Full Answer
What is the default IP address of the edgerouter?
Applicable to the latest firmware on all EdgeRouter models. In the factory default state, the EdgeRouter is accessible on the IP address on the eth0 interface. Refer to the sections below for more information on how access the EdgeRouter using either the Web UI, CLI or Console connection on different operating systems. 1.
What knowledge is required to configure the edgerouter L2TP VPN Server?
Knowledge of the Command Line Interface (CLI) and basic networking knowledge is required. The EdgeRouter L2TP server provides VPN access to the LAN ( for authenticated L2TP clients. Follow the steps below to configure the L2TP VPN server on the EdgeRouter:
How do I access the edgerouter from a macOS computer?
Access the EdgeRouter's Command Line Interface (CLI) using either SSH or the Console port. In this example, we are using PuTTY as the SSH client: NOTE: There is more information about connecting to the EdgeRouter Console port in the How to Connect to Serial Console article. There are three options to access the EdgeRouter from a macOS computer:
How to configure a VPN tunnel on edgerouter?
In order to create the configuration for your VPN tunnel on the EdgeRouter log into the device using SSH and then proceed with the following steps. First, we are going to get into the config mode typing: The next step is to create the Firewall rules, to allow the VPN tunnel establishment and the VPN traffic to go through the Router.

How do I access EdgeRouter in X?
Accessing the EdgeRouter on Windows Access the Web UI manually by navigating to using your favorite browser. Access the EdgeRouter's Command Line Interface (CLI) using either SSH or the Console port.
Does EdgeRouter have IPS?
There has been talk about getting an IDS/IPS into the network and from my understanding; the Edgerouter X cannot manage an IDS/IPS filtering due to the hardware limitations.
Is ubiquiti discontinuing EdgeRouter?
It appears that the original Edgerouter Lite is indeed discontinued, finally, but everything else (including the -X, amazing for sixty bucks) is still there.
How do I SSH into EdgeRouter?
SSH into a Ubiquiti EdgeMax router using a MacOpen up terminal by clicking on the magnifying glass (top right) and typing terminal terminal.Assuming the default username and password hasn't been changed, enter the command ssh ubnt@ ... When prompted for the password, enter ubnt.More items...•
Are Ubiquiti routers secure?
Reliable security with high‐performance routing technology. Ubiquiti introduces the UniFi Security Gateway, which extends the UniFi Enterprise System to encompass routing and security for your network.
What OS does EdgeRouter use?
EdgeOSEdgeOS is a powerful, sophisticated operating system that manages your EdgeRouter. It offers both a browser‑based interface (EdgeOS Configuration Interface) for easy configuration and a Command Line Interface (CLI) for advanced configuration. To access the EdgeOS Configuration Interface: 1.
Is UAP AC Pro end of life?
Greetings, End of Life (EOL) support was announced for Access Points on March 2021.
Did ubiquiti discontinue the USG?
Have the USG devices been discontinued? They're out of stock on the US Ubiquiti store and they've been removed entirely from the Canadian Ubiquiti store. Most retailers who used to carry them are all out of stock with no indication if they'll ever get more.
Is the UAP AC Pro discontinued?
This model has been discontinued, it is replaced by the previous model, which comes with a PoE injector - the UAP AC PRO.
What is the default IP for Ubiquiti? the IP Address of Your Access Point If you didn't know, Ubiquiti Access Points have a default IP address of 192.168. 1.20. Connecting more than one of these devices to your network at once will create an IP conflict like we discussed above.
How do you bridge interfaces in EdgeRouter?
Creating a Bridged InterfaceEnter configuration mode. ... Delete the existing configuration from the interfaces that are to be added to the bridge group. ... Commit the changes. ... Create a bridge interface (br0) and assign it an IP address. ... Add the physical interfaces to the bridge group.More items...
What is the default username and password of ubnt?
The default username for your Ubiquiti router is ubnt. The default password is ubnt. Enter the username & password, hit "Enter" and now you should see the control panel of your router.
What is Hairpin Nat EdgeRouter?
Hairpin NAT allows the internal clients (192.168. 1.0/24) to reach the UNMS server using the public IP address assigned to the EdgeRouter. Follow the steps below to add the Destination NAT and firewall rules to the EdgeRouter: GUI: Access the EdgeRouter Web UI.
How do you distribute a public IP address?
Distributing Public IP Addresses Using a Transit AddressNavigate to the Dashboard tab and assign the transit IP address to the WAN interface. ... Assign the public IP address range to the LAN interface. ... Configure a DHCP server to assign the public IP addresses to the clients.
What is Edgerouter L2TP?
The EdgeRouter L2TP server provides VPN access to the LAN ( for authenticated L2TP clients.
Can you issue a local subnet address?
NOTE: You can also issue addresses in the local subnet, but make sure that they do not overlap with those issued by the DHCP server.
Where is CLI on router?
In the top right-hand corner of the router's web interface select CLI
What is eth0 port?
eth0 should be selected as the default WAN port . Select the Internet connection type. For most, this will be DHCP; however, if you have a static IP select the static IP option and configure the static IP settings provided from the Internet service provider.
How to turn on QoS on router?
To turn on the feature navigate to the QoS tab in the web UI of the router. Under the Smart queue tab give the policy a name, make sure the eth0 interface is selected for the WAN interface, enter the download and upload speeds and select apply.
How to disable DNS cache?
By default the router will set up a DNS cache/relay, this needs to be deleted and disabled. Navigate to Services > DNS. Under the DNS forwarding option make sure an interface is not selected for DNS forwarding. If there is one you may have to delete this.
How to login to
Open a web browser and navigate to Note: A security prompt may come up regarding the site's security certificate, this is normal. Select continue or select advanced and click proceed anyway. The default login for the router is ubnt/ubnt
Where is the config tree in UI?
Select config tree in the top right-hand corner of the main dashboard page in the web UI
Does Ubiquiti EdgeRouter update?
Firmware information. The Ubiquiti EdgeRouter does not auto update its firmware and has to be done manually. Support does not provide assistance with updating the firmware; however, this can be easily done by following the instructions on the Ubiquiti website here. It is recommended to have the latest firmware running on ...
FragAttacks, 20 days later. Complete silence?
20 days later, still no word from Ubiquiti. No official thread on the forum or any kind of communication. Or am I completely missing something?
UDM Pro & Speed vs. Speed Tests
So I need to really wrap my head around what is what when it comes to speed.
UniFi - Traffic shaping (prioritizing 2 Wi-Fi networks)
I am running a full Ubiquiti UniFi system at my campground including a USG, UniFi Controller, Switch and APs. I offer two Wi-Fi networks - one Free for basic stuff like email and browsing and a Premium for video streaming, conferencing etc. Each network has its own VLAN.
Can you use MSCHAPv2 on VPN?
Following these steps the VPN tunnel should be established without issues. If your Windows 10 users are having connection fails, make sure you enable MSCHAPv2 on the VPN adapter as this is required for L2TP tunnels with Ubiquiti EdgeRouter to work as shown below:
Can you use VPN with Ubiquiti Edge?
In this tutorial we will explain how to configure an L2TP VPN with local authentication on a Ubiquiti Edge Router. The Edge Router device has a GUI, but the VPN wizard is missing features and it is not compatible with ConfigTree or the CLI. That means that if you create your config with the VPN wizard, then you won’t be able to modify it through the CLI or the GUI. For this reason, we strongly recommend to use the CLI for the setup.
Define the WAN interface which will receive L2TP requests from clients
Configure only one of the following statements. Decide on which command is best for your situation using these options:
Commit the changes and save the configuration
You can verify the VPN settings using the following commands from operational mode:
IPSEC Configuration on Ubiquiti EdgeRouter
Change eth0 to whatever external interface of the Ubiquiti edge router
L2TP Configuration on Ubiquiti edge router
set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication local -users username & lt; User & gt; password & lt; SecurePassword & gt;

Table of Contents
Establishing Initial Connectivity
- In the factory default state, the EdgeRouter is accessible on the address on the eth0 interface. Refer to the sections below for more information on how access the EdgeRouter using either the Web UI, CLI or Console connection on different operating systems. 1. Connect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the eth0interface on the EdgeRouter. 2. Configure a static IP …
Accessing The EdgeRouter Using The Discovery Tool
- The Ubiquiti Device Discovery Toolautomatically discovers nearby EdgeRouters (and other Ubiquiti products) on the local network. The tool allows you to conveniently open the Web UI of the EdgeRouter and also provides recovery features such as the Rescue Web UI and SSH Recovery service. 1. Download the Ubiquiti Device Discovery Toolfrom the official Download sec…
Accessing The EdgeRouter on Macos
- Back to Top There are three options to access the EdgeRouter from a macOS computer: 1. Use the Ubiquiti Device Discovery Tool in the section aboveto automatically open a session to the Web UI. 2. Access the Web UI manually by navigating to your favorite browser. 3. Access the EdgeRouter's Command Line Interface (CLI) using either SSH or the Console port. …
Firmware Information
Initial Setup
- Below is a diagram outlining the final desired and recommended setup with the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X. Please note that the final setup may look different depending on what equipment is currently in place and how many devices will be used on the network. Out of the box the EdgeRouter X does not have DHCP enabled and the default management port is eth0; therefore, …
Final Steps
- Once the setup wizard has been completed save the settings and the router should reboot. Once this has completed move the network cable currently connected to eth0 and the PC, over to the eth1 port or you can connect the PC to eth1, eth2, eth3, or eth4 as these will all be configured as switch ports. Lastly, connect the network cable from the modem...
Additional Configuration Options
- Increase UDP NAT timeout
VoIP phones will send UDP keep-alive pings to the Aline's network to keep the router's NAT binding session open for any data that needs to be sent back to the phones. If the UDP NAT timeout on the router is set too low, the NAT binding session could get prematurely closed befor… - Turning on Smart QoS
Turning on the Smart QoS feature may be necessary if bandwidth is limited. This feature will reserve bandwidth and implement sophisticated algorithms to prioritize sensitive traffic such as VoIP traffic. Prior to turning on the Smart QoS feature you will need to know your download and …