Remote-access Guide

dotnet run remote access

by Cordelia Wilderman Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What permissions do I need to run a remote access database?

After IIS is set to run under another account, you must give that account permission to all of the files and folders that are needed to use the remote Access database, including: Temp folder on the IIS server. Share on the remote computer. NTFS file system permissions for the database file and its folder.

How do I connect to a remote access database using ASP NET?

To connect to a remote Access database, ASP.NET must pass a security token for the user that it impersonates to the remote server. If you do not enable impersonation in the Web.config file, ASP.NET uses the system account by default. However, the system account cannot authenticate across the network.

Can I host a DotNet project in IIS?

Note that you don't call "dotnet run YourProject.dll" -- leave out the run for this one! So the commands in full (starting in the folder that contains the project.json file) You can host it in IIS. I've never done this and don't intend to.

How do I run DotNet on localhost?

You can run it, from the console, by calling dotnet run from the folder that contains the project.json file. The output in the console will say something like: Now listening on: http://localhost:2000 So if you then browse to http://localhost:2000, you'll see your website (and the console will show logging info about your visit)


Where is launchSettings.json located?

The best way is to adjust the launchSettings.json, which is located inside the Properties folder. This allows the Kestrel Web Server to listen for traffic from all Network Interfaces. You can simply do the following to create your WebHost, this will allow remote connections to kestrel.

Can you use WebHost to connect to Kestrel?

You can simply do the following to create your WebHost, this will allow remote connections to kestrel.

Does Kestrel listen to localhost?

You need to modify the construction of your WebHost. Unless you add the UseUrls line, Kestrel isn't going to listen outside of localhost. This makes sense, because in a normal situation Kestrel will be sitting behind a reverse proxy like IIS or NGNIX and doesn't need to bind to external URLs.

Use the Web.config file to enable impersonation

To connect to a remote Access database, ASP.NET must pass a security token for the user that it impersonates to the remote server. If you do not enable impersonation in the Web.config file, ASP.NET uses the system account by default. However, the system account cannot authenticate across the network.

Use an authentication method to select an identity

Use one of the following authentication methods to select an identity:

Configure Access to the temp folder

The Microsoft Jet database engine writes temporary files to the Temp folder on the local computer (which is the IIS server in this case). You must set the appropriate permissions for this Temp folder.

Configure NTFS permissions

However you choose to impersonate accounts within ASP.NET, if the file system on the remote computer is NTFS, you must set the permissions on the remote computer correctly. For example, you must set the following permissions on the database file:

Configure Share Permissions

Like NTFS file system permissions, you must also set share permissions to allow access for the same user, users, or group.

Replicate the IIS Computer's local user accounts

To grant share and NTFS permissions to the impersonated user, the Access computer must recognize that user account. If the account is a domain account, you can add it to the permissions lists on both computers. If one or more of the accounts is a local account on the IIS computer, it will not be recognized on the Access computer.

Configure local security policy permissions

You must also give the same account, accounts, or group permission to access the computer in the local security policy, unless the account or accounts already belong to a group that has permission (such as the Everyone group). You must grant the following permissions:

How to run an assembly in full trust?

Run the assembly's code in full trust. You do this by configuring the <loadFromRemoteSources>element. It lets you specify that the assemblies that run in partial trust in earlier versions of the .NET Framework now run in full trust in the .NET Framework 4 and later versions.

What is CAS in NET Framework 4?

Starting with the .NET Framework 4, code access security (CAS) policy is disabled and assemblies are loaded in full trust. Ordinarily, this would grant full trust to assemblies loaded with the Assembly.LoadFrommethod that previously had been sandboxed. To prevent this, the ability to run code in assemblies loaded from a remote source is disabled by default. By default, if you attempt to load a remote assembly, a FileLoadExceptionwith an exception message like the following is thrown:

When is enabled attribute effective?

The enabledattribute for the <loadFromRemoteSources>element is effective only when code access security (CAS) is disabled. By default, CAS policy is disabled in the .NET Framework 4 and later versions. If you set enabledto true, remote assemblies are granted full trust.

Is a CAS policy disabled in a sandbox?

The sandboxing behavior of the current domain is different from its behavior in the .NET Framework 3.5. This requires CAS policy to be disabled, and the current domain not to be sandboxed.

What is the most popular tool for ASP.NET?

One of the most popular tools for ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core application development is IIS Express. We can’t deny it. Unless we need specific requirements, IIS Express is a sort of de-facto web server for debugging on developers’ local machines. With IIS Express, we can easily access to our local web applications with no problem during the debugging time.

How to find my local IP address?

We can easily find our local IP address by running the ipconfig command. We’re using for now.

What is the IP address of Kestrel?

In order to expose Kestrel externally you either have to bind to a specific machine name, IP Address or which stands for all IP Addresses (thanks to @DamianEdwards and @BradyMHolt for their help).

What is the key in a webhost?

The key is the .UseUrls () call that applies the host url to the Webhost and as you can see you can apply logic and configuration to decide where the value comes from.

How to configure a firewall?

In order to make this work there are a couple of configuration steps required: 1 Change the default URL binding to a non-localhost address 2 Open the Firewall port 3 Map a host name to make it easier

Does Kestrel use localhost?

The issue is that the default binding that Kestrel uses, binds explicitly to localhost. A localhost bound IP won't expose to the external network, so even though you might be able to access other ports on the VM over the network - like IIS running on port 80 - accessing of http://<WindowsVmIp>:5000/ is not supported without some configuration ...

Does ASP.NET Core override startup URLs?

ASP.NET Core allows overriding the startup URLs as part of the startup process for the Web host and there are a number of ways that you can do this:

Can you explicitly set host url?

If you want more control you can also explicitly set the host Url or Urls. In code you can use the following - including reading a configuration setting from a custom command line parameter:

Can I use Kestrel on Mac?

In order to access the Windows API service from the Mac requires a bit of configuration as by default both Kestrel and IIS Express only serve requests on localhost. Both servers use default bindings that point explicitly at localhost which effectively disables remote access.

Where is the output of a.NET application?

By default, the output of .NET Core and Mono applications is shown in the Run or Debug window. Use this checkbox to show the output in an external window.

Where to save run configuration?

The default location is .idea/runConfigurations. However, if you do not want to share the .idea directory, you can save the configuration to any other directory within the project.

How to run an external application in JetBrains Rider?

Run External tool: select to run an external application. In the dialog that opens, select one or multiple applications you want to run. If it is not defined in JetBrains Rider yet, add its definition. Run Another Configuration: select to execute another run/debug configuration.

Where is launchSettings.json located?

launchSettings.json, which is placed in the Properties folder of a project, describes how the application can be launched — the command to execute, whether the browser should be opened, which environment variables should be set, and so on. This information can then be used by JetBrains Rider, by dotnet run, or by any other tool to run or debug the application.

Does Mono support custom runtime arguments?

Both dotnet and Mono support setting custom runtime arguments when launching an application. For example Mono supports many run time arguments to customize how your application is run. You can select the garbage collector to be used ( --gc=boehm or --gc=sgen ), on macOS you can select the runtime architecture to be used ( --arch=32 or --arch=64 ), and more.

How to run dotnet from console?

You can run it, from the console, by calling dotnet run from the folder that contains the project.json file.

Can you host a Net Core app inside a Word macro?

You can of-course also host a .net core app inside an MS Word Macro.

Can I host a website in IIS?

You can host it in IIS. I've never done this and don't intend to. Me and IIS are parting ways for now. But it can be run by IIS. More info here: Publishing to IIS and here: Publishing to IIS with Web Deploy using Visual Studio.

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