How do I set up the EPA remote access service?
Setup and Installation: The EPA Remote Access service provides secure access for EPA employees and contractors. To use, the appropriate registrations and login IDs must have already been created. Click the link for information about using and setting up the Pulse Secure VPN client:
How do I use one EPA anywhere?
One EPA Anywhere (EVDI): Users with home computers and other non-GFE devices should now use One EPA Anywhere (EVDI) Setup and Installation: The EPA Remote Access service provides secure access for EPA employees and contractors. To use, the appropriate registrations and login IDs must have already been created.
What is EPA Pulse Secure Remote Access?
Remote Access Setup and Installation Instructions The Secure Remote Access service using the Pulse Secure VPN client provides EPA employees, contractors and Business Partners the ability to connect to EPA resources while at an Alternate Work Location (AWL).
How do I sort the table of EPA Region 5 staff contacts?
This is a sortable table of EPA Region 5 staff contacts on various topics. Click on any header to sort the table using that column. Or use the search box in the top right-hand corner of the table. Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem.
What is EPA Region 2?
What is a region 10 loan?
What is a purple air sensor?
What can tribes use to monitor air quality?
What is purple air?
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A Low-cost Air Quality Sensor for Measuring Particulate Matter
PurpleAir Field Evaluation . Human activities result in the emissions of a wide array of pollutants that affect the environment in many ways. Particulate matter, which is comprised of extremely small particles suspended in the atmosphere, is harmful to human health and causes atmospheric haze that impairs visibility.
EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series | US EPA
Free webinars typically held the third Wednesday of every month from 3:00-4:00 PM (ET). EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) hosts this monthly public webinar series to translate EPA research and share research resources and information that are useful, practical/applied and available to meet research needs of states/territories and other entities, such as tribes, local governments ...
How good is the PurpleAir sensor and what does it detect?
The website for PurpleAir (and the Wunderground page for it) speak very highly of it:. Using a new generation of laser particle counters to provide real time measurement of (amongst other data), PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10.
What is EPA Region 2?
Description: EPA Region 2’s Citizen Science Program is piloting an air sensor loan project in the hopes of expanding their Equipment Loan Program to include these sensors in the future and to continue collaborating with a network of non-profit organizations, specifically focusing on building the Region’s relationship with academic institutions. Through this project, EPA plans to engage and collaborate with the state environmental agency where the project takes place in order to collocate at least one of the air sensors at regulatory monitoring sites for data comparison and quality assurance.
What is a region 10 loan?
Description: This loan program in EPA's Region 10 Office is designed to provide portable monitoring equipment for indoor or outdoor use for the initial investigation of a complaint or concern relating to air quality in tribal lands located in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Tribes can use portable air devices to monitor air quality and particulate matter (PM) levels in elevated air pollution areas or during increased smoke seasons (e.g., summer wildfire or winter wood smoke season).
What is a purple air sensor?
PurpleAir PA-SD-II – stationary sensor that measures particulate matter; for outdoor and indoor use; includes equipment to adapt the sensor to be solar powered.
What can tribes use to monitor air quality?
Tribes can use portable air devices to monitor air quality and particulate matter (PM) levels in elevated air pollution areas or during increased smoke seasons (e.g., summer wildfire or winter wood smoke season). Equipment available for loan:
What is purple air?
PurpleAir – stationary sensor that measures particulate matter; for outdoor and indoor use; battery powered. Eligibility: Individuals, community groups, schools, and other interested organizations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
What browser is used for remote access?
The Microsoft Edge browser is not currently supported for remote access. Internet Explorer 11 is the current recommended browser.
How to open system configuration?
Open "System Configuration" as an admin with msconfig.exe or through the Start >> Administrative Tools >> System Configuration.
What is EPA Region 2?
Description: EPA Region 2’s Citizen Science Program is piloting an air sensor loan project in the hopes of expanding their Equipment Loan Program to include these sensors in the future and to continue collaborating with a network of non-profit organizations, specifically focusing on building the Region’s relationship with academic institutions. Through this project, EPA plans to engage and collaborate with the state environmental agency where the project takes place in order to collocate at least one of the air sensors at regulatory monitoring sites for data comparison and quality assurance.
What is a region 10 loan?
Description: This loan program in EPA's Region 10 Office is designed to provide portable monitoring equipment for indoor or outdoor use for the initial investigation of a complaint or concern relating to air quality in tribal lands located in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Tribes can use portable air devices to monitor air quality and particulate matter (PM) levels in elevated air pollution areas or during increased smoke seasons (e.g., summer wildfire or winter wood smoke season).
What is a purple air sensor?
PurpleAir PA-SD-II – stationary sensor that measures particulate matter; for outdoor and indoor use; includes equipment to adapt the sensor to be solar powered.
What can tribes use to monitor air quality?
Tribes can use portable air devices to monitor air quality and particulate matter (PM) levels in elevated air pollution areas or during increased smoke seasons (e.g., summer wildfire or winter wood smoke season). Equipment available for loan:
What is purple air?
PurpleAir – stationary sensor that measures particulate matter; for outdoor and indoor use; battery powered. Eligibility: Individuals, community groups, schools, and other interested organizations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.