What is Elms?
ELMS is the e-academy License Management System from which MSDNAA software is available for download. The ELMS username is your @uiowa.edu email address. ELMS does not user your hawkid and password.
How do I get approval for remote access?
Organizations or individuals who wish to implement non-standard Remote Access solutions to the College of Public Health production network must obtain prior approval from College Office of Information Technology.
What is the difference between remote access and home office BRI?
BRI is used for home office/remote access. BRI has two "Bearer" channels at 64kbit (aggregate 128kb) and 1 D channel for signaling info. Remote Access: Any access to College of Public Health’s network through a non-University of Iowa controlled network, device, or medium.
What is the Ui Center doing with KIND bars?
The UI Center for Advancement recently donated 150,000 KIND bars to UI Health Care, distributing them with the help of the Office of the Patient Experience, Environmental Services, and Guest Services.

Payroll information and forms can be accessed from MyUI. As a student, you log onto MyUI using your Hawk ID and password. However, you cannot access any of the information listed below until your appointment form has been created by your department and processed by University Human Resources.
University Workforce Operations-Student Employment
Payroll information and forms can be accessed from MyUI. As a student, you log onto MyUI using your Hawk ID and password. However, you cannot access any of the information listed below until your appointment form has been created by your department and processed by University Human Resources.
What is remote access in health?
Remote Access: Any access to College of Public Health’s network through a non-University of Iowa controlled network, device, or medium.
Who is responsible for remote access to the College of Public Health?
It is the responsibility of the College of Public Health employees and students with remote access privileges to the College of Public Health network to ensure that their remote access connection is given the same consideration as the user’s on-site connection to the College of Public Health.
Who must obtain prior approval from College Office of Information Technology?
Organizations or individuals who wish to implement non-standard Remote Access solutions to the College of Public Health production network must obtain prior approval from College Office of Information Technology.