Remote-access Guide

ebg law remote access

by Prof. Luigi McDermott Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is Epstein Becker Green?

Since 2016, Epstein Becker Green has researched, compiled, and analyzed state-specific content relating to the regulatory requirements for professional mental/behavioral health practitioners and stakeholders seeking to provide telehealth-focused services. We are pleased to release our latest and most comprehensive compilation of state telehealth laws, regulations, and policies within the mental/behavioral health practice disciplines.

What should providers monitor for telehealth?

Providers should continue to monitor developments in federal and state laws, regulations, and policies to capitalize on telehealth opportunities while staying compliant with applicable laws.

How many employees are required to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified pregnant employees?

Like the ADA, under the PWFA, employers with 15 or more employees would be required to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified pregnant employees and employees with pregnancy related medical conditions, unless the employer can show that such an accommodation would impose an “undue hardship.”.

Who is the general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board?

Last week, National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo issued a memo indicating employers may have a duty to bargain over their decision and the effects of implementing the requirements of the OSHA ETS. Attorney Erin Schaefer tells us more about how the ETS uniquely affects unionized workplaces. Read more about the memo . See video below.

What are the requirements for ETS?

Under the Revised ETS, employers must still, among other requirements, (i) maintain an effective written COVID-19 Prevention Program, (ii) provide employees with COVID-19 training ; (iii) provide pay continuation to employees who are excluded from the workplace due to COVID-19 (with some exceptions); (iv) continue daily screening protocols; (v) continue cleaning protocols (with some modification s); and (vi) follow statutory law and mandatory guidance regarding tracing , tracking and response efforts to any COVID-19 cases or outbreaks in the workplace .

What is the 80/20 rule?

The Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed a new rule that would once again regulate the amount of time a tipped employee can spend on non-tipped work. The Trump DOL previously withdrew the 80/20 rule. Learn more.

What are the bills in Illinois 2021?

Among the most significant of the many bills heading to Governor Pritzker for signature are acts amending the Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (“VESSA”), and the Freedom to Work Act. It is expected that Governor Pritzker will sign all of the above-mentioned bills.

What federal agencies investigate unlawful conduct by employers?

Federal agencies—the Department of Labor, the National Labor Relations Board, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission —are launching a joint initiative to investigate unlawful conduct by employers and raise awareness around workplace retaliation.

Which circuit is enjoined to enforce OSHA?

Prior to the lottery, OSHA was enjoined by the Fifth Circuit from enforcing the mandate. While OSHA has announced that it is suspending enforcement for the time being, the deadlines for compliance, December 5 and January 4, remain in effect.

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