Remote-access Guide

epa region 6 remote access

by Timmothy Gleason PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Check your voice mail frequently by calling 214-665-8000 or 888-884-2478 Sign up for Facebook and check the EPA Region 6 Facebook page Check Region 6's Twitter account Check for emails on EPA Web Mail (linked below) Remote Access to My Workplace : access to your EPA email.

Full Answer

How do I set up the EPA remote access service?

Setup and Installation: The EPA Remote Access service provides secure access for EPA employees and contractors. To use, the appropriate registrations and login IDs must have already been created. Click the link for information about using and setting up the Pulse Secure VPN client:

How do I use one EPA anywhere?

One EPA Anywhere (EVDI): Users with home computers and other non-GFE devices should now use One EPA Anywhere (EVDI) Setup and Installation: The EPA Remote Access service provides secure access for EPA employees and contractors. To use, the appropriate registrations and login IDs must have already been created.

What type of authentication do I use to connect to EPA?

Pulse Client Login - One Time Password (OTP) Authentication: Use One Time Password (OTP) to connect to EPA's network. Click the link for more information: Using OTP authentication

How do I connect to EPA workplace with a VPN?

Connect to EPA Workplace using Pulse Secure VPN client and One Time Password (OTP). Connect to EPA Workplace Proxy using OTP Users who are having trouble signing in through the Pulse Secure VPN client or who are using a device that is not compatible with the VPN should sign in using the Workplace Proxy clientless connection.


What region is Texas in EPA?

EPA Region 6EPA Region 6 covers Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribal Nations.

How many regions are in the EPA?

ten regional officesEPA has ten regional offices across the country, each of which is responsible for several states and in some cases, territories or special environmental programs.

How does EPA work?

The EPA regulates the manufacturing, processing, distribution, and use of chemicals and other pollutants. Also, the EPA is charged with determining safe tolerance levels for chemicals and other pollutants in food, animal feed, and water. The EPA enforces its findings through fines, sanctions, and other procedures.

Which of the following states is regulated by Region 3?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency consists of ten regions in the continental United States and territories....Regions.RegionStates/ TerritoryRegion Region 3States/ Territory Delaware | Maryland | Pennsylvania | Virginia | District of Columbia | West Virginia9 more rows•Sep 15, 2020

Why does the EPA have regions?

In order to facilitate easier operations with local and state governments as well as with other federal agencies using the OMB plan, EPA chose to adopt the standard federal regions.

What are the two types of violations that can be reported to the EPA?

Common Violations Illegal disposal of hazardous waste. Export of hazardous waste without the permission of the receiving country. Illegal discharge of pollutants to a water of the United States.

What are 3 major responsibilities of the EPA?

The Environmental Protection Agency protects people and the environment from significant health risks, sponsors and conducts research, and develops and enforces environmental regulations.

What powers does the EPA have?

The laws remain in place today, though the EPA still bickers with various industries over their scope. EPA employees consult the most recent science about conventional air or water pollution, formulate rules to protect the public from those dangers, and turn them into law.

Why is EPA needed?

Since then, guided by a framework of national laws, the EPA has led national progress in improving air quality, cleaning up our waterways, reducing harmful pesticide exposures and industrial emissions, and providing support for states and communities to advance environmental health.

Is the Clean Air Act still in effect 2022?

It was repealed and replaced by what was called the Affordable Clean Energy rule under the Trump administration. Paxton said the decision was a “victory for energy independence.”

Where does the EPA get its money?

Each year federal agencies receive funding from Congress, known as budgetary resources . In FY 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had $35.36 Billion distributed among its 1 sub-components. Agencies spend available budgetary resources by making financial promises called obligations .

What authority does the EPA have?

United StatesUnited States Environmental Protection Agency / Jurisdiction

What is the structure of EPA?

The Environmental Protection Agency is managed by a full-time executive board consisting of a Director General and five directors. Our activities are organised into five offices (see below), with each director responsible for an office.

Where is the headquarters of the EPA?

Washington, D.C.United States Environmental Protection Agency / Headquarters

What are the three agencies working under the EPA in Georgia?

Federal & State ContactsEPA Regional Office.EPA Hotlines.Report Environmental Violations.Environmental Justice.Georgia Department of Natural ResourcesExit.Georgia Environmental Protection DivisionExit.Georgia Division of Public HealthExit.

What EPA Region is Alabama?

Region 4EPA's work in Alabama is managed from our Region 4 office in Atlanta.

What is the term for a concentration of a pollutant that is expected to produce an adverse effect?

A dose or concentration of a pollutant that, if exceeded, is expected to produce an adverse effect (called the benchmark response ) in one or more assessment endpoints, signifying a decline in water quality or human health.

What is SC in streams?

The specific conductivity ( SC) in streams in a region that occurs naturally and not as the result of human activity. Background may also be characterized as a population of minimally affected sites or low SC sites using a weight of evidence.

Does the EPA endorse products?

Disclaimer: Any mention of trade names, manufacturers, or products does not imply an endorsement by EPA. EPA and its employees do not endorse commercial products, services, or enterprises.

Workshop Overview

This four-day workshop is for program staff from EPA, states, tribes, and territories who want to learn more about surface water quality modeling and how these tools can be used to support their program activities.

Workshop Agenda

The workshop format includes a pre-workshop hands-on training (Monday, October 28 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm), morning plenary sessions, and four afternoon break-out session tracks (HSPF hands-on training track, WASP hands-on training track, model overview track, and model managers track).

Workshop Location and Registration Information

All workshop sessions will take place at the EPA Region 6 Office (Renaissance Tower, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, TX).

Hotel Reservation Information

The original block of rooms at Homewood Suites by Hilton (1025 Elm Street, Dallas, TX 75202) is now filled. Please note that this hotel will honor the revised per diem rate of $150/night. You can call the hotel at (214) 748-4000 to confirm the change to the rate in advance of the workshop.


For EPA/state/tribal/territory staff who are unable to travel to participate in the workshop, remote workshop access will be available. This applies only to the daily morning Plenary Sessions and the daily afternoon breakout sessions in the Model Managers track.


Compatibility and Availability


  • EPA’s Freshwater Explorer allows users to quickly access and visualize predicted background salt and mineral levels for approximately 2.65 million stream segments of a few kilometers each. Users can conduct geographical searches, access information about how maps and water quality values are estimated in Freshwater Explorer, and access datasets and published papers. The to…
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  • EPA’s Freshwater Explorer is most appropriate for assessments to see how measurements in watersheds differ from predicted background conductivity (a measure of salinity) and relationships among other water quality parameters, such as nutrients and land cover. It allows users to perform their own geographical searches and visualize calculated background and mea…
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U.S. EPA Freshwater Explorer Quick Guide

  1. EPA’s Freshwater Explorer works best when launched with Google Chrome. From the opening view, scroll past the opening title until a colorful map of the United States appears. Wait for it to load.
  2. Colors—Maps in Freshwater Explorer show predicted fresher water in blue, and more mineralized water in yellow.
  1. EPA’s Freshwater Explorer works best when launched with Google Chrome. From the opening view, scroll past the opening title until a colorful map of the United States appears. Wait for it to load.
  2. Colors—Maps in Freshwater Explorer show predicted fresher water in blue, and more mineralized water in yellow.
  3. Tabs allow you to explore pre-loaded searches or do your own deep dive. The first four tabs at the top are fixed views. It’s a good way to try the Explorer. Information about these views are in the...
  4. Data and metadata—Links are in the information at the top right “Data Access,” in pop boxes, or scroll down for the link list and disclaimer as shown here.

Background Information

  • What is Fresh Water? Fresh water is characterized by the concentration of dissolved mineral ions in the water, and is essential for drinking water, agriculture, industry, and aquatic life. Increases in minerals and ion levels sometimes indicate a source of pollution in freshwater systems. Higher levels of minerals in the water can cause harmful algal blooms and affect aquatic wildlife. Thes…
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Related Resources

  1. Olson, J.R. and Cormier, S.M. 2019. Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variation in Natural Background Specific Conductivity. Environmental Science & Technology.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06777.https://ww...
  2. Hill, R.A., Weber, M.H., Leibowitz, S.G., Olsen, A.R. and Thornbrugh, D.J., 2016. The Stream‐Catchment (StreamCat) Dataset: A database of watershed metrics for the contermin…
  1. Olson, J.R. and Cormier, S.M. 2019. Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variation in Natural Background Specific Conductivity. Environmental Science & Technology.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06777.https://ww...
  2. Hill, R.A., Weber, M.H., Leibowitz, S.G., Olsen, A.R. and Thornbrugh, D.J., 2016. The Stream‐Catchment (StreamCat) Dataset: A database of watershed metrics for the conterminous United States. JAWRA...

Relevant Citations

  • Hill, R.A., Weber, M.H., Leibowitz, M.H., Olsen, A.R., Thornbrugh, D.J., 2016. The Stream-Catchment (StreamCat) Dataset: A Database of Watershed Metrics for the Conterminous United States. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 52(1), 120-128. doi: McKay, L., Bondelid, T., Dewald, T., Johnston, J., Moor…
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Datasets and R-Code

  • Cormier, S.M., 2017. Data for Assessing Background Levels of Specific Conductivity Using Weight of Evidence 508 Compliant. (dataset). Cormier, S.M., 2017. Distribution Link for Data for: A Field-based Characterization of Conductivity in Areas of Minimal Alteration: A Case Example in the Cascades of Northwestern United States.…
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