Remote-access Guide

ed&s remote access update

by Stanton Wiegand Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What causes erectile dysfunction?
  • type 2 diabetes.
  • heart and blood vessel disease link.
  • atherosclerosis.
  • high blood pressure.
  • chronic kidney disease.
  • multiple sclerosis link.
  • Peyronie's disease.
  • injury from treatments for prostate cancer link, including radiation therapy and prostate surgery.

What is the ED?

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the most common sex problem that men report to their doctor. It affects as many as 30 million men. ED is defined as trouble getting or keeping an erection that's firm enough for sex.

Is a ED a mental disorder?

Although most causes of erectile dysfunction are physical in nature, many cases of ED develop as a result of emotional or psychological issues. When erectile dysfunction is related to a psychological problem, it's referred to as psychological ED, or psychological impotence.

What is ED in a woman?

Persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response, desire, orgasm or pain — that distress you or strain your relationship with your partner — are known medically as sexual dysfunction.

What is a ED for a guy?

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is defined by difficulty getting and keeping an erection. It can be an embarrassing thing to talk about. It's been reported that more than half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience some form of ED. So take comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

What age does a man stop getting a hard on?

While ED does become more common with age, it's not a natural part of aging, and there's no age limit for getting healthy erections. On the flip side, ED can happen at any age. Health conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, can contribute to ED.

How long can the average man stay erect?

“Naturally, without being on any medications, the average erection for an average person would be roughly 10 minutes,” says Simhan.

What makes a man to release quick?

Physical, chemical and emotional/psychological factors cause premature ejaculation. Physical and chemical problems include: An underlying erectile dysfunction diagnosis. A hormonal problem with oxytocin levels, which has a role in sexual function in men.

Can a man with ED still come?

Results: Ninety-two percent of the men with ED were able to ejaculate at least a few times during sexual stimulation or intercourse. Conclusion: Men with even severe ED claim they can ejaculate during sexual stimulation or intercourse.

How do wives deal with ED?

In most cases, erectile dysfunction help is both readily available and successful. Treatment options include oral and injectable medications, sex therapy, sexual help devices, and surgery. Women also have sexual issues. Up to 70 percent of couples have sexual health issues from time to time.

What foods help you get hard?

Here are some foods that can help you stay erect and support a medically sound erectile dysfunction treatment.Watermelon. Watermelon contains citrulline, another precursor to nitric acid. ... Spinach and Other Leafy Greens. ... Coffee. ... Dark Chocolate. ... Salmon. ... Pistachios. ... Almonds, Walnuts, and Other Nuts. ... Oranges and Blueberries.More items...•

What does ED stand for in mental health?

Action Points. Explain that many children with mental health problems may visit emergency departments (ED) repeatedly despite having an outpatient health care provider.

Can ED be cured?

Almost all cases of erectile dysfunction are treatable, and treatment can lead to better overall physical and emotional health for nearly every patient as well as improve intimacy for couples.

What does ED stand for in mental health terms?

Laura Joszt, MA. While mental health diagnosis can be associated with an increased use of emergency department (ED) visits, prior patient visit patterns were also associated with higher future ED use.

How do you know if your ED is psychological?

It's likely that if he has an erection when he's sleeping the paper will break to some degree. If a guy easily gets an erection during sleep, but not in other situations, the cause is likely psychological. If however, he can't tell or an erection isn't happening, the reason is likely physical.

What is ED in sex?

What is erectile dysfunction (ED)? Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It’s sometimes referred to as impotence, although this term is now used less often.

What causes ED?

Common causes include: cardiovascular disease. diabetes. hypertension, or high blood pressure. high cholesterol. obesity. low testosterone levels or other hormone imbalances. kidney disease.

What is the test for ED?

Erectile dysfunction tests. Testing for ED can involve a variety of steps, including a physical examination and taking your health and sexual history. Additional tests may be performed to determine if your symptoms are caused by an underlying condition.

How long does aerobic exercise help with ED?

A review of 10 studies examined the effect of aerobic exercise on ED. From their review, investigators concluded that 160 minutes of weekly exercise for 6 months could lead to a decrease in erectile problems.

How many men have ED?

Around 30 million U.S. men have ED. The prevalence of ED increases with age. It’s estimated that mild or moderate ED affects 10 percent more men each decade of life (60 percent of men in their sixties, for example). However, ED can also occur among younger men.

What is the best treatment for psychological ED?

If you’re experiencing psychological ED, you may benefit from talk therapy. Over several sessions, you and your therapist will discuss:

How to help with ED?

Yoga can help to relax your mind and body. Since stress or anxiety can cause or contribute to ED, practicing yoga may be an effective way to ease ED symptoms.

What is ED in sex?

ED is defined as trouble getting or keeping an erection that's firm enough for sex. Though it's not rare for a man to have some problems with erections from time to time, ED that is progressive or happens routinely with sex is not normal, and it should be treated. ED can happen:

What does ED mean in a man?

Symptoms. With Erectile Dysfunction (ED), it is hard to get or keep an erection that is firm enough for sex. When ED becomes a routine and bothersome problem, your primary care provider or a Urologist can help. ED may be a major warning sign of cardiovascular disease indicating blockages are building in a man's vascular system.

How to diagnose ED?

Diagnosing ED starts with your health care provider asking questions about your heart and vascular health and your erection problem. Your provider may also give you a physical exam, order lab tests or refer you to a Urologist. See More See Less.

What causes ED in men?

ED also causes: Low self-esteem. Depression. Distress for the man and his partner. If ED is affecting a man's well-being or his relationships, it should be treated. Treatment aims to fix or enhance erectile function, help circulatory health and help the quality of a man's life. Updated June 2018.

Why does ED happen?

ED can happen: Most often when blood flow in the penis is limited or nerves are harmed. With stress or emotional reasons. As an early warning of a more serious illness, like: atherosclerosis (hardening or blocked arteries), heart disease, high blood pressure or high blood sugar from Diabetes.

Can ED be caused by age?

Being obese. Lacking exercise. Even though ED becomes more common as men age, growing old is not always going to cause ED. Some men stay sexually functional into their 80s. ED can be an early sign of a more serious health problem. Finding and treating the reason for ED is a vital first step. See More See Less.

What are the symptoms of ED?

What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction? Symptoms of ED include. being able to get an erection sometimes, but not every time you want to have sex. being able to get an erection, but not having it last long enough for sex. being unable to get an erection at any time.

How many times more likely is ED in men with diabetes than non-diabetics?

Men who have diabetes are two to three times more likely to develop ED than men who do not have diabetes. Read more about diabetes and sexual and urologic problems.

Does aging cause ED?

Although you are more likely to develop ED as you age, aging does not cause ED. ED can be treated at any age.

Is ED a symptom of another health problem?

ED is often a symptom of another health problem or health-related factor. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is often a symptom of another health problem.

What does ED mean in sex?

But ED refers specifically to trouble getting or keeping an erection. You might have a healthy sex drive, but a body that won’t respond. Most of the time there is a physical basis for the problem. Swipe to advance. 1 / 26.

Why is it important to talk openly about ED?

Though you're the one with ED, your partner is also affected. Talking openly about ED will help your partner understand the diagnosis and treatment options. This can reassure them that you haven't lost interest.

What is the best medicine for ED?

Treating ED: Oral Medications. You’ve probably heard of sildenafil ( Viagra), but it isn’t the only pill for ED. This class of drugs also includes avanafil (Stendra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn). All work by improving blood flow to the penis during arousal.

How do you know if you have ED?

Symptoms of ED include: Erections that are too soft for sex. Erections that are don’t last long enough for sex. An inability to get an erection. If you can’t get or keep an erection that lasts long enough or is rigid enough for sex, you have erectile dysfunction. Swipe to advance. 1 / 26.

What is a vacuum device for ED?

Vacuum devices for ED, also called pumps, offer an alternative to medication. You’ll place your penis inside a cylinder and use a pump to draw the air out. This creates a partial vacuum around your penis, which causes it to fill with blood and leads to an erection.

What tests can help diagnose ED?

Lab tests can help diagnose ED. Blood cell counts, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and liver tests can reveal medical conditions that play a role in ED.

How can a therapist help a man with ED?

Even when ED has a physical cause, psychotherapy can help. A therapist can teach the man and their partner techniques to reduce performance anxiety and improve intimacy. Therapy can also help couples adjust to the use of vacuum devices and implants.

How to get rid of ED?

If you try counseling or sex therapy to treat your ED, your therapist may suggest that you try masturbation or other forms of touching at home on your own or with a partner. Therapy can also teach you other ways to take the stress out of sex, communicate with partners, and find more sexual stimulation.

Is ED easy to talk about?

ED isn’t easy for many men to talk about. But sex, whether through masturbation or with a partner, is a part of a healthy life. The sooner you can discuss erection problems with a doctor and start exploring treatments, the sooner you may be enjoying a more satisfying sex life.

Does Masturbation Ever Cause ED?

You might have heard this, but it’s a myth. Masturbation is normal and won't cause problems when you have sex with a partner.

What are the causes of ED?

Pay attention to your vascular health. High blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides can all damage arteries in the heart (causing heart attack), in the brain (causing stroke), and leading to the penis (causing ED). An expanding waistline also contributes.

Why do men have ED?

But for roughly 75% of men, the cause is more complex. ED may result from vascular disease, neurological disease, diabetes, or prostate-related treatments or surgeries.

What foods can you eat to prevent ED?

In the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, eating a diet rich in natural foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and fish — with fewer red and processed meat and refined grains — decreased the likelihood of ED.

How to overcome ED?

Whether you currently suffer from ED or are hoping to sidestep this condition, try these tips to overcome ED for better health and a better sex life. Start walking. According to one Harvard study, just 30 minutes of walking a day was linked with a 41% drop in risk for ED. Other research suggests that moderate exercise can help restore sexual ...

Does losing weight help with ED?

Losing weight can help fight erectile dysfunction , so getting to a healthy weight and staying there is another good strategy for avoiding or fixing ED. Obesity raises risks for vascular disease and diabetes, two major causes of ED. And excess fat interferes with several hormones that may be part of the problem as well.

Is the CDC relaxed?

The CDC has relaxed some prevention measures, particularly for people who are fully vaccinated, and especially outdoors. Meanwhile, scientists continue to explore treatments and to keep an eye on viral variants. Stay Informed. View Coronavirus COVID-19 Resource Center.

Is 42 inch waist a good size for ED?

Size matters, so get slim and stay slim. A trim waistline is one good defense — a man with a 42-inch waist is 50% more likely to have ED than one with a 32-inch waist. Losing weight can help fight erectile dysfunction, so getting to a healthy weight and staying there is another good strategy for avoiding or fixing ED. Obesity raises risks for vascular disease and diabetes, two major causes of ED. And excess fat interferes with several hormones that may be part of the problem as well.

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