Remote-access Guide

edupay online remote access

by Mr. Al Hansen PhD Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I access edupay from my workplace?

Access to eduPay is available from your workplace when connected to the Department or School network and available remotely from an external location – such as from home, using the same link. Login link and details are the same from either location.

What are my edupay login credentials?

Your eduPay login credentials are the same as your EduMail UserID and Password. if you can access EduMail you can access eduPay. Some schools have their own email servers and the password to the local email server may be different to your EduMail password. Only your EduMail password will allow access to eduPay.

Why can't I access edupay from an external location?

make sure the antivirus software is up to date on any computer or tablet you use to access eduPay read the remote login help instructions guide (below) before accessing eduPay from an external location

What do I do if I can't login to edupay?

If you can't login or need help, phone 1800 641 943. For eduPay manuals and instructions, see: eduPay help You are reminded of these security precautions when accessing eduPay: your Department email address and email password provide access to the payroll, which contains your personal and payroll details keep your password secret.

Can you use employee self service from external location?

Can you update your banking details on edupay?

About this website


eduPay Access - Department of Education and Training

eduPay is a web based system that can be accessed using the web browser on your desktop or notebook. eduPay is compatible with the following web browsers issued with the Department’s desktops and notebooks:

Welcome to eduPass - Department of Education and Training

Website Created 17 June 2013; Page Last Updated 27 Jul 2020 ; About the Department; Copyright/Disclaimer; Privacy; Accessibility; Report an Issue with this Page ...

Department of Education and Training

Department of Education homepage - Department of Education. The eduMail tools for managing your password have been replaced with new eduPass tools.

Sign In

You can also login using your Education Corporate or local school account.. By accessing LearnLink, you agree to comply with the user agreement and code of conduct ...

What browser is used for edupay?

eduPay is a web based system that can be accessed using the web browser on your desktop or notebook. eduPay is compatible with the following web browsers issued with the Department’s desktops and notebooks: Internet Explorer (IE) for Windows based desktops and notebooks.

How many characters can you put in edupay password?

The eduPay password field only displays a maximum of 14 characters but accepts passwords of up to 32 characters. If you wish to change your password, or get advice on Password Best Practice, click on the following link: Change/Forgot My Password or the link on the eduPay login page.

Does edupay require a web browser?

The web browser on your desktop must be configured correctly to ensure that the eduPay site is available when using the work location access link. If you require further assistance please contact your local IT Support.

Does edupay display when you log in?

The eduPay Login page does not display when the eduPay Login link is selected

Can you access edupay with a password?

Your eduPay login credentials are the same as your EduMail UserID and Password. if you can access EduMail you can access eduPay. Some schools have their own email servers and the password to the local email server may be different to your EduMail password. Only your EduMail password will allow access to eduPay.

What is edupay software?

EduPay is cloud based software, built specifically for processing payroll within education in the UK. EduPay takes the payroll process, spins it around, shakes it up a bit, and turns out a beautiful, streamlined process that removes data duplication, opportunity for error, time consuming data keying, and, removes virtually all paper. Through integration with our BPS budget planner, staff salaries are easily managed with auto-increments, TLR, SEN payments etc. all dealt with seamlessly.

Can EduPay see when checks are due?

More data duplication busting! EduPay will soon be able to manage your Single Central Record for you. Employees can see when their checks are due through their portal, you can see the ones that are late on your Dashboard.

Can you manage maternity with edupay?

With EduPay you can manage maternity with a few clicks of a mouse. No need for manual calculations, they are fully automated.

How to contact edupay?

eduPay help. If you can't login or need help, phone 1800 641 943. A number of documents are available for principals, managers and employees to assist in using eduPay. For all eduPay manuals and instructions, refer to the Resources tab.

Can ESS update banking details?

Access to ESS from an external location will not allow updates to personal banking details.

Can you use a separate login URL for edupay?

Previous external or remote access to eduPay was by using a separate login URL. This is no longer required and will no longer work. Use the link above. Users are reminded to delete any previously saved favourite or bookmark they may have to eduPay and update their favourite or bookmark with the new link above.

How to remotely connect to a computer?

The easy way to remotely connect with your home or work computer, or share your screen with others. Securely access your computer whenever you're away, using your phone, tablet, or another computer. Share your screen to collaborate in real-time, or connect with another computer to give or receive remote support. Access my computer. Share my screen.

What is Chrome Remote Desktop?

Whether you need to access your work computer from home, view a file from your home computer while traveling, or share your screen with friends or colleagues, Chrome Remote Desktop connects you to your devices using the latest web technologies.

Can I log into edupay from an unsecured computer?

do not log on to eduPay from an unsecured computer, for example, do not access eduPay from an internet cafe, restaurant or coffee shop that provides free wi-fi

Can ESS update banking details?

Access to ESS from an external location will not allow updates to personal banking details.

Can you use a separate login URL for edupay?

Previous external or remote access to eduPay was by using a separate login URL. This is no longer required and will no longer work. Use the link above. Users are reminded to delete any previously saved favourite or bookmark they may have to eduPay and update their favourite or bookmark with the new link above.

Can you use employee self service from external location?

Some features of Employee Self Service are not available when accessed from an external location – such as updates to personal banking details. The login process will automatically determine the location you are logging in from and automatically assign full or limited access to Employee Self Service features.

Can you update your banking details on edupay?

Note: Accessing eduPay from a remote connection (such as from home) does not allow updates to personal banking details.

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