?

The net use command enables you to connect to, remove, and configure connections to shared resources such as mapped drives and network printers. You can also use it to shut down or reboot a remote computer. It does this using various parameters and switches. The command is available from the Command Prompt in Windows desktop (Windows 10/8/7) and server (server 2008/2016/2019) operating system.

Can you shut down your computer with a mouse?

When the connection is established, you can then use your mouse to shut down or reboot your computer, as the case may be.

Using Group Policy

It’s tricky. One approach often used is to enable the following Group Policy setting:

Editing the Registry

What if you want to want to hide the shutdown option on the Start menu but leave all the other options present like Restart, Sleep, Hibernate, and also the Disconnection option for an RDP session? It turns out you can do this by editing a registry setting, but the setting you need to use will depend on the version of Windows 10 your PC is running.

Removing shutdown privileges

What if you really want to prevent users from shutting down their computers? I mean not just hide the most obvious ways of doing this from them but actually removing their shutdown privileges from them?

Other approaches to remote desktop access

Making it hard for users to shut down their office PCs over a remote desktop connection is sometimes more trouble than it’s worth as we’ll see shortly.

Banning remote desktop access: Beware of collateral damage

Whatever you do, be sure you first know about any difficulties or problems that may arise when you implement a solution that makes it difficult or impossible for remote users to shut down their office computers via RDP. The biggest consideration here is how this may affect helpdesk support for these remote workers.

How to stop resourceful users from shutting down the system?

Still in gpedit.msc, go to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / User Rights Assignment, edit the " Shut down the system " privilege and remove " Users " from the list. 2 Likes.

Do you have to apply the policy to OU which includes users, not computers?

You have to apply the policy to OU which includes users, not computers.

Can you hack a turned off machine?

Hacking a turned-off machine is extremely unlikely. Two things have to line up for it to happen.

Can a computer be hacked remotely?

The other condition is nothing more than a lack of security. If the PC turned on remotely did not have appropriate security software installed and was not behind a firewall, then it is conceivable the PC could be hacked remote ly.

How to allow remote desktop access to my computer?

In the search box on the top right, enter "Remote". Click on "Allow remote access to this computer" to open the Remote Access Settings. Uncheck the Checkbox "Allow remote support connections to this computer". Click "OK" and your computer will no longer accept remote desktop connections.

How to stop external parties from accessing my desktop?

If you don't wish any external parties accessing your desktop remotely, this can be done by unchecking the privileges that would otherwise allow this.

How to stop someone from accessing my computer?

This includes removing any Ethernet cables and turning off your Wi-Fi connections.

Why does my computer turn on without my input?

If your computer appears to turn on without your input when you're not using it, it is likely waking from Sleep mode to install updates .

How to know if malware has been removed?

Monitor your computer after removing any malware. If your antivirus and/or Anti-Malware found malicious programs, you may have successfully removed the infection, but you'll need to keep a close eye on your computer to ensure that the infection hasn't remained hidden.

What to do if your computer is compromised?

Change all of your passwords . If your computer was compromised, then there’s a possibility that all of your passwords have been recorded with a keylogger. If you’re sure the infection is gone, change the passwords for all of your various accounts. You should avoid using the same password for multiple services.

How to install antivirus on another computer?

If you don't have an antivirus, download an installer on another computer and transfer it to your computer via USB. Install the antivirus and then run a scan with it.

Why does Windows Defender automatically deactivate?

Windows Defender will automatically deactivate if you install another antivirus program. 2. Make sure your firewall is properly configured. If you're not running a web server or running some other program that requires remote access to your computer, there is no reason to have any ports open.

Why is public Wi-Fi so dangerous?

Try to avoid public Wi-Fi spots. Public Wi-Fi spots are risky because you have zero control over the network. You can't know if someone else using the spot is monitoring traffic to and from your computer. By doing this, they could gain access to your open browser session or worse. You can mitigate this risk by using a VPN whenever you are connected to a public Wi-Fi spot, which will encrypt your transfers.

Can a user group restart a server?

One additional thing, I looked at the article you posted--it is incorrect. The Users group does not have the ability to restart a server OS by default. I did not verify the complete list of groups, however, I can tell you it is wrong on that one point, even under 2000.

Does TS have SeShutdownPrivilege?

IMPORTANT: Normal users running on your TS server should not have the SeShutdownPrivilege in their access token. This means it will not even show in the whoami list at all. Normal users should only have a couple of privileges present in their token so the list should be short.

Is it wrong to remove shutdown option?

Removing the shutdown option via Group Policy is the wrong approach. The "Remove and prevent access to the shutdown, restart, sleep, and hibernate commands" GP setting is primarily cosmetic . It does not prevent users from shutting down/restarting/etc. the machine.

If You Want to Save Power, Sleep or Hibernate Instead

Some people shut down their PC at the end of the day when they’re done using it. That’s understandable. If you’re not using your PC, it makes sense to want to save electricity, wear-and-tear, or reduce security risks.

Shutting Down Frequently Wastes Valuable Time

Speaking of inconvenience, every time you shut down your PC completely, you’re giving yourself a time penalty the next time you power it back on. That’s because your PC has to boot up, which means it needs to reload the operating system into memory from scratch, and that takes a while.

When to Shut Down Anyway

Still, there are times when completely shutting down your PC is a good idea. For example, if you know you won’t be using your PC for a considerable length of time, such as a week, a month, or longer, it’s best to just shut it down.


Using Group Policy

Editing The Registry

  • What if you want to want to hide the shutdown option on the Start menu but leave all the other options present like Restart, Sleep, Hibernate, and also the Disconnection option for an RDP session? It turns out you can do this by editing a registry setting, but the setting you need to use will depend on the version of Windows 10 your PC is running. Specifically, on Windows 10 v.180…
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Removing Shutdown Privileges

  • What if you really want to prevent users from shutting down their computers? I mean not just hide the most obvious ways of doing this from them but actually removing their shutdown privileges from them? Group Policy allows you to do this by modifying the user rights on the computers targeted by the GPO you’re editing. The particular setting involved can be found under the followi…
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Other Approaches to Remote Desktop Access

  • Making it hard for users to shut down their office PCs over a remote desktop connection is sometimes more trouble than it’s worth as we’ll see shortly. Because of this, some administrators avoid trying to implement such solutions and instead accept the inevitable that some employee PCs will end up being turned off at the end of the workday — and th...
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Banning Remote Desktop Access: Beware of Collateral Damage

  • Whatever you do, be sure you first know about any difficulties or problems that may arise when you implement a solution that makes it difficult or impossible for remote users to shut down their office computers via RDP. The biggest consideration here is how this may affect helpdesk support for these remote workers. For example, sometimes a user working from home and usin…
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