Remote-access Guide

edgemax pptp remote access

by Maxine Jacobs Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I set up L2TP on a remote server?

set vpn l2tp remote-access dns-servers server-1 <ip-address> set vpn l2tp remote-access dns-servers server-2 <ip-address> Define the WAN interface which will receive L2TP requests from clients. Configure only one of the following statements. Decide on which command is best for your situation using these options:

How do I configure the edgerouter PPTP VPN Server?

The EdgeRouter PPTP VPN server provides access to the LAN ( for authenticated PPTP clients. CLI: Access the Command Line Interface. You can do this using the CLI button in the Web UI or by using a program such as PuTTY. 1. Enter configuration mode.

Is there a PPTP tutorial for edgemax devices?

Here is a tutorial on how to configure PPTP on EdgeMax devices to run with the pptp kernel module. Sadly while actually improving the performance a lot, the finished result of this howto is not really what I would call "production-ready".

Is IPv6 on PPTP broken in edgemax?

IPv6 on PPTP seems to be broken a little bit in EdgeMax firmware right now... it sets forwarding=1 but leaves accept_ra=1, which should be accept_ra=2 ...


What is PPTP remote access?

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol allows organizations to extend their own private network through private tunnels over the public Internet.

How do I connect to EdgeRouter VPN?

Follow these steps to set up a VPN connection on your EdgeRouter: Open the network interface for your EdgeRouter device. Set up the L2TP connection and user authentication. Configure the firewall (check our detailed configuration guide for more information.)

Does EdgeRouter support OpenVPN?

The EdgeRouter OpenVPN server provides access to the LAN (192.168. 1.0/24) for authenticated OpenVPN clients. CLI: Access the Command Line Interface. You can do this using the CLI button in the Web UI or by using a program such as PuTTY.

Which is better OpenVPN or PPTP?

Conclusion. PPTP has faster speeds and is easier to set up but offers a poorly secured connection. On the other hand, OpenVPN provides decent speeds and excellent security, plus it's great at circumventing geo-blocks and firewalls undetected.

What is PPTP and L2TP?

L2TP is a tunneling protocol like PPTP that allows users to access the common network remotely. L2TP VPN is a combined protocol that has all the features of PPTP, but runs over a faster transport protocol (UDP) thus making it more firewall friendly.

Is WireGuard better than OpenVPN?

WireGuard offers a more reliable connection for mobile users than OpenVPN because it handles network changes better. OpenVPN adds a data overhead of up to 20%, whereas WireGuard uses just 4% more data (compared with not using a VPN). VPN services need to include mitigations to ensure user privacy when using WireGuard.

Does Ubiquiti support OpenVPN?

As you may already noticed, somehow on Ubiquiti USGs, we don't have OpenVPN Server.

Does Ubiquiti support NordVPN?

Why NordVPN, no longer support Ubiquiti Routers. This is to do with Authentication Password lengths: The authentication requires you to use NordVPN service credentials, which are 24 characters long. DreyTek's and Ubiquiti Routers [EdgeMax & UniFi USG Series] Router's firmware has a limit of 15 characters.

Does EdgeRouter support VPN?

The EdgeRouter L2TP server provides VPN access to the LAN (192.168. 1.0/24) for authenticated L2TP clients.

How do I setup a 2 Site VPN?

To set up a Site-to-Site VPN connection using a virtual private gateway, complete the following steps:Prerequisites.Step 1: Create a customer gateway.Step 2: Create a target gateway.Step 3: Configure routing.Step 4: Update your security group.Step 5: Create a Site-to-Site VPN connection.More items...

Which is better IPsec or OpenVPN?

In site-to-site connections, OpenVPN functions faster and provides more security than IPsec. IPsec encryption operates on a kernel level, whereas OpenVPN functions in user space. Therefore, in terms of endpoint performance, IPsec is more favorable. With OpenVPN, you're limited to the capacity of the software.

What is the use of L2TP?

Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is an extension of the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) used by internet service providers (ISPs) to enable virtual private networks (VPNs).

Ubiquity - We need to talk about the new user interface

Look, I just spent 2 days trying to figure out why internet facing IPs weren't translating properly to internal devices.

Wife:Does Ubiquiti mean anything to you?

My wife comes downstairs this morning about 7:30 and asks me that question. Apparently she got a text at 5am from the CC company this morning about a charge from Ubiquiti and rejected the charge thinking no way was I up shopping at 5am. I had finally found the AP6 Pro in stock and bought 2 only to have her reject the charge.

Backup configuration

Before changing any settings it’s usually a good idea to backup the router configuration. The router configuration file can be downloaded in the System tab on the bottom of the UI.


The following changes should be made in the WAN_LOCAL rule set (or whatever the rule that controls access to the router is called). They should be added before the invalid packets are dropped in the rule set.

Authentication Mode

For each user account that you’d like to be able to log in, use the following command to specify the username ( foo in this example) and password ( bar in this example) for each.

Pool Address

To specify the range of IP addresses for the VPN server to assign to clients

Name Server

Specify the DNS servers for clients to use as follows; and are the public DNS servers for Google. I tried setting the DNS server to the router’s IP address, but that didn’t work on its own (though it might with additional configuration changes).

How to set up WAN_Local in Edgemax?

Open the web browser of choice and enter the LAN IP of the edgemax to login to the portal. Go to the Security Tab and then find WAN_Local in the Firewall Rules. Click Actions on the right and drop down choosing Edit Ruleset Add a new rule with the following settings: Basic Tab: Description = L2TP Enable = Checked (true) Action = Accept Protocol = UDP Choose the Destination Tab Ports = 500,1701,4500 (no spaces) Save Add another rule in the ruleset Description = ESP Enable = Checked (true) Action = Accept Protocol = choose by name then choose ESP Save Save again to exit the firewall settings

How to use VPN on ubiquiti?

On your windows box that needs to VPN into the Ubiquiti you will create a new VPN connect using the wizard and then go to ncpa.cpl and set the properties on the VPN connect. Specifically three settings: 1 - On the security tab of the VPN connection properties change the type of VPN to Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol Choose Advanced Settings right below that option and set the shared secret you used above when configuring the L2TP server. Under allow these protocols choose Challenge Handshake and Microsoft CHAP Version 2 Under the Networking tab choose IPV4 then advanced and turn off the option for Use Default Gateway On Remote Network so you can browse the internet locally while connected to the VPN.

How to add pptp to rc.local?

Try loading the pptp kernel module with modprobe pptp, and add loading it to rc.local by running echo -e '#!/bin/sh -enmodprobe pptpnexit 0' > /etc/rc.local.

How to regenerate a PPP client?

To regenerate the ppp client config the easiest way is go into config mode, change a few settings, commit, change them back.

Do firmware updates update PPPD?

Firmware-Updates may at some point have an updated pppd version, you'll have to find the correct header files again

Define the WAN interface which will receive L2TP requests from clients

Configure only one of the following statements. Decide on which command is best for your situation using these options:

Commit the changes and save the configuration

You can verify the VPN settings using the following commands from operational mode:

Configuring the L2TP Server

The EdgeRouter L2TP server provides VPN access to the LAN ( for authenticated L2TP clients.

Setting up the L2TP Client

The next step is to configure the L2TP VPN settings on the client (s). Make sure to match the credentials on the client and server (EdgeRouter).

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