Remote-access Guide

error: remote access to the netweaver administrator is forbidden

by Orville McKenzie I Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

1. When we login into NWA for the first time after successful installation we receive error “Error: Remote access to the NetWeaver Administrator is forbidden.” Go to this file and disable all the lines and restart the system will resolve this error.

Full Answer

Is remote access to the NetWeaver administrator allowed?

Error: Remote Access to the NetWeaver Administrator is forbidden. See SAP Note: 1451753 for details. As suggested above, solution is in SAP Note 1451753 Filtering administration requests for AS Java.

What are the common errors on the NetWeaver administrator page?

Other pages such like Netweaver Administrator and User Management show the following error: Error: Remote access to the NetWeaver Administrator is forbidden. See SAP Note 1451753 for details

Why SAP NetWeaver admistrator page don’t open?

These days after SAP NW 7.1 Java stack installation, one of the very common error is SAP Netweaver Admistrator page don’t open and it gives error with rules. Error: Remote Access to the NetWeaver Administrator is forbidden.

How to prevent access to administration URLs of the NetWeaver administrator?

With NW 7.1, SAP has come up with an option that allows to prevent access to administration URLs of the Netweaver Administrator in the Internet communication manager (ICM). The URLs for NWA have a unique prefix and can be filtered out in the ICM on a rule basis.


You are trying to access NWA from a remote location and you are getting " 403 forbidden " error as shown below:


In order to allow access to NWA from a remote location you have to modify the icm filter rules. Follow the procedure described below.


Only Start Page can be opened. Other pages such like Netweaver Administrator and User Management show the following error:


Remote access to the NetWeaver Administrator is forbidden, NWA, netweaver administrator, ICM, Internet Communication Manager, filter, icm/HTTP/mod_0 , KBA , BC-NWA-INC-UIF , UI Framework , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-JAS-ADM-ADM , Administration , Problem

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