Open a command prompt with administrative privileges, and then go to the folder location of Duplicati: To access Duplicati from a remote computer, use –webservice-interface=any and after that, specify a listening port with –webservice-port= {port no.}. Duplicati stores the local databases in the program folder with –portable-mode.
Full Answer
How do I use Duplicati?
Run backups on any machine through the web-based interface or via command line interface. Duplicati has a built-in scheduler and auto-updater. Duplicati is free software and open source. You can use Duplicati for free even for commercial purposes. Source code is licensed under LGPL. Duplicati runs under Windows, Linux, MacOS.
Can I use Restic backup with Duplicati?
# “But what about other backup tools, like Restic?" Restic is a new (ish) backup took which can use rclone for its remote access. Unfortunately it doesn’t support using a remote as a destination for backups. You could totally use this with restic, or any other backup solution, as there’s nothing Duplicati specific.
Is it possible to use Duplicati with Rclone to back up remotes?
One of Rclone’s most powerful features is the ability to mount remotes as filesystems on your local machine. This means you can access files as if they were on your machine, but without needing to download them. Wouldn’t it be great if you could combine the remote mounting features of rclone, with the backup system of Duplicati?
Is Duplicati built for online backups?
Built for online. Duplicati was designed for online backups from scratch. It is not only data efficient but also handles network issues nicely. E.g. interrupted backups can be resumed and Duplicati tests the content of backups regularly. That way broken backups on corrupt storage systems can be detected before it’s too late.

What is a duplicati?
Duplicati was designed for online backups from scratch. It is not only data efficient but also handles network issues nicely. E.g. interrupted backups can be resumed and Duplicati tests the content of backups regularly. That way broken backups on corrupt storage systems can be detected before it’s too late.
What is the Duplicati protocol?
Duplicati works with standard protocols like FTP, SSH, WebDAV as well as popular services like Backblaze B2, Tardigrade, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon S3, Google Drive, box.com, Mega, hubiC and many others.
Can you run Duplicati on a NAS?
Duplicati is configured by a web interface that runs in any browser (even mobile) and can be accessed - if you like - from anywhere. This also allows to run Duplicati on headless machines like a NAS (network attached storage).
Is Duplicati open source?
Duplicati is free software and open source. You can use Duplicati for free even for commercial purposes. Source code is licensed under LGPL. Duplicati runs under Windows, Linux, MacOS. It requires .NET 4.5 or Mono.
Does Duplicati have a scheduler?
Run backups on any machine through the web-based interface or via command line interface. Duplicati has a built-in scheduler and auto-updater.
What is a duplicati?
Duplicati is an open source backup application, which runs on your local machine, and encrypts data prior to uploading it. The user interface is web-based and allows you to control all the options offered by Duplicati, from a simple and intuitive interface.
What to do if Duplicati is not running?
If your computer is off or Duplicati is not running, Duplicati will automatically run the backup the next time it is started. As before, you can use the “Next” button or the navigation line at the top to choose the next step. 6. More options.
guiand888 commented on Dec 5, 2014
I want to run Duplicati on my headless Debian home server, and access its webUI from another laptop.
kenkendk commented on Dec 13, 2014
Another, slightly safer method, would be to use SSH to tunnel the port. In your SSH command try something like this:
guiand888 commented on Dec 16, 2014
I actually didn't think of port forwarding... Anyway, both work well, thanks!
How to access Duplicati web interface?
Access to user interface. Click to check the Password checkbox to secure the web interface with a password. Type a strong password in the text field. Click the OK button to confirm your setting. Next time you access the web interface you have to type the password to access the Duplica ti web interface.
What is the Duplicati screen?
At first run, the Duplicati screen is mostly empty. After one or backup backup jobs have been configured, this space will be used to present these backup jobs and some status information, giving you a quick impression of scheduling, the space used at the backend and how many versions are available. You can also start certain operations for a specific backup job here.
How does Duplicati backup work?
At the end of each backup job, Duplicati checks the integrity by downloading a few files from the backend. The contents of these file is checked against what Duplicati expects it to be. This procedure increases the reliability of the backup files, but backups take a bit longer to complete and use some download bandwidth.
How to export Duplicati backup?
To export a backup job configuration, click its name and click Export ... under Configuration. To export the current configuration as a ready-to-use command, select As Command-line and click the Export button. The result is a Duplicati backup command that you can use with a scheduler of your choice.
Where are Duplicati server logs stored?
All operations that are performed by the Duplicati server component are stored in the internal log. To view it, click Show log in the main menu. All stored events are listed, including date and time. Clicking on an event shows detailed information about it.
Can Duplicati access my personal files?
Everyone who has access to your computer ( or even another computer in your network), could potentionally have access to your personal files by using the Duplicati Web interface. If Duplicati is installed as a service, even personal files from all users on the computer could be accessible.
Can encryption be disabled?
Encryption can be disabled, but is strongly discouraged, especially if you upload your backup files over the internet to a public cloud storage solution. Click Next to continue. In step 2 you can specify the Storage Type you want to use for your backups and enter the URL, path and credentials.
How many Duplicati instances can a backend support?
The backend could easily support a hundred duplicati instances as long as each backup was uniquely named. This is currently due to a difference in how Duplcati outputs JSON vs HTTP. Extra parameters get ignored by the JSON serializer. I put a bug report in for it.
Can you backup Duplicati?
Yes, the backup name must be exactly the same as in Duplicati. Maybe we should make this more clear. We decided to force this for two reasons. First, it makes it easier to relate the backups in Duplicati with the ones in the monitoring. Second, it makes it a lot harder to send fake reports for another user's backup as you need the backup name, username and report password.#N#Maybe what we should also make more clear: Do not use the passphrase you used in Duplicati anywhere in the monitoring. We neither need nor want your passphrase. (Even though we use https, store only bcrypt hashes of passwords and servers are located in Germany.)
Can Duplicati monitor more than one host?
That makes sense.#N#However, there is a backdraw: if someone has a couple of Duplicati installs and configures a backup job named "My Documents" on every host, monitoring cannot be configured for more than one host.
Is the date on Duplicati emails weird?
Yeah, dates are a little weird. Duplicati's email reports are listing the date as "9/21/2017" for me, so in my backup report software I'm tinkering with (PHP) I do "strtotime" on the date to convert it into a timestamp and then display it in the correct YYYY-MM-DD format.
What does disable filetime check do?
--disable-filetime-check = false#N#The operating system keeps track of the last time a file was written. Using this information, Duplicati can quickly determine if the file has been modified. If some application deliberately modifies this information, Duplicati won't work correctly unless this flag is set.
What does allow full removal mean?
--allow-full-removal = false#N#By default, the last fileset cannot be removed. This is a safeguard to make sure that all remote data is not deleted by a configuration mistake. Use this flag to disable that protection, such that all filesets can be deleted.
What does "disable piped streaming" mean?
--disable-piped-streaming = false#N#Use this option to disable multithreaded handling of up- and downloads, that can significantly speed up backend operations depending on the hardware you're running on and the transfer rate of your backend.
What does "no local DB" mean?
--no-local-db = false#N#When listing contents or when restoring files, the local database can be skipped. This is usually slower, but can be used to verify the actual contents of the remote store.
What does "no connection reuse" mean?
--no-connection-reuse = false#N#Duplicati will attempt to perform multiple operations on a single connection, as this avoids repeated login attempts, and thus speeds up the process. This option can be used to ensure that each operation is performed on a separate connection.
What does disable synthetic filelist mean?
--disable-synthetic-filelist = false#N#If Duplicati detects that the previous backup did not complete, it will generate a filelist that is a merge of the last completed backup and the contents that were uploaded in the incomplete backup session.

Basic Options
Storage Option
- Yes, yes it does! Duplicati can back up remotes now, which is great! Unfortunately backups are now very network intensive, which means the backups can be a lot slower than just reading off the local filesystem, but that’s mostly fine. For that reason I wouldn’t recommend this for huge datasets. If you’re running Duplicati on a fast network connecti...
Source Data
Schedule Runs
More Options
Running The Backup
- The next step is to choose where to store data. For this step, you need to have some information from your storage provider, such as a username and a password. If you have a network drive, or external hard-drive, you can also choose to store your data there. You will need to enter different values, depending on what storage provider you are using. In this example, we are using a WebD…