Remote-access Guide

etc hosts.equiv allows remote access from some systems

by Krista Collier Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

On a system-wide basis the file /etc/hosts.equivserves the same purpose for all users, except the super-user. Such a file with the contents: remote_machine allows any user from remote_machine to remote connect to this machine without a password, as the same username on this machine. An /etc/hosts.equivfile with the contents:

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How to edit the hosts (etc) file in Windows?

How to edit the Hosts (etc/hosts) file in Windows. After you have opened the Hosts file, you can edit it, and add, change or remove entries, as you do in any other text file. Remember that all the entries that you add must use this format: IP address Hostname. Add a line like "" or "".

How do I manage remote Hyper-V hosts?

To manage remote Hyper-V hosts, enable remote management on both the local computer and remote host. On Windows Server, open Server Manager > Local Server > Remote management and then click Allow remote connections to this computer .

Where can I find the hosts file?

The Hosts files (or etc/hosts) is found in the following folder: "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" The location of the Hosts file, in Windows It is a file with no file extension, that can be opened and viewed in any text editor, including Notepad .

How to set up remote host as ASCII mode?

Remote host ASCII mode Use private key 4.8. Mosh settings Remote host Use SSH private key SSH port 4.9. Terminal settings Customize Customize Terminal font settings Backspace sends ^H Use Windows PATH Log terminal output to


What is ETC hosts equiv?

Description. The /etc/hosts. equiv file, along with any local $HOME/. rhosts files, defines the hosts (computers on a network) and user accounts that can invoke remote commands on a local host without supplying a password. A user or host that is not required to supply a password is considered trusted.

What is Rhosts authentication?

rhosts file is another way to allow trusted access between users' own accounts on different systems without using the /etc/hosts.

What are .rhosts files?

rhosts file is the user equivalent of the /etc/hosts. equiv file. It contains a list of host-user combinations, rather than hosts in general. If a host-user combination is listed in this file, the specified user is granted permission to log in remotely from the specified host without having to supply a password.

What is .rhosts file in Unix?

The $HOME/.rhosts file defines which remote hosts (computers on a network) can invoke certain commands on the local host without supplying a password. This file is a hidden file in the local user's home directory and must be owned by the local user.

What is Rhost in Metasploit?

RHOST refers to the IP address of the target host. And SRVHOST is where the module will connect to download additional payload elements. Finally, after you are done configuring, you can run the command exploit to start the exploit!

How do I find my Rhost?

How to Search for and Remove . rhosts FilesBecome superuser.Search for and remove . rhosts files by using the find(1) command. # find home-directories -name .rhosts -print -exec rm{} home-directories. Identifies the path to a directory where users' home directories are located.

Where is Rhosts file in AIX?

The /etc/hosts. equiv file and any local $HOME/. rhosts files define hosts and user accounts that can run remote commands on a local host without a password.

Why do people use the Hosts file?

Most casual computer users are not going to use the Hosts file unless they want to pull a prank on someone and use it to block their access to Google, Facebook or some other site, and make them think that it is down, and no longer working. The people using the Hosts file most frequently are web developers who create websites and web apps, which must be tested locally, before publishing them on the internet.

Why do IT professionals use hosts?

IT professionals also use the Hosts file to block access to specific sites and web resources, on the computers they are managing at work. For example, they can use it to block advertising in their business network, from specific ad networks.

What is the Hosts file in Windows?

The Hosts file (also referred to as etc/hosts) is a text file used by Windows (and other operating systems) to map IP addresses to host names or domain names. This file acts as a local DNS service, for your local computer, and it overrides the mappings from the DNS server that your computer is connected to, through the network.

Where is the Hosts file located in Windows?

The Hosts files (or etc/hosts) is found in the following folder: "C:WindowsSystem32driversetc"

How to edit host file?

First, and most important, is that you open Notepad (or your favorite text editor) with administrator permissions. One way to do that is to search for the word "notepad" in Windows 10, right-click (or tap and hold) the Notepad search result, and then click or tap "Run as administrator." In the UAC prompt that is shown, press Yes.

What is loopback address?

Unlike standard IP addresses, the loopback address is not associated with any hardware, and it is not physically connected to a network. This address is used by apps and services that are installed on your computer, to communicate with the localhost, meaning your computer. localhost redirect.

What is a host file?

The Hosts file (also referred to as etc/hosts) is a text file used by Windows (and other operating systems) to map IP addresses to host names or domain names. This file acts as a local DNS service, for your local computer, and it overrides the mappings from the DNS server that your computer is connected to, through the network. ...

What is the protocol used to control access to network resources?

RADIUS is protocol used for controlling access to network resources by authenticating, authorizing, and accounting for access, and is referred to as an AAA protocol. RADIUS is the unofficial industry standard for this type of access. It is more common today than ever before, being employed by ISPs, large corporations that need to manage access to the Internet, and also internal networks that operate across a large variety of access providing technologies such as modems, DSL, wireless and VPNs. To better understand what RADIUS does, let's try to understand each of its required functions as an AAA protocol.

What is rhosts file?

The rhosts file is one of the “remote authentication” databases for the rsh program. It specifies remote hosts and users that are considered trusted. Only trusted users logged on to a trusted remote host are allowed to access the local system. These users must have userids on the local system.

What is a remote authentication dial in user service?

The remote authentication dial in user service (RADIUS) protocol is a third-party authentication system. RADIUS is described in RFCs 2865 and 2866, and it uses the UDP ports 1812 (authentication) and 1813 (accounting). RADIUS formerly used the unofficially assigned ports of 1645 and 1646 for the same respective purposes, and some implementations continue to use those ports.

How does trust pass authentication requests?

How a specific trust passes authentication requests depends on how it is configured; trust relationships can be one way, providing access from the trusted domain to resources in the trusting domain, or two way, providing access from each domain to resources in the other domain . Trusts are also either nontransitive, in which case trust exists only between the two trust partner domains, or transitive, in which case trust automatically extends to any other domains that either of the partners trusts.

What is a taccs?

The Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) is a centralized access control system that requires users to send an ID and static (reusable) password for authentication. TACACS uses UDP port 49 (and may also use TCP). Reusable passwords have security vulnerability, but the improved TACACS + provides better password protection by allowing two-factor strong authentication.

Why would an attacker add a username to a rhost file?

If any rhost file on the system is vulnerable, an attacker could add a username to it so that they could break in again more easily.

What is authentication in NAS?

Authentication The server seeking access sends a request to NAS. The NAS then creates and sends a RADIUS Access Request to the RADIUS Server. This request acts as an authorization to grant access. Typically, a user name and password or some other means of establishing identity is requested for this process, which must then be provided by the user seeking access. The request will also contain other means of verification that the NAS collected, such as physical location of the user and/or the phone number or network address of the user.

What is a network file system?

In a UNIX platform, a Network File System is used to access transport and work directories over the network from a SAP system. To access work directories, the authentication process involves network addresses.

Is rlogin a SSH?

In a Unix system, rlogin is a remote shell client (like SSH), which is designed to be fast and small. It is not encrypted, which may have some small drawbacks in high security environments, but it can operate at very high speeds. Both the server and client do not use a lot of memory.

Can a root user access a shadow password file?

You can store the passwords in a shadow password file and only a root user can have access to this file to improve the security in a system.

How to allow remote connections to a server?

On Windows Server, open Server Manager > Local Server > Remote management and then click Allow remote connections to this computer.

How to connect to a server with Hyper V?

To connect to a Hyper-V host from Hyper-V Manager, right-click Hyper-V Manager in the left pane, and then click Connect to Server.

What is Hyper V Manager?

Hyper-V Manager lets you manage a small number of Hyper-V hosts, both remote and local. It's installed when you install the Hyper-V Management Tools, which you can do either through a full Hyper-V installation or a tools-only installation. Doing a tools-only installation means you can use the tools on computers that don't meet the hardware requirements to host Hyper-V. For details about hardware for Hyper-V hosts, see System requirements.

How to check if Hyper-V is installed?

To check that Hyper-V platform is installed, look for the Virtual Machine Management service. / (Open the Services desktop app: click Start, click the Start Search box, type services.msc, and then press Enter.

Can you manage a Hyper V host?

For details about the support status of a particular operating system version, use the Search product lifecycle button on the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy page. In general, older versions of Hyper-V Manager can only manage a Hyper-V host running the same version or the comparable Windows Server version.


Specifies remote users that can use a local user account on a network.


The $HOME/.rhosts file defines which remote hosts (computers on a network) can invoke certain commands on the local host without supplying a password. This file is a hidden file in the local user's home directory and must be owned by the local user.


To allow remote users to log in to a local-user account, enter: hamlet dewey hamlet irving These entries in the local user's $HOME/.rhosts file allow users dewey and irving at remote host hamlet to log in as the local user on the local host.

Which protocol authenticates the client to the server and runs over the transport layer?

User Authentication Protocol: This protocol authenticates the client to the server and runs over the transport layer.

What is SSH in IETF?

IETF RFCs 4251 through 4256 define SSH as the “Secure Shell Protocol for remote login and other secure network services over an insecure network.” The shell consists of three main elements (see Figure 3 ):

What is SSH for?

You typically use SSH to allow users to log in to a remote host and execute commands. However, SSH also supports tunneling and X11 connections. It can even transfer files using SFTP or SCP. SSH is applicable for numerous applications within most common platforms, including Linux, UNIX, Windows, and Apple® OS X, although some applications may require features that are only available or compatible with specific SSH clients or servers.

What is the connection layer?

The connection layer defines channels, global requests, and the channel requests through which SSH services are provided. A single SSH connection can host multiple channels concurrently, each transferring data in both directions. Channel requests relay information such as the exit code of a server-side process. The SSH client initiates a request to forward a server-side port.

What is SSH encryption?

Secure Shell (SSH) was intended and designed to afford the greatest protection when remotely accessing another host over the network. It encrypts the network exchange by providing better authentication facilities as well as features such as Secure Copy (SCP), Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), X session forwarding, and port forwarding to increase the security of other insecure protocols. Various types of encryption are available, ranging from 512-bit encryption to as high as 32768 bits, inclusive of ciphers, like Blowfish, Triple DES, CAST-128, Advanced Encryption Scheme (AES), and ARCFOUR. Higher-bit encryption configurations come at a cost of greater network bandwidth use. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show how easily a telnet session can be casually viewed by anyone on the network using a network-sniffing application such as Wireshark.

What is transport layer protocol?

Transport Layer Protocol: This protocol accommodates server authentication, privacy, and integrity with perfect forward privacy. This layer can provide optional compression and is run over a TCP/IP connection but can also be used on top of any other dependable data stream.

Can you enable or disable SSH?

SSH supports numerous, diverse methods and techniques for authentication that you can enable or disable. Within the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, you make these configurations changes by entering the keyword listed for the authentication method followed by yes or no. Here are some of the common configuration changes:

How to export a session?

You can export your sessions by right-clicking on a sessions folder and choose "Export sessions from this folder". This will export your sessions to a file. You can then import these sessions to another computer using right-click on the sessions folder and choose "Import sessions into this folder".

Does X11 listen to all network interfaces?

However, the embedded X11 server listens on all network interfaces, not only the one which is written in. It does not matter which IP address you see in the "DISPLAY" variable: as MobaXterm X server listens on all your network interfaces, it also listens on the 2nd, 3rd, (...) network interfaces.

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