Is it possible to connect to a remote edgerouter?
It also connects via HTTPS, so if you have that hosted locally, you can try to connect it to the remote edgerouter. I use dynamic DNS with Cloudflare to update my dns name if my IP changes.
What is the edgerouter X?
Ubiquiti introduces the EdgeRouter™ X, part of the EdgeMAX® platform. The EdgeRouter X combines carrier‑class reliability with excellent price‑to‑performance value in an ultra‑compact form factor. The ER-X, can be powered by an external power adapter or 24V passive PoE input.
How do I access the edgerouter from a macOS computer?
Access the EdgeRouter's Command Line Interface (CLI) using either SSH or the Console port. In this example, we are using PuTTY as the SSH client: NOTE: There is more information about connecting to the EdgeRouter Console port in the How to Connect to Serial Console article. There are three options to access the EdgeRouter from a macOS computer:
How do I set up the edgerouter X with DHCP?
Out of the box the EdgeRouter X does not have DHCP enabled and the default management port is eth0; therefore, for the initial router setup this involves directly connecting a PC to the router with a network cable into eth0 and configuring the PC to be on the same default subnet as the EdgeRouter.

How do I access EdgeRouter in X?
Accessing the EdgeRouter on Windows Access the Web UI manually by navigating to using your favorite browser. Access the EdgeRouter's Command Line Interface (CLI) using either SSH or the Console port.
Can I use EdgeRouter X as switch?
The EdgeRouter X can also be setup as a secondary or PoE switch. To use these devices as a switch first log into the interface and select the “Wizards” tab. Within the “Wizards” tab click the “Switch” selection under the setup Wizards side menu and select the "Use non-default VLAN for management" option.
How do I SSH into EdgeRouter?
SSH into a Ubiquiti EdgeMax router using a MacOpen up terminal by clicking on the magnifying glass (top right) and typing terminal terminal.Assuming the default username and password hasn't been changed, enter the command ssh ubnt@ ... When prompted for the password, enter ubnt.More items...•
Does EdgeRouter X have firewall?
The EdgeRouter uses a stateful firewall, which means the router firewall rules can match on different connection states.
How do I setup my EdgeRouter as a switch?
Manually Configuring the Switch FunctionalityConnect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the eth0 interface on the EdgeRouter.Configure a static IP address on your computer in the 192.168. ... Open a Web Browser and enter in the address bar.Log into the router using the default credentials.More items...
What OS does EdgeRouter use?
EdgeOSEdgeOS is a powerful, sophisticated operating system that manages your EdgeRouter. It offers both a browser‑based interface (EdgeOS Configuration Interface) for easy configuration and a Command Line Interface (CLI) for advanced configuration.
How do I log into my EdgeRouter?
Establishing Initial ConnectivityConnect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the eth0 interface on the EdgeRouter.Configure a static IP address on your computer in the 192.168. ... Open a Web Browser and enter in the address bar.Log into the router using the default credentials.More items...
How do I log into my ubiquiti router?
Ubiquiti Networks Router LoginConnect router cable to your Laptop or Computer. Alternatively use your wireless network. ... Open your web browser of choice and type IP address of your Ubiquiti Networks router in the address bar. ... Now enter the default username and password of your router by accessing the admin panel.
How do you bridge interfaces in EdgeRouter?
Creating a Bridged InterfaceEnter configuration mode. ... Delete the existing configuration from the interfaces that are to be added to the bridge group. ... Commit the changes. ... Create a bridge interface (br0) and assign it an IP address. ... Add the physical interfaces to the bridge group.More items...
How good is ubiquiti firewall?
And the UDM Pro is no lightweight when it comes to performance: Ubiquiti claims a high firewall throughput of 3.5Gbits/sec with IDP/IPS enabled – quite remarkable at this price point. It's achieved thanks to a speedy 1.7GHz quad-core ARM CPU, partnered with a generous 4GB of DDR4 RAM and 16GB of flash storage.
Is EdgeRouter a good router?
So, overall, this is a well-built device, it has a plethora of features, it's extremely flexible thanks to the EdgeOS software (it offers so much more than the usual consumer-type router) and, considering its incredibly low price, it's very hard to find a better alternative device on the market.
Does Ubiquiti have a firewall?
Dedicated Firewalls are critical to ensuring a safe, high-performing Network for all hosts. The UniFi Security Gateway sits on the WAN boundaries and by default, features basic firewall rules protecting the UniFi Site.
What does a Layer 2 switch do?
A layer 2 switch is a type of network switch or device that works on the data link layer (OSI Layer 2) and utilizes MAC Address to determine the path through where the frames are to be forwarded. It uses hardware based switching techniques to connect and transmit data in a local area network (LAN).
How do I reset EdgeRouter path of exile?
Runtime reset (recommended) The EdgeRouter PoE should be running after bootup is complete. Press and hold the Reset button for about 10 seconds until the right LED on port eth4 starts flashing and then becomes solidly lit. After a few seconds, the LED will turn off, and the router will automatically reboot.
Configuring the L2TP Server
The EdgeRouter L2TP server provides VPN access to the LAN ( for authenticated L2TP clients.
Setting up the L2TP Client
The next step is to configure the L2TP VPN settings on the client (s). Make sure to match the credentials on the client and server (EdgeRouter).
Secure Home Network: Add Remote-Access VPN to EdgeRouter
In the era of work-from-home, it is rare of a need to access your home network. In the rarest occasion when we need something from your digital home, from accessing files in your NAS to viewing security camera footage, while being away, it is very inconvenient and less secure to get access from a public internet hotspot.
Protocol Comparisons
PPTP stands for point-to-point tunneling protocol, and it has been in common operating systems for a long time (since Windows 95 for example). PPTP has known vulnerabilities.
Server Configuration in EdgeOS
This Ubiquiti Support Page details the steps; however, I want to document a few things:
Client Configuration
Client requires the certificates and server information, in the form of address/domain name and port (1194). With DDNS, we can specify a constant domain name without worrying about changing dynamic IPs assigned by the ISP.
What is eth0 port?
eth0 should be selected as the default WAN port . Select the Internet connection type. For most, this will be DHCP; however, if you have a static IP select the static IP option and configure the static IP settings provided from the Internet service provider.
Does Ubiquiti EdgeRouter update?
Firmware information. The Ubiquiti EdgeRouter does not auto update its firmware and has to be done manually. Support does not provide assistance with updating the firmware; however, this can be easily done by following the instructions on the Ubiquiti website here. It is recommended to have the latest firmware running on ...
Firewall rules
The next step is to create the Firewall rules, to allow the VPN tunnel establishment and the VPN traffic to go through the Router. Copy and paste the following commands, note that you may need to change the rule names, depending on the rules that you already have in place.
Configure the authentication
Then we are going to configure the authentication, here you need to replace the pre-shared-secret key with some strong password.
Create a user
Now, we will create a user, repeat this steps several times if you have more users.
Assign the IP range
Now, we are going to assign the IP range for the SNAT Pool. This is a range of IP addresses on your network that will be used for DHCP to assign internal IP addresses to the users. As an example we will use, which means we have enough IP addresses for 100 users.
Select the interface
We will select the interface where will allow the VPN Tunnel to be established, this is your Internet facing interface. In our example eth2
Windows 10 setting
Following these steps the VPN tunnel should be established without issues. If your Windows 10 users are having connection fails, make sure you enable MSCHAPv2 on the VPN adapter as this is required for L2TP tunnels with Ubiquiti EdgeRouter to work as shown below:

Table of Contents
Establishing Initial Connectivity
- In the factory default state, the EdgeRouter is accessible on the address on the eth0 interface. Refer to the sections below for more information on how access the EdgeRouter using either the Web UI, CLI or Console connection on different operating systems. 1. Connect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the eth0interface on the EdgeRouter. 2. Configure a static IP …
Accessing The EdgeRouter Using The Discovery Tool
- The Ubiquiti Device Discovery Toolautomatically discovers nearby EdgeRouters (and other Ubiquiti products) on the local network. The tool allows you to conveniently open the Web UI of the EdgeRouter and also provides recovery features such as the Rescue Web UI and SSH Recovery service. 1. Download the Ubiquiti Device Discovery Toolfrom the official Download sec…
Accessing The EdgeRouter on Macos
- Back to Top There are three options to access the EdgeRouter from a macOS computer: 1. Use the Ubiquiti Device Discovery Tool in the section aboveto automatically open a session to the Web UI. 2. Access the Web UI manually by navigating to your favorite browser. 3. Access the EdgeRouter's Command Line Interface (CLI) using either SSH or the Console port. …