What is the role of remote sensing and GIS in EIA?
Role of Remote Sensing and GIS in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)! Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing, play an important role in generating automated spatial datasets and in establishing spatial relationships.
What is EIA and how does it work?
With the use of geo-spatial techniques like remote sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and Global Positioning Systems (GPS), EIA has enhanced substantial viewing, movement, query, and even map-making capabilities.
What is open data EIA?
Open Data EIA's free and open data available as API, Excel add-in, bulk files, and widgets EIA Beta Come test out some of the products still in development and let us know what you think! Follow us. . . All Reports & Publications EIA Survey Forms
How do I contact EIA customer service?
For assistance, please contact the EIA User Services Center at 202-586-8959. For assistance, please contact the IN Help Desk at: 202-586-6112. For assistance, please contact the SC Help Desk at: 301-903-5313.

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What are the applications of EIA?
Applications have included monitoring of natural resources (air, water, land, etc.), ground-level ozone, soil erosion, study of sea-level rise due to global warming, change-detection studies, delineation of ecologically sensitive areas using digital-image analysis and Geographic Information Systems. This study focuses on the possibility of using a proposed spatial-decision-support system to conduct EIA, which should make it possible to upload, evaluate, maintain, and report field and analytical data that have been stored in a variety of formats.
Why is an EIA used?
The EIA is used: (1) To ensure that local agencies carefully consider significant environmental impacts arising from projects under agency jurisdiction; (2) to establish a procedure by which the public is given an opportunity for meaningful participation in the agency’s consideration of the proposed action; and (3) to provide records for efficient spatial analysis. The EIA was designed to be a detailed and quantitative investigation which rigorously analysed the findings of potential environmental impact of the proposed project and also addressed the public concerns through the use of remote sensing and GIS technologies.
What is inherent spatial requirements?
The inherent spatial requirements of an EIA, (that is the need to assess the impact of a proposed project on spatial analysis provides significant opportunities to apply GIS analysis for completing the EIA project. GIS analysis can greatly enhance the evaluation of ElA-required items.
What is Geographical Information System?
Geographical Information System (GIS) are computer systems that can store, integrate, analyze and display spatial data. The first systems evolved in the late sixties, and by mid seventies they have been used for EIA.
How can irrigation water be efficiently managed?
Efficient management of irrigation water can be suggested using recent information of the command area by processing imageries through ERDAS Imagine. The impact of the dam in terms of catchment area and command area was computed to assess the net benefit to the society. GIS can also help in the site selection for the rehabilitation and infrastructure location.
What is the role of GIS in remote sensing?
Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing, play an important role in generating automated spatial datasets and in establishing spatial relationships.
Why are GIS systems insufficiently accurate?
Such economies may be of particular relevance for the use of many GIS systems are insufficiently accurate for legal purposes due to several reasons, such as: limitations of the photogrammetric process; errors in the process of digitising existing maps; inaccuracies inherent in the maps; maps of different scales; different levels of cartographic representation and cartographic generalisation; and so on.
What is the treatment for diffuse occlusive disease of the external iliac artery?
Background: Historically, the treatment of iliac artery occlusive disease required a surgical bypass usually consisting of an aortobifemoral bypass or an iliofemoral bypass. With the advent of balloon angioplasty and stenting, these procedures are frequently replaced with endovascular options. However, the treatment of diffuse occlusive disease of the external iliac artery (EIA) using balloon angioplasty and/or stenting does not carry a favorable long-term patency rate. Remote endarterectomy of the EIA using ring dissectors with balloon assistance provides a novel, controlled, safe, and durable treatment of the diseased and/or occluded EIA.
Is balloon assisted remote endarterectomy safe?
Conclusions: Balloon-assisted remote endarterectomy of the diffusely diseased and/or occluded EIA is a safe and durable option. It precludes the need for a prosthetic conduit and the risk of associated infection. It also involves a single groin incision and negates the need for retroperitoneal exposure of the CIA.
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Can you see what is happening on a remote computer?
You can see at first glance what is happening on the remote computer.
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