Remote-access Guide

edgerouter remote access setup

by Brando Denesik Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

First, access your EdgeRouter via PuTTY, then run the following commands: configure set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool start

Full Answer

How to set up VPN on edgerouter server?

Description: VPN to EdgeRouter Server: Account: testuser Password: testsecret Secret: randomsecret Windows 10: Navigate to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Set up a new connection or network Android: Navigate toSettings > More networks > VPN> Add VPN Name: VPNtoEdgeRouter Type: L2TP/IPSecPSK

How do I connect to the edgerouter via Ethernet cable?

Connect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the eth0 interface on the EdgeRouter. 2. Configure a static IP address on your computer in the range (for example

How do I configure the edgerouter to work with a static IP?

Connecting an Ethernet cable between the EdgeRouter and a workstation that is configured with a static IP address. 1. Connect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the eth0 interface on the EdgeRouter. 2. Configure a static IP address on your computer in the range (for example

How do I set the remote access authentication mode to local?

Ensure remote access authentication mode is set to local by running the command set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication mode local You can now create users by running the command set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication local-users username test password test


Is ubiquiti discontinuing EdgeRouter?

It appears that the original Edgerouter Lite is indeed discontinued, finally, but everything else (including the -X, amazing for sixty bucks) is still there.

How do I access my ubiquiti EdgeRouter?

Establishing Initial ConnectivityConnect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the eth0 interface on the EdgeRouter.Configure a static IP address on your computer in the 192.168. ... Open a Web Browser and enter in the address bar.Log into the router using the default credentials.More items...

How do I SSH into EdgeRouter?

SSH into a Ubiquiti EdgeMax router using a MacOpen up terminal by clicking on the magnifying glass (top right) and typing terminal terminal.Assuming the default username and password hasn't been changed, enter the command ssh ubnt@ ... When prompted for the password, enter ubnt.More items...•

How do I connect to EdgeRouter VPN?

macOS L2TP VPN ClientAdd a VPN connection in the network settings. System Preferences > Network > "+" Interface: VPN. ... Adjust the newly created L2TP over IPsec interface. System Preferences > Network > VPN L2TP Configuration: Default. ... Add the authentication settings. ... Send all traffic through the VPN connection.

What is the default IP for Ubiquiti? the IP Address of Your Access Point If you didn't know, Ubiquiti Access Points have a default IP address of 192.168. 1.20. Connecting more than one of these devices to your network at once will create an IP conflict like we discussed above.

What is the default username and password of ubnt?

The default username for your Ubiquiti router is ubnt. The default password is ubnt. Enter the username & password, hit "Enter" and now you should see the control panel of your router.

How do you bridge interfaces in EdgeRouter?

Creating a Bridged InterfaceEnter configuration mode. ... Delete the existing configuration from the interfaces that are to be added to the bridge group. ... Commit the changes. ... Create a bridge interface (br0) and assign it an IP address. ... Add the physical interfaces to the bridge group.More items...

What is EdgeOS?

EdgeOS is a powerful, sophisticated operating system that manages your EdgeRouter. It offers both a browser‑based interface (EdgeOS Configuration Interface) for easy configuration and a Command Line Interface (CLI) for advanced configuration. To access the EdgeOS Configuration Interface: 1.

What is switch0?

switch0 is the parent interface for the switch included in that particular model. You can freely attach any / all of the ports eth0-4 to that interface, and have them act as a semi-smart switch. Or you can detach all those ports, and have something like this: eth0=WAN eth1-4 = 4 different subnets.

Which is better IPsec or OpenVPN?

In site-to-site connections, OpenVPN functions faster and provides more security than IPsec. IPsec encryption operates on a kernel level, whereas OpenVPN functions in user space. Therefore, in terms of endpoint performance, IPsec is more favorable. With OpenVPN, you're limited to the capacity of the software.

Does EdgeRouter support OpenVPN?

The EdgeRouter OpenVPN server provides access to the LAN (192.168. 1.0/24) for authenticated OpenVPN clients. CLI: Access the Command Line Interface. You can do this using the CLI button in the Web UI or by using a program such as PuTTY.

Is L2TP the same as IPsec?

L2TP. L2TP is a networking protocol used by the ISPs to enable VPN operations. /IPsec. IPsec is a protocol suite for secure IP communications that authenticates and encrypts each IP packet in a communication session.

How do I reset my EdgeRouter?

Press and hold the Reset button for about 10 seconds until the eth4 LED starts flashing and then becomes solidly lit. After a few seconds, the LED will turn off, and the EdgeRouter will automatically reboot.

How does an EdgeRouter work?

How Does an Edge Router Work? An edge router uses static or dynamic routing to send or receive data from other networks. Data transfer between the network and Internet or WAN edge typically use Ethernet, such as Gigabit Ethernet via copper or over single or multimode fiber optic.

How do I connect to EdgeRouter Lite?

1. Connect an Ethernet cable from the Ethernet port of your computer to the port labeled eth0 on the EdgeRouter Lite. 2. Configure the Ethernet adapter on your host system with a static IP address on the 192.168.

What is an EdgeRouter used for?

An edge router is a specialized router located at a network boundary that enables an internal network to connect to external networks. They are primarily used at two demarcation points: the wide area network (WAN) and the internet.

How to change the Ethernet port on EdgeRouter?

1. Connect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the eth0 interface on the EdgeRouter. 2. Configure a static IP address on your computer in the range (for example Windows Client. Navigate to the Windows 10 Network connections. Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Change Adapter Options.

What version of EdgeOS is setup wizard?

Setup wizards were added to the Web UI starting from the EdgeOS v1.4.0 firmware.

What is the basic setup wizard?

The Basic Setup wizard which will accomplish all the necessary tasks to allow your router to connect to the Internet, including enabling the default firewall, setting up a Local Area Network and adding a DHCP Server. Each item is explained in more detail below.

Firewall rules

The next step is to create the Firewall rules, to allow the VPN tunnel establishment and the VPN traffic to go through the Router. Copy and paste the following commands, note that you may need to change the rule names, depending on the rules that you already have in place.

Configure the authentication

Then we are going to configure the authentication, here you need to replace the pre-shared-secret key with some strong password.

Create a user

Now, we will create a user, repeat this steps several times if you have more users.

Assign the IP range

Now, we are going to assign the IP range for the SNAT Pool. This is a range of IP addresses on your network that will be used for DHCP to assign internal IP addresses to the users. As an example we will use, which means we have enough IP addresses for 100 users.

Select the interface

We will select the interface where will allow the VPN Tunnel to be established, this is your Internet facing interface. In our example eth2

Windows 10 setting

Following these steps the VPN tunnel should be established without issues. If your Windows 10 users are having connection fails, make sure you enable MSCHAPv2 on the VPN adapter as this is required for L2TP tunnels with Ubiquiti EdgeRouter to work as shown below:

Define the WAN interface which will receive L2TP requests from clients

Configure only one of the following statements. Decide on which command is best for your situation using these options:

Commit the changes and save the configuration

You can verify the VPN settings using the following commands from operational mode:

Where is the router configuration file?

The router configuration file can be downloaded in the System tab on the bottom of the UI.

What is the IP address of a Radius server?

The IP address ( in this example) and key ( baz) for the RADIUS server can specified as follows.

How to enter configuration mode on router?

Access the router's CLI and enter configuration mode by typing configure

What ports are allowed in EdgeOS?

Ensure that Port 500, 1701, 4500 and L2TP (UDP) is allowed in the firewall settings (Security tab for EdgeOS)

What IP address is used for CIDR?

The below example will use a CIDR block of Depending on the amount of remote VPN connections, you can set a custom IP block that fits your needs


Table of Contents

Establishing Initial Connectivity

  • In the factory default state, the EdgeRouter is accessible on the address on the eth0 interface. Refer to the sections below for more information on how access the EdgeRouter using either the Web UI, CLI or Console connection on different operating systems. 1. Connect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the eth0interface on the EdgeRouter. 2. Configure a static IP …
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Accessing The EdgeRouter Using The Discovery Tool

  • The Ubiquiti Device Discovery Toolautomatically discovers nearby EdgeRouters (and other Ubiquiti products) on the local network. The tool allows you to conveniently open the Web UI of the EdgeRouter and also provides recovery features such as the Rescue Web UI and SSH Recovery service. 1. Download the Ubiquiti Device Discovery Toolfrom the official Download sec…
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Accessing The EdgeRouter on Macos

  • Back to Top There are three options to access the EdgeRouter from a macOS computer: 1. Use the Ubiquiti Device Discovery Tool in the section aboveto automatically open a session to the Web UI. 2. Access the Web UI manually by navigating to your favorite browser. 3. Access the EdgeRouter's Command Line Interface (CLI) using either SSH or the Console port. …
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