The EJB remote interface (suitable for intra VM communication) A remote client of an enterprise bean can run on a different machine and a different Java virtual machine (JVM) than the enterprise bean it accesses. (It is not required to run on a different JVM.)
Full Answer
What are the different types of EJB remote applications?
Typically, EJB remote applications can be classified into the following: A remote client, which runs as a standalone Java application. A remote client, which runs within another JBoss EAP instance. Depending on the type of remote client, from an EJB client API point of view, there can potentially be more than one EJBClientContext within a JVM.
What is the difference between home and remote interface in EJB?
An EJB has two client interfaces: Remote interface--The remote interface specifies the business methods that the clients of the object can invoke. Home interface--The home interface defines EJB life cycle methods, such as a method to create and retrieve a reference to the bean object.
Does JBoss EAP support remote EJB data compression?
Remote EJB Data Compression Previous versions of JBoss EAP included a feature where the message stream that contained the EJB protocol message could be compressed. This feature has been included in JBoss EAP 6.3 and later.

How do I access EJB from remote client?
Steps for Accessing Any EJBIf you are remote, download the oc4j. jar file.Set up JNDI properties for the connection, if necessary.Determine which InitialContextFactory you will use for the connection.Retrieve an EJB using either the JNDI name or an EJB reference, which is configured in the deployment descriptor.
What is EJB remote interface?
An EJB component can have remote and local interfaces. Clients not located in the same application server instance as the bean (remote clients) use the remote interface to access the bean.
Which annotation is required for remote view EJB?
@Local annotationYour EJB must now define all its business interfaces using @Local annotation so it's additional work for you. Not only you implement an interface but you need to remember to declare that your EJB is exposing it.
How do I access EJB from standalone application?
To access an EJB component from a stand-alone clientIn your client code, instantiate the InitialContext: ... In the client code, look up the home object by specifying the JNDI name of the home object. ... Deploy the EJB component to be accessed.More items...
What is remote interface?
In RMI, a remote interface is an interface that declares a set of methods that may be invoked from a remote Java virtual machine. A remote interface must satisfy the following requirements: A remote interface must at least extend, either directly or indirectly, the interface java.
What are EJB objects?
ejb. EJBObject interface, and define the enterprise bean specific business methods. The enterprise bean's remote interface is defined by the enterprise bean provider and implemented by the enterprise bean container.
What is meant by remote client view of a Java bean?
A remote client of an enterprise bean has the following traits. It can run on a different machine and a different JVM from the enterprise bean it accesses. (It is not required to run on a different JVM.) It can be a web component, an application client, or another enterprise bean.
What is EJB LocalBean?
Annotation Type LocalBean Designates that a session bean exposes a no-interface view. This annotation is required if a session bean exposes any other client views (local, remote, no-interface, 2.
What are the different types of annotations used in EJB?
EJB - AnnotationsSr.noName1javax.ejb.Stateless2javax.ejb.Stateful3javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean4javax.ejb.EJB4 more rows
How does EJB work internally?
The EJB container interacts directly with a message-driven bean—creating bean instances and passing JMS messages to those instances as necessary. The container creates bean instances at deployment time, adding and removing instances during operation based on message traffic.
What is JBoss EJB?
The JBoss EJB container architecture employs a modular plug-in approach. All key aspects of the EJB container may be replaced by custom versions of a plug-in and/or an interceptor by a developer. This approach allows for fine tuned customization of the EJB container behavior to optimally suite your needs.
How do you call EJB?
When you call a server-side EJB from a client application, you must use a network protocol that involves an ORB, such as RMI over IIOP. However, calling out from the servlet to an external object that is in the same session as the servlet can be much simpler and faster than calling from a client.
What is EJB method?
An EJB has two client interfaces: Remote interface--The remote interface specifies the business methods that the clients of the object can invoke. Home interface--The home interface defines EJB life cycle methods, such as a method to create and retrieve a reference to the bean object.
What is EJB application?
Based on the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification, enterprise beans are Java components that typically implement the business logic of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications as well as access data.
What is CMP bean?
A container-managed persistence (CMP) bean is an entity bean for which the container handles the interactions between the enterprise bean and the data source. The container is responsible for synchronization of instance fields with the persistent store.
What is the dependency of jboss?
The dependency jboss-ejb-client includes the EJBClient class that contains an useful property named SOURCE_ADDRESS_KEY that can be used to retrieve the remote EJB Client IP address. Here is an example of it:
What is the property version.server.bom?
The Property version.server.bom contains the Application Server version, for example:
What is the new HTTP protocol in Wildfly 11?
To allow for balancing at the individual invocation level, a new “pure” HTTP protocol was included since WildFly 11. Clients can use “ http://” URLs as opposed to “ remoting+http:// ” to leverage this feature. The advantage of it, is that this protocol utilizes standard HTTP behavior, it can be efficiently balanced by any load-balancer, not just the one built into EAP.
Do you need to authenticate with an application user in EJB 3?
if your EJB 3 clients are arriving from a remote host, you will need to authenticate with an application user in order to be allowed by the remoting protocol.
How to connect EJB to cluster?
To connect an EJB client to a clustered EJB application, you need to expand the existing configuration in standalone EJB client or in-server EJB client to include cluster connection configuration. The jboss-ejb-client.properties for standalone EJB client, or even jboss-ejb-client.xml file for a server-side application must be expanded to include a cluster configuration.
How to enable property substitution in JBoss EAP?
To enable property substitution in the JBoss EAP server, you must set the <annotation-property-replacement> attribute in the ee subsystem of the server configuration file to true .
What is message driven bean?
The Message-Driven Bean is created with stub methods for the default constructor and the onMessage () method. A Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio editor window opens with the corresponding file.
What is the Java project configuration screen?
The Java project configuration screen allows you to add directories containing Java source files and specify the directory for the output of the build.
Where are system properties defined in JBoss?
System properties defined in the server configuration file take precedence over those passed on the command line when you start the server.
Where to add enterprise beans?
Add your enterprise beans: Write your enterprise beans and add them to the project under the src/main/java directory in the appropriate sub-directory for the bean’s package.
Do you have to have an existing project open in Red Hat JBoss?
You must have an existing project open in Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio.
What is EJB QL?
EJB QL defines the queries for the finder and select methods of an entity bean with container-managed persistence. A subset of SQL92, EJB QL has extensions that allow navigation over the relationships defined in an entity bean's abstract schema. The abstract schema is part of an entity bean's deployment descriptor and defines the bean's persistent fields and relationships. The term "abstract" distinguishes this schema from the physical schema of the underlying datastore. The abstract schema name is referenced by EJB QL queries since the scope of an EJB QL query spans the abstract schemas of related entity beans that are packaged in the same EJB JAR file. For an entity bean with container-managed persistence, an EJB QL query must be defined for every finder method (except findByPrimaryKey). The EJB QL query determines the query that is executed by the EJB container when the finder method is invoked.
How does a client access a session?
A client may access a session or an entity bean only through the methods defined in the bean's interfaces which define the client's view of a bean. All other aspects of the bean - method implementations, deployment descriptor settings, abstract schemas, database access calls - are hidden from the client providing modularity and encapsulation. Well designed interfaces simplify the development and maintenance of J2EE applications by shielding clients from any complexities in the business logic and also allowing the EJBs to change internally without affecting the clients. EJBs support two types of client access - remote or local.
What database does Oracle9iAS support?
Support for Oracle and Non-Oracle Databases: Further, Oracle9iAS provides the ability to execute EJB QL against any database - Oracle, MS SQL-Server, IBM DB/2, Informix, and Sybase.
What is a home interface business method?
Home interface business methods are used for public usage of methods that do not use entity bean persistent data. If you want to supply methods that perform duties for you that are not associated with any specific bean, a home interface business method allows you to publicize this method.
Is the location of the enterprise bean it accesses transparent?
To the local client, the location of the enterprise bean it accesses is not transparent. It is often an entity bean that has a container-managed relationship with another entity bean. To build an enterprise bean that allows local access, you must code a local interface and a local home interface.
Can EJBQL query traverse CMP?
The direction of a relationship determines whether a query can navigate from one bean to another. With Oracle9iAS, EJBQL queries can traverse CMP Relationships with any type of multiplicity and with both unidirectional and bi-directional relationships.
Can Java run on a different machine?
It may run on a different machine and a different Java Virtual Machine (JVM) than the enterprise bean it accesses.
Chapter 4. Message-Driven Beans
4.1. Message-Driven Beans Message-driven Beans (MDBs) provide an event driven model for application development. The methods of MDBs are not injected into or invoked from client code but are triggered by the receipt of messages from a messaging service such as a Jakarta Messaging server.
Chapter 5. Invoking Session Beans
JBoss EAP introduced the EJB client API for managing remote EJB invocations. The JBoss EJB client API uses the EJBClientContext, which may be associated with and be used by one or more threads concurrently. This means that an EJBClientContext can potentially contain any number of EJB receivers.
Chapter 8. Clustered Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
EJB components can be clustered for high-availability scenarios. They use different protocols than HTTP components, so they are clustered in different ways. EJB 2 and 3 stateful and stateless beans can be clustered.
Chapter 9. Tuning the EJB 3 Subsystem
For tips on optimizing performance for the ejb3 subsystem, see the EJB Subsystem Tuning section of the Performance Tuning Guide .
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What is EJB client API?
It does this, by expecting the client application to use the JNDI name of the format " ejb: " namespace and also expecting the client application to setup the JNDI context by passing the " org.jboss.ejb.client.naming " value for the Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES property.
What is the JNDI name for remote naming?
The remote-naming project expects it to always be relative to the " java:jboss/exported/ " namespace. Once connected with the server side, the remote-naming project will lookup for "foo/bar" JNDI name under the " java:jboss /exported/ " namespace of the server.
What does stateful mean in JNDI?
The presence of " ?stateful " in the JNDI name lookup string is a directive to the EJB client API to let it know that a stateful bean is being looked up and it's necessary to communicate with the server and create a session during that lookup.
How does remote naming work?
Once it identifies the server and port to connect to, the remote-naming project internally sets up a connection using the jboss-remoting APIs with the remoting connector which is exposed on that port.
Does EJB client API use stateless beans?
In the previous section we (intentionally) mentioned that the lookup optimization by the EJB client API project happens for stateless beans. This kind of optimization is not possible for stateful beans because in case of stateful beans, a lookup is expected to create a session for that stateful bean and for session creation we do have to communicate with the server since the server is responsible for creating that session.
Is Java:JBoss/exported/ accessible remotely?
In previous sections of this article we saw that whatever is exposed in the java:jboss/exported/ namespace is accessible remotely to the client applications under the relative JNDI name. Some of you might already have started thinking about exposing remote views of EJBs under that namespace.
Can you prefix JNDI to JBoss?
Note: Since the JNDI name that you use on the client side is always relative to java:jboss/exported namespace, you shouldn't be prefixing the java:jboss/exported/ string to the JNDI name. For example, if you use the following JNDI name:
Where is jboss-ejb-client.xml located?
If your application is deployed as a top level .war deployment, then the jboss-ejb-client.xml is expected to be placed in .war/WEB-INF/ folder (i.e. the same location where you place any web.xml file).
What does the connection creation logic do?
This way when a connection has to be established from the client server to the destination server, the connection creation logic will have the necessary security credentials to pass along and setup a successful secured connection.
Can base64 be incorrectly encoded?
While generating the base64 encoded string make sure that you don't have any trailing or leading spaces for the original password. That can lead to incorrect encoded versions being generated.
Can you deploy EJBs in any standard way?
Note that packaging itself isn't really important in the context of this article. You can deploy the EJBs in any standard way (.ear, .war or .jar).
Do you need to have a unique jboss.node.name system property?
It's very important to note that if you are starting both the server instances on the same machine, then each of those server instances must have a unique jboss.node.name system property. You can do that by passing an appropriate value for -Djboss.node.name system property to the startup script:
Can you use any username and password combination?
Note that you can use any username and password combination you want to.
Can servlets be used in EJB?
We mentioned that we'll be using a servlet to invoke on the bean, but the code to invoke the bean isn't servlet specific and can be used in other components (like EJB) too. So let's see how it looks like: