Remote-access Guide

ethical issues of webcams with remote access

by Layne Tremblay DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What are the ethical issues with remote work?

One potential ethical problem with a remote workforce is that remote workers may be “unfairly considered ‘out of sight, out of mind.'” In this sense, ethical monitoring practices are doubly responsible, as they prevent remote workers from being neglected or forgotten.

Should I be worried if someone remotely accesses my camera?

While you need not panic, yes, you should be a little worried, as it’s not unheard of for someone to remotely access your camera without your knowledge or consent, with several examples in the news (see here, here, here, here, and here ). Creepy.

Why is ethical monitoring important for remote workers?

In this sense, ethical monitoring practices are doubly responsible, as they prevent remote workers from being neglected or forgotten. As Teramind chief technology officer Isaac Cohen writes, “employee monitoring is just as important in the office as out of the office.”

Are remote workers unfairly targeted for monitoring?

While remote workforce monitoring can serve important ends, the ethical employer should seek to ensure that remote workers are not unfairly targeted for monitoring to which onsite workers are not subjected.


What are some ethical challenges of having a remote workforce?

The Ethics of Remote WorkProductivity. Employers not used to virtual work environments may be concerned about their remote employees' productivity. ... Wellness. Working from home has unique benefits and challenges, and your employees may still need some time to adjust. ... Fraud. ... Confidentiality.

Is it morally permissible for employers to remotely monitor their employees?

Remote work surveillance has the potential to be unethical. But the right methods, deployed with a balance between employee trust and privacy and getting the benefits of monitoring, mean it doesn't have to be an intrusive practice.

Can my employer see me through the camera on my laptop Reddit?

Turns out that if you are using any work machinery they can access everything. The camera, microphone, what is on the screen, etc., without having to tell you. And of you agree to install any software on your own computer, they might legally be allowed to use your camera at any time without having to let you know.

What are implications of monitoring software?

Monitoring workplace computers can secure data stored on computer systems, as well as ensure employees are using workplace computers for business purposes. Some monitoring software comes highly recommended at a reasonable cost and can be customized to an organization's needs.

Can an employer watch you on camera from home?

An employer can monitor their CCTV cameras from anywhere, but they must adhere to data protection law in doing so. For instance, they must tell employees why they are using cameras, and think about whether there are alternatives that would bring the same results without that level of monitoring.

Why is monitoring employees unethical?

Monitoring employees can have benefits, but it can also decimate employee morale and, paradoxically, weaken ethical behavior. Research suggests that when companies monitor an employee's every move, they signal distrust, which can lead to employee disengagement.

Can my boss listen to me through my computer?

Your employer does not have the right to “bug" your home, eavesdrop, or spy on you through a work computer or work phone. You have federal rights to privacy through the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), and your work must legally ask for your consent to monitor your work calls or computer use while working.

Can my employer see my browsing history when I'm not on their network?

You want to know if your employer can see what you are doing when you are not using company devices and not connected to the company wifi? No. They cannot see what you are doing.

Can someone see you through your laptop camera?

Whether this has happened to you or someone you know, in this era of video chatting and social media live streaming, your computer's webcam can never be more relevant. But, just like any other tech devices, webcams are prone to hacking, which can lead to a serious, unprecedented privacy breach.

What are some of the downsides to electronic monitoring of employees?

Employee Monitoring: Cons Here are a few: Employees may feel their privacy has been devalued or violated. It may be difficult to retain employees if monitoring seems intrusive. Monitoring can signal a lack of trust, which can breed resentment and reduce employee morale and productivity.

Can a company use cameras to spy on employees?

CCTV surveillance cameras can be deployed on a business' premises, but only for legitimate, justifiable purposes. Certain rights, such as the right to access footage in which they appear, are granted by law to all employees.

Is monitoring of web surfing by managers ethical?

It is legal to track and examine your employees' internet usage for Web and email infractions however, the ethics of this practice may be in the 'eye of the beholder. ' If you decide that it is necessary to monitor Internet usage, make sure it is with the full knowledge of your employees.

Do you think an employer has the right to monitor an employees computer?

If employees are working on company-provided equipment, they agree that these devices will be used primarily for business purposes. In this instance, the employer has the right to monitor communications on the company-owned devices -- but not without following some ground rules.

Should it be legal for employers to monitor their employees off duty conduct support your stance with legal research?

Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), it is illegal for an employer to monitor or conduct any surveillance of employee union activities, including off-the-job meetings or gatherings.

Is employee monitoring legal?

In the US, monitoring worker activities during office hours is completely legal. Most state and federal laws have provisions for employers to perform surveillance on anything that happens on company-owned devices. Moreover, businesses have the right to monitor employee activity within their networks.

Should employers monitor employees?

Federal workplace privacy and employee monitoring laws The ECPA allows business owners to monitor all employee verbal and written communication as long as the company can present a legitimate business reason for doing so. It also allows for additional monitoring if the employee gives consent.


Methods and devices for remote surveys and monitoring of animals are becoming increasingly popular and effective. Technological advances are opening a new world of studying movements, monitoring and conserving animal biodiversity.

Materials and Methods

We remotely collected data on winter foraging flocks of Alpine Choughs at high altitude ski resorts by using Panomax webcams (Landesstraße, Henndorf, Austria, ). Panomax has 368 public webcams in 16 countries all around in the world, 70 of which are located in the European Alps.


The results of the present study, obtained from the analyses of about 13,500 webcam pictures, identified some potential drivers of winter flocking behaviour of the Alpine Chough at ski resorts.


In this pilot study, we tested the effectiveness of preinstalled webcams as a remote tool for eco-ethological research. We studied the effect of the presence of winter tourists and weather conditions on the flocking behaviour of a middle size corvid, the Alpine Chough ( Pyrrhocorax graculus) and used the results as a proof of concept.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Ethics Statement

Ethical review and approval was not required for the animal study because the study is based on pictures taken by already installed webcams and did not rely on any direct manipulations of the animals.

Author Contributions

CV and AD conceived the ideas and designed the methodology. CV collected the data and NGY analysed the data. CV, NGY, AR and AD led the writing of the manuscript, contributed critically to the drafts and all authors gave final approval for publication.

Why is remote workforce monitoring important?

Remote workforce monitoring is a complex and delicate issue. Implementing ethical remote workforce monitoring measures is a balancing act that must take into account questions of privacy, legality, consent, and fairness. On the other side of the equation, monitoring of this sort may be important not only for business reasons ...

When the law doesn't forbid a given form of monitoring, does consent govern the ethics of that practice?

When the law doesn’t forbid a given form of monitoring, consent largely governs the ethics of that practice. “Gaining your employee’s consent before undertaking monitoring activities” is an ethical imperative and must be done whether or not the monitoring technique could reasonably represent a breach of privacy. 3.

What is ethical employer?

Ethical employers must ensure that workers are capable of effectively performing their jobs remotely and that the jobs themselves are conducive to remote work, before allowing a worker to telecommute or hiring a worker for a remote position.

What is the most important aspect of creating an ethical workplace?

The most important aspect of creating an ethical workplace is promoting a “culture of accountability.” This can be done in a variety of ways, but in the context of a remote workforce, monitoring can be one important element.

What is remotedesk monitoring?

Remotedesk brings visibility and control within the organization. It ensures conduct and integrity by making sure that only authorized agents to gain access to critical data. It is a fully automated solution that mitigates risk and has utility for the healthcare, government, technology, retail, education, financial services, and other sectors.

Is remote working a prerequisite for organizations?

Future projections for remote working are very promising and with an ever-increasing demand for remote jobs, telecommuting will become a prerequisite for organizations. Ethical practices, in conjunction with a capable monitoring tool, can ensure that all segments of the remote workforce are held accountable and managed effectively.

Can remote workers be monitored?

Employers that employ remote workers often need to implement some form of remote workforce monitoring, principally for some combination of “maintaining data security levels and assessing employee productivity .” However, some forms of remote monitoring can invade the privacy of workers. These may include the installation of keylogging software on the remote worker’s computer, or installing remote access software on the computer and instituting random check-ins.

How often does Interguard take screenshots?

Another system, InterGuard, takes pictures as often as every five seconds, all because bosses in the office-free world increasingly desire evidence — including screenshots, login times, and keystrokes — to ensure that their workforces are productive.

Do you have to sign in to post a comment?

You must sign in to post a comment.

Is it legal to scrutinize employees?

This may sound like an Orwellian Big Brother arrangement, but it is in fact legal for organizations to scrutinize their workforces in this way, as long as they disclose that they’re doing it. Managers claim that these measures provide a valuable library of information to help them understand and improve organizational productivity.

What should I do if my laptop has a built in webcam?

If your laptop or desktop has a built-in webcam, be sure to have good computer security software installed (which you should have anyway, of course). A strong security suite includes antivirus, anti-spyware, a firewall, and other tools to keep the bad guys from getting in.

How to prevent outsiders from accessing my wifi?

Be sure your wireless network has strong security settings and a good password – not the default one that came with the router -- to prevent outsiders from accessing your Wi-Fi network without your consent. Resist using free, unsecured public Wi-Fi hotspots in cafés, hotels, and airports (instead, turn your phone into a personal hotspot).

Can a technician take control of my computer?

Don’t let a technician take control over your computer unless you fully trust the source. Another tip is to go to the webcam’s Settings/Options and enable some form of a notification when it’s being used, such as a small light that turns on near the webcam or a sound alert – if it doesn’t do it by default.

Can someone remotely access my camera without my knowledge?

While you need not panic, yes, you should be a little worried, as it’s not unheard of for someone to remotely access your camera without your knowledge or consent, with several examples in the news (see here, here, here, here, and here ). Creepy.

Can you click on attachments on a webcam?

Don’t click on attachments or any suspicious links in an email, text, or social media message. A couple of web browsers will notify you if your webcam is being activated and you may be prompted to agree to turn it on.

How long are Dahua cameras vulnerable?

The discovery of the two flaws came on June 13, 2021, so some Dahua cameras remained vulnerable to unauthenticated access for at least 2.5 months, even for owners who applied the firmware update as soon as it came out.

What is the CVE-2021-33045?

The authentication bypass flaws are tracked as CVE-2021-33044 and CVE-2021-33045, and are both remotely exploitable during the login process by sending specially crafted data packets to the target device.

Is Dahua Technology banned?

Dahua Technology is banned from doing business and selling products in the United States, as the Chinese surveillance camera vendor was added onto the U.S. Department of Commerce’s ‘Entity List’ back in October 2019 .

Webcam Hacking

Webcams are a significant privacy worry, especially since they're built into so many of the gadgets we use daily, such as your phone, tablet, or laptop.

Cover Your Webcam

This is a step I strictly follow personally, especially with my laptop.

Keep an Eye out for Phishing Traps

People who pretend to be support agents will frequently contact you to assist you with issues they say have been reported on your devices. This is a method for gaining access to your devices and installing remote-access webcam software that allows them to operate your webcam.

Use Strong Passwords

Many internet accounts are hacked and hijacked due to users using simple passwords that are easy to remember or guess, making it easy for others to gain access. Using strong passwords to safeguard your account is one approach to avoid being worried about getting hacked.

Use an Antivirus or Antimalware

Hackers may hijack your computer or device with malware or viruses to steal your passwords and gain access to your account. Hackers can carry out this attack using phishing or USB drive downloads. Use antivirus or antimalware software to avoid this problem.

Use a VPN and a Firewall

Install a Firewall on your home or workplace network to analyze all incoming traffic and prohibit any harmful information from accessing your network. To secure your network from hackers, you can employ an IPS (Intrusion Prevention System). To avoid being hacked, it's critical to secure your internet connection.

Why do employers use surveillance apps?

To ensure employees do what they’re supposed to, some employers have begun using surveillance apps and programs to monitor worker productivity.

What is the business use exception?

First, there is the business use exception, which allows employers to monitor the oral and electronic communication of employees as long as the employer has a legitimate business reason for doing so. Second, there is the consent exception. Employers may monitor their employees’ communication if they obtain the consent of the employee.

What is attorney client privilege?

There’s also attorney client privilege, which may protect an employee’s communication even if it takes place on the employer’s laptop or during work hours. How this privilege applies will be specific to the facts and jurisdiction, but the overarching principle will be an expectation of privacy.

Which federal law covers employment monitoring?

The main federal law that potentially covers employment monitoring is the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA).

Does the SCA protect the privacy of stored information?

Third, for the most part, the SCA does not protect the privacy of stored information if the information exists on the employer’s own servers or equipment. Fourth, the ECPA is silent as to many forms of employment monitoring, such as keystroke logging.

Can my employer monitor my internet connection?

As a general rule, when using your employer’s equipment while on your employer’s network, your employer will have the right to monitor what you do. If you’re on your own device and using your own Internet connection, it’s less likely to be legal if your employer monitors you, although it still is often perfectly legal.

Does ECPA prevent employer monitoring?

At first glance, it appears as if the ECPA would prevent some forms of employer monitoring, but the ECPA has some notable exceptions and caveats as they apply to the employment context.

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