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What is a remote terminal unit?
A remote terminal unit (RTU) is a microprocessor-controlled electronic device that interfaces objects in the physical world to a distributed control system or SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system by transmitting telemetry data to a master system, and by using messages from the master supervisory system to control connected objects.
Who owns Monroe Power Plant?
Today, the plant is operated by Detroit Edison but is entirely owned by parent company DTE Energy. In 1974, the Monroe Power Plant, currently the fourth largest coal firing plant in North America, opened. At 805 feet (245 m) tall, the dual smokestacks are visible from over 25 miles (40 km) away and are among the tallest structures in the state.
What is Ethernet cable?
Ethernet was originally based on the idea of computers communicating over a shared coaxial cable acting as a broadcast transmission medium. The method used was similar to those used in radio systems, with the common cable providing the communication channel likened to the Luminiferous aether in 19th-century physics, and it was from this reference that the name "Ethernet" was derived.
Where is the new center in Detroit?
New Center is a commercial and residential historic district located uptown in Detroit, Michigan, adjacent to Midtown, one mile (1.6 km) north of the Cultural Center, and approximately three miles (5 km) north of Downtown. The area is centered just west of the intersection of Woodward Avenue and Grand Boulevard, and is bounded by, and includes ...
How to get DTE Insight app?
That’s easy! To get the app, search for "DTE Insight" within your smartphone's app store. The app uses your same username and password you have set up for your online account with DTE Energy.
Why is my DTE energy bridge not working?
This may be due to a poor Internet or smart meter connection. To find out what’s causing this issue, open the “Settings” tab in top right corner of the Energy Usage page in the DTE Insight app. If the meter connection is poor, make sure to move the DTE Energy Bridge within 25 feet of your home’s smart meter. If you are still not receiving a strong connection, you’ll likely need to contact your Internet provider.
How long does it take for DTE to show history?
It may take up to 24 hours for the app to show with your historical usage. If after a day, you’re still not seeing your historical usage, contact support at 585.498.7200 and follow the prompts for DTE Insight or email DTE_Insight@dteenergy.com. You may also send an email directly from the app by selecting Support from the main menu.
How long is DTE usage data delayed?
Usage data through the app is delayed for about 36 hours. You’ll be able to see what you used today in your usage data tomorrow. Care to see your usage data as you use it? Get an Energy Bridge hub through the DTE Insight app. Use your dteenergy.com account information to log into the DTE Insight app and go to the My Plan page in the menu. An Energy Bridge hub will be shipped to your home.
How to see your energy use?
If you’d like to see your energy use, as you use it, you’ll need the Energy Bridge. Get the Energy Bridge hub through the DTE Insight app. You can try the Energy Bridge free for 6 months then just $1.99/month. Use your dteenergy.com account information to log into the DTE Insight app and go to the My Plan page in the menu. An Energy Bridge hub will be shipped to your home. When the Energy Bridge is delivered, open the DTE Insight app and launch the setup process. Go to My Devices in the app and follow the prompts to begin the in-app Energy Bridge setup process.