How do I access Eccles Library?
Eccles Library expands and promotes online access to scholarly resources, such as listed in our Research Databases or eJournals . Use Remote Access to UUHSC Applications Portal. Log in with your Health Sciences account .
What resources are available for remote access to the University Network?
Off-campus or remote access to licensed resources on the University Network is available for the University of Utah community. All faculty, students and staff are eligible. Eccles Library expands and promotes online access to scholarly resources, such as listed in our Research Databases or eJournals . Use Remote Access to UUHSC Applications Portal.
What is Eccles Library digital publishing?
The Eccles Library Digital Publishing service supports the activities of the University’s faculty, researchers, students, and library staff by publishing, organizing, displaying, preserving, securing, and providing access to digital resources.
What is the hope Fox Eccles Health Library?
The mission of the Hope Fox Eccles Health Library is to ensure that all patients, their families, and the general community have access to the resources they need to make informed choices about their health care.

The England Hub Bistro in EHSEB is Reopening
The England Hub Bistro located in the Eccles Health Sciences Education Building is reopening August 23, Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM. more… The England Hub Bistro in EHSEB is Reopening
EHSEB Feed U Pantry Donations Roll In!
The Junior League of Salt Lake City, one of many donors, recently organized a virtual food drive to benefit the EHSEB FEED U pantry. more… EHSEB Feed U Pantry Donations Roll In!
Nearby Dining Options
The COVID-19 pandemic has left us frustrated about a lot of new, difficult, situations. One of those frustrations for many of us on campus is finding food. more…
Other uses of the distance education classrooms, such as continuing education, conferencing, etc., may be scheduled using the following contact information:
Distance education classes or events that will be utilizing the Utah Telehealth Network Bridge should be scheduled at 801-585-2426. Use of the bridge may involve paying a fee. For more information on the Utah Telehealth Network see their website: https://utn.org/
Dual Projectors: · support local & distant projection Each Seat includes: · power · data · microphone
1. Log into Scheduling System. 2. Click on “Calendars”, top left menu bar. 3. Select “Scheduling Grids” link. 4. Be patient! A new page will load. 5. Type or Select “HSEB” from the “Choose Calendar” drop down list.
Training on the use of the podium and the classroom controls system and is highly encouraged. Arranged upon request, submit a service ticket.
C lick the eBooks link from the Quick Links box on the Eccles Library homepage ( http://library.med.utah.edu) to access a list of the eBooks available to you. Find eBooks by title or author by using the library catalog.
Print Books
The Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library has a limited number of print books. The books are available on the main level of the Library at the front desk. Materials put on Closed Reserve for an instructor/class can be checked out for in-library use.
Find Journal Articles
Citations from more than 3,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health.
Resources not available from the University Libraries?
Request articles or books via interlibrary loan and we'll get it for you.