Remote-access Guide

edupay remote access

by Birdie Kuhn Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is edupay and how do I login?

eduPay is the Department's HR and payroll system where you can: view your leave balances view and download payslips view and update contact details update banking details. If you can't login or need help, phone 1800 641 943. For eduPay manuals and instructions, see: eduPay help

How do I access edupay from an external location?

read the remote login help instructions guide (below) before accessing eduPay from an external location If you have difficulty accessing eduPay, first check the HR Systems availability page to determine if there is a known issue or scheduled maintenance period, then select the access eduPay link on the Resources tab.

How do I identify employees that require additional access to edupay?

When identifying employees that require additional access to eduPay the following should be considered: MSS enables managers to view the leave entitlements, absences and contact details for employees reporting to them.

How can I make sure edupay is not safe to use?

do not log onto eduPay from an unsecured computer, for example, do not access eduPay from an internet cafe, restaurant or coffee shop that provides free Wi-Fi make sure the antivirus software is up to date on any computer or tablet you use to access eduPay


How do I access eduPay from home?

Your eduPay login credentials are the same as your EduMail UserID and Password. if you can access EduMail you can access eduPay. Some schools have their own email servers and the password to the local email server may be different to your EduMail password. Only your EduMail password will allow access to eduPay.

Why can't I log in to eduPay?

If you can't login or need help, phone 1800 641 943. A number of documents are available for principals, managers and employees to assist in using eduPay. For all eduPay manuals and instructions, refer to the Resources tab.

How do I set up an eduPay account?

To register for an eduPass account you will first need to be invited to register by your organisation eduPass administrator (Organisation Administrator). You will need to speak to your Organisation Administrator and ask them to invite you to the application you require.

Why is eduPay not working?

If you have difficulty accessing eduPay, first check the HR Systems availability page to determine if there is a known issue or scheduled maintenance period, then select the access eduPay link on the Resources tab.

What is eduPass username?

Just enter your eduPass email address and the website will redirect to a login screen where you must use your simple username and password. Simple. Example of student simple username: abcd1. In the example login screen(right), the “User ID” is your. simple username.

How do I set up EduMail on my iPhone?

Setting up Education Department email on iPad/iPhoneOpen Settings on the iPad/iPhone, navigate to Passwords and Accounts, then Add Account.Select Exchange.Type in your Department email address, type a description then select next.Select Sign In.Type in your password then select Sign In.More items...

What is EdPay?

EdPay is the new online schools' payroll service that's been designed with the input of schools. It's being built in stages, with more features being added all the time. Novopay is the legacy service it is replacing.

Is there an app for EduMail?

Logging in using Microsoft Outlook Web App Outlook Web App allows you to access your eduMail account via a web browser. It is available in 2 versions: standard — full features accessible, recognising your browser and connection. light — basic features if browser doesn't support the full version or connection is slow.

What browser is used for edupay?

eduPay is a web based system that can be accessed using the web browser on your desktop or notebook. eduPay is compatible with the following web browsers issued with the Department’s desktops and notebooks: Internet Explorer (IE) for Windows based desktops and notebooks.

How many characters can you put in edupay password?

The eduPay password field only displays a maximum of 14 characters but accepts passwords of up to 32 characters. If you wish to change your password, or get advice on Password Best Practice, click on the following link: Change/Forgot My Password or the link on the eduPay login page.

What is ESS in schools?

Employee Self Service (ESS) is provided to all current employees and new employees by default. Manager Self Service (MSS) is provided to Principals in schools and other identified Managers in Corporate locations. In the majority of cases ESS and MSS will provide employees and managers with sufficient access for the information they require. Where there is a requirement for additional access, select from the following links:

Does edupay require a web browser?

The web browser on your desktop must be configured correctly to ensure that the eduPay site is available when using the work location access link. If you require further assistance please contact your local IT Support.

Does edupay display when you log in?

The eduPay Login page does not display when the eduPay Login link is selected

Can you access edupay with a password?

Your eduPay login credentials are the same as your EduMail UserID and Password. if you can access EduMail you can access eduPay. Some schools have their own email servers and the password to the local email server may be different to your EduMail password. Only your EduMail password will allow access to eduPay.

What is edupay software?

EduPay is cloud based software, built specifically for processing payroll within education in the UK. EduPay takes the payroll process, spins it around, shakes it up a bit, and turns out a beautiful, streamlined process that removes data duplication, opportunity for error, time consuming data keying, and, removes virtually all paper. Through integration with our BPS budget planner, staff salaries are easily managed with auto-increments, TLR, SEN payments etc. all dealt with seamlessly.

Can EduPay see when checks are due?

More data duplication busting! EduPay will soon be able to manage your Single Central Record for you. Employees can see when their checks are due through their portal, you can see the ones that are late on your Dashboard.

Can employees view P60's?

Employees can complete timesheets, view payslips and P60's, and, update their personal details, all through their phone or computer .

Can you manage maternity with edupay?

With EduPay you can manage maternity with a few clicks of a mouse. No need for manual calculations, they are fully automated.

What is ESS in edupay?

Employee Self Service (ESS) is provided to all employees and Manager Self Service (MSS) is provided to identified managers. In the majority of cases, ESS and MSS will provide employees and managers with sufficient access for the information they require. However, where a demonstrated need for additional access to eduPay is identified, the eduPay access form below should be completed setting out the reason additional access is required including the work locations required.

Can access be restricted by location?

Access can be restricted by location and some functions but not by category of employee. For example, access can be restricted to regional office and to personal details only. All employees’ personal details, irrespective of their classification working in that office or location can be accessed.

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